
Day Twelve

Day Twelve: How you found blogger and why you have one.

This is the Smith family. At the very beginning of my blogging expedition, I was dating/waiting for Jourdan (the blonde one on the right). His mother, April, and her side of the family all had blogs. I found this very interesting. I life that it kept their family connected, even if they live very far from each other. I adore April, and I completely look up to her to this day. She is a woman any girl could aspire to be. This said, I started my own blog to be like her. 

Why do I continue to blog? Well, for similar reasons: it is a way for my family to keep up with Craig and I. There is another underlying reason, though. I like to write. I think writing makes your mind be creative. I love forming sentences and making something sound interesting, even when it sometimes isn't. 

Thanks for continuing to read my blog (if you do....). I will continue to write as long as I can. 


Day Eleven

Day Eleven: Another picture of you and your friends.

These pictures are from our wedding party. I love my friends and family!

Day Ten

Day Ten: Songs you listen to when you are happy, sad, bored, hyped, and mad.

Happy Song: Anything Disney will ALWAYS lift my spirits (I'm corny that way.) 

Sad Song: I don't know what it is about this song, but whenever I am sad and just want to cry to get over being sad (I'm sure you know what I'm talking about) I listen to Imogen Heap's song "Hide and Seek."

Bored Song: When I'm most bored, I listen to Natalie Dessay and day dream about how much I want to sound like her. I love this aria! It's one of my favorites.

Hyped Song: Though I'm not sure what clarifies as "hyped," but I know when I am hyper I tend to listen to crazy Disney Channel things such as High School Musical and Hannah Montana. It must be the Oakcrest Counselor in me!

Mad Song: Well, this definitely changes with what is making me mad, but for the most part I just jam to something that will make me less angry. Number One Fan's "It's Happening" tends to do the trick.

I love music. It's amazing how a song, something so simple, can change my mood in any number of directions.   


What The Philosophy of Life Should Be...

Tell someone you love them.
Give your loved ones extra kisses.
Take pictures of everything.
Don't ever dismiss a kind thought.
Do something nice for someone just because.
Spend an extra hour with your little one(s) doing what they want to do...
because the dishes can wait.
Help a friend. With whatever is needed.
Listen harder.
Be a shoulder to cry on when needed.
Eat the chocolate.

(Thanks Heidi.)

Day Nine

I know, I know. I have been absolutely horrible at the 30 Day Blog Challenge. Forgive me, please? I'll do my best to continue.

Now, we were on Day Nine: Something you're proud of in the past few days.

This past Sunday evening, I had the AMAZING opportunity to sing in an LDS Fireside out at the Oquirrh Facility in the Utah State Prison. It was unbelievable. Oquirrh is an all men's facility. Testifying and singing to these men was one of the most humbling, and definitely rewarding, things I have ever done in my life. I know for a fact, more than I ever thought I did, that God loves EVERYONE. No matter what choices you have made in your life, you can ALWAYS go to Him. I am incredibly grateful that I know this. 
After the program, each of the inmates came to us and shook our hands. An older gentleman, with the biggest smile on his face, shook my hand and said, "Touched by an angel." I am proud that I can be in a position to be an example, even an angel, to someone. 


New Listen

Campfire OK is truly a great find! (Good Job Rob!) Take a listen!

Be sure to check out there website: http://campfireok.com/


Christmas Miracle

This guy is no longer in Iraq, and that is a Christmas Miracle. I love my baby brother!!


New Year, Fresh Start

Isn't strange that everyone makes such big goals for themselves when the new year rolls around and most don't hold to those goals past the month of January? 

Something is wrong with us (myself included). Why don't we hold to these brilliant goals we make each year? I will tell you what I've discovered in myself as to why.

Each person wants to be better. "Goals reflect the desires of our hearts and our vision of what we can accomplish" (Preach My Gospel, 146). Desire is a really important step in goal setting, but I don't think it is the most important. I know when I set a goal, it is usually something that will improve me-spiritually, physically, with relationships. These goals have good intent. That is NOT enough. You have to be able to set a goal that is reachable. We must be specific and realistic. Yes, we need to step out of comfortable zone just a bit to really "improve" ourselves, but we need to realize that sometimes we need to start small. We someone says, "I want to lose weight this year," they aren't be specific nor are they starting small. The best goal with the example of losing weight is, "I am going to lose 5 pounds by the end of February by jogging everyday and cutting back on Dr Pepper." Very specific, and very obtainable. I have always set such big goals for myself, but I also always forget to start out small to reach those big goals. "Keep it simple, Stupid."

Along with making small goals, there is a poem I read on my dear friend Heather's blog that really inspired me. I am always making goals to be different and change myself. What really needs to happen for me is realizing how I already am, a Daughter of God, and improving that rather than add something or change something about me. Yes, exceptions may apply such as "Don't get so upset when your husband is playing video games," but things like that just help your true potential to shine. God intended to make you just how you are. You don't need to change. Maximize yourself by becoming healthy, physically and spiritually, but don't worry about what others think. LOVE YOURSELF. 

Here is the poem that Heather so kindly posted. I love it, and like her, I plan on using it to my advantage to make 2011 a fresh start. 


Down in a field, one day in June,
    The flowers all bloomed together
Save one, who tried to hide herself,
    And drooped, that pleasant weather.

A robin who had flown too high
    And felt a little lazy,
Was resting near this buttercup
    Who wished she were a daisy.

The daisies grow so trig and tall!
    She always had a passion
For wearing frills around her neck,
    In just the daisies' fashion.

And buttercups must always be
    The same old tiresome color,
While daisies dress in gold and white,
    Although their gold is duller.

"Dear robin," said this sad young flower,
    "Perhaps you'd not mind trying
To find a nice white frill for me
    Some day, when you are flying?"

"You silly thing!" the robin said,
    "I think you must be crazy.
I'd rather be my honest self
    Than any made-up daisy."

"You're nicer in your own bright gown;
    The little children love you;
Be the best buttercup you can,
    And think no flower above you."

"Though swallows leave me out of sight,
    We'd better keep our places.
Perhaps the world would all go wrong
    With one too many daisies."

"Look bravely up into the sky,
    And be content with knowing
That God wished for a buttercup
    Just here, where you are growing."

-Sarah Orne Jewett