NyIzd lil heroes

Need to freshen up this blog

Posted by: NyIzd

lamanyaaa tak blog...


my sick lil hero

Posted by: NyIzd

Since last Thursday,Bakhtiar tak sihat
Tak berapa nak makan..minum susu pun tak abis...why??cos he's teething...

This is something i never prepare cos Darwish takde problem wen he was teething..

I(who teaches about children) forget dat each child is different..honestly i forget..i was being so confident that it wont be much of a problem..

He is now on antibiotic cos jus in case its an infection..he's on regular panadol..tak fever sgt dah but i bet its helping wif the cutting of new teeth on his gum...

So its been a while since i saw him smile and laugh...hope will be soon..tadi petang dah bawak gi jumpa a folk heAler..hopefully air "tawari" will help in a way..

has also starting him on multivit drops and vit C infant syrup.he's not taking much food thou he has alwez been a lil hero wif such a big appetite...

praying dat he be better by end of dis week..

Moga anak mama sihat secepat mungkin.


Note : he doesnt want the teething toys,pacifier nor biscuit...will try to give him lollies or frozen jelly for him to gnaw on..

macam best

Posted by: NyIzd

korang pernah pakai tumblr tak?
ni mcm blog jua kan..
nak try laaa

korang ada?i nak follow

hi-tech lil heroes

Posted by: NyIzd

My 2 lil heroes really live gadgets around d house
belikan mainan,they jus play it for few mins.
tapi wen they have gadget and their babah's toys,they will jus be engrossed with it.

darwish mmg dah tersgt expert ngan iphone and samsung tab tu
kalau kitorang balik keja,gerenti selagi dier x tido,d phones will be his.

c bakhtiar love to play wif his babah's RC car and also loves to watch barney on d iphone.
so gaduh la ngan abg darwish..
sal darwish wanna watch mickeymouse...
for now bakhtiar terpaksa mengalah..
tapi xtau esok lusa..


nangis woooo

Posted by: NyIzd

Ceta yang dah lama ku tunggu
akhirnya its out today
book online show 4.55pm
balik keja,rush ambil darwish from school
then secepat mungkin gi counter to get the booked tickets

woo..mmg tak rugi lah tgk NurKasih
full loaded wif good values,bonding and emotions
jalan cerita is still d same with d drama series..
mmg really strong impact la especially to the drama lovers

my hubby love it too though he hasnt really watch d drama
he,like myself,rated the movie as a 9/10

mmg nangis tak abis2 la dari awal ceta sampai ke akhir..so get ready a hand towel..tissue sekeping 2 keping gerenti tak cukup..

so ladies out there..go n watch it..berbaloi baloi...