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Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Another near disaster averted

As promised, our latest near disaster!
I'm beginning to wonder each time we take a trip, "what's going to happen on this one!"
Out of our first 5 trips, 3 have had near disasters, and this one was no different. We left Toledo Monday morning, got just over the border of Michigan, and I said to Craig, "Let's get an Egg Mc Muffin". So we pulled off the highway and there was a McDonald's in front of a truck stop. There was not enough room in the parking lot for us, so I pulled into the truck stop and drove all the way around it and parked near the exit drive. Went in, got our food, and walking back to the mo-ho, noticed the rear tire on the drivers side looked funny. As I got closer, I realized the 2 nuts that hold the cover on the wheel were gone, and the cover was barely hanging on because we had value stem extenders put on and they attach to the cover. If not for them, the wheel cover would be gone.

Can you imagine this big sucker coming off on the highway? It could have caused some serious damage had it hit someone.
So I got out the tools and disconnected the valve extenders from the wheel and put the wheel in side the mo-ho. Then to keep the valve extenders from flapping all over, I duck taped them together.

So I had to order 2 new nuts from our dealer, and they should arrive today or tomorrow and I can put it back on. I checked the rest, and they all seem snug. I don't know how these 2 came off. The last time the cover was off was 4 years ago when we had the valve extenders added.

I wonder what's going to happen the next trip!

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Maumee bay and Toledo

And good morning! Now that I'm all rested from out trip, here's the pics. First up, me and our campsite all decked out for the 4th.

Craig relaxing.

An Elvis statue for sale at the Erie Street Market I mentioned in yesterday's post.

Here's Dean blowing out the candles on his birthday cake, and no he's not 5. I couldn't fit all the candles needed, so I put one for each decade. And although he's was to be only 49, that's closer to fifty, so 5 candles.
Now this was a time lapsed pic and it's blurry because I didn't have a camera stand, but I wanted to show how the red, white, and blue rope light lit up the flags at night. Pretty nifty, huh?
Here we are at the river across from down town.
On Sunday, Dean fixed a delicious breakfast, and later we went down to the beach to soak up the wonderful weather, and of course, people watch. That afternoon, we went to the famous
Tony Packo's for dinner. Here's Craig pointing out Jamie Fox's bun. The walls are covered with autographed hot dog buns. It was interesting to see all the people who've eaten here.

And here we are ready to dive into dinner. It was great!

And then it was back to the campground.

Then yesterday morning, we packed up to come back to Lansing, while Tom and Dean left for Holly, MI to visit family. And of course, no trip would be complete with out a near disaster! But I'll post that and pics tomorrow.

Monday, July 06, 2009

Maumee Bay State Park

(The following post was actually written on Sunday morning on my lap top, and with no wi-fi in the park, posted today, Monday, when I got home)
Good morning from Maumee Bay State Park. The weather, although below normal temps, has been great! At least no rain! We're spending the holiday weekend with our friends from Wisconsin, Tom and Dean. This is their first trip to Maumee Bay, and Toledo, so we showed them around.
On our Friday arrival, while we set up our site with extensive holiday decorations, (we had the best in the park!) Tom prepared us a delicious dinner. Chicken breasts topped with a Honey Mustard Sauce, Bacon, Cheese and I'm not sure what else, but it was yummy! Followed by a desert which was a type of homemade pastry filled with Cinnamon and brown sugar, topped with a tasty sauce. I'm feeling fatter just writing this! On Saturday, we hauled them to the Toledo Farmers Market to get veggies to go with the meal I was planning for later that day. While at the market, we also did the Erie Street Market, which consists of mainly antiques. There was also a Libby Factory Outlet which I especially enjoyed, as we got some nice new glasses. Then it was downtown to the Toledo, Red White, and Kaboom! Festival, which included the Taste of Toledo, so lots of food, drinks, live music, and people watching down town on the river. And then later, back to the campground.
While we let Tom and Dean rest a bit before dinner, Craig and I took advantage of the parks extensive bike trails. Maumee bay is a very large Park and the campground is a couple of miles from the beach. But the bike trails go through fields, woods and to the beach. And also on the beach, Maumee Bay has a full service hotel. And needing a break before biking back, we stop in to the bar for refreshments. Then back to the campground to start dinner. For dinner I grilled seasoned Pork Tenderloins and marinated Fingerling Potatoes, and served with Craig's home made Freezer Slaw. Then it was movie time with Bab Bam and Celeste. A very funny movie. During the movie I surprised Dean with and early birthday cake. A Graham Cracker Pudding Cake. His birthday is actually the 8th. After the movie was camp fire time with drinks and conversation. It was a very enjoyable day!
And the rest of the trip tomorrow!

Saturday, July 04, 2009

Happy 4th

Craig and I hope all our friends and readers are having a great Holiday! We sure are!

Thursday, July 02, 2009

funny friday and such

It has been one cold wet week! Reaching highs of only 60's. But the weekend is looking good. Work has been busy. When you own a business, there's a lot more work than just taking care of customers. Like yesterday, I went in and had 2 deliveries. One salon supplies and another a case of suckers from Spangler Candy. We have a bowl of suckers on the front counter, and I swear, men eat more of them than anyone! And everyone likes the Saftpops with vanilla swirls. And the only place I can get them is direct from the company. So I put away the suckers, unpacked the salon supplies, marked the retail items and put them away. Changed the air filter on the furnace/air conditioner, and replaced some light bulbs. All before starting my first customer.
Then during a break, I ran to Gordons for more salon supplies, such as toilet paper, paper towels for the restrooms, and garbage bags and plastic gloves. So besides doing hair all day, I have to keep the Salon running smoothly. Then it's all the yard work at home and house work, and you see why we so enjoy our mo-ho trips. We're away and don't have to think or do anything! And thank God for Craig, he does all the bookkeeping for the Salon, and does all the bills for the salon and home.
So now, on to our ff......

Florida's version of a Biker Bar....

Have a great Holiday weekend!