

Im going to share with the world what kind of person I really am, you know how there are people that are OCD about having a clean house, car they drive, house they live in, etc etc. WELL im ocd or you could call me a hypochondriac about my health, and my kids health, its weird really weird, I do not and will not take a prescription of any kind that I havent already had as a kid, this includes shots,  why you you ask? because
im afaird I will have some sort of allergic reaction to the medication. this
 obsession started when I first starting working in the healthcare business, you see all sorts of crazy things happen that you would never in your right mind even think about. when my kids get fevers it freaks me out and I rush them to the Dr. like they have some kind of disease, if I get sick with a cold more then one time I think I have cancer, see I told you it was bad, I know ALOT of it is in my mind, the mind can play serious tricks on us, so now that im a stay at home mom and have been for 3 yrs im starting to get better about being a hypochondriac, and maybe im like this because one of my fears is dying and leaving my kids and husband behind...with this said I have gallstones and im going to try everything in my power to get rid of them the natural way with out surgery... do you think I have anxiety about this issue? if you anwered YES then you are right.


I love this boy more then life itself,  his daddy is his hero, he is all boy, he loves his big sissy as well, I think he like me as well. he is so cute I could squeeze him all day long. I can not believe he is going to be 2 in 2 months.


Saige is sooooooo funny, I love this girl, she went up to Zach the other night just like this and said " Dad, use your imagination." it was so funny.

Saige dressed Zach up in one of my skirts and her tu'tu. she had so much fun.

I can not believe she is going to be in kindergarten, it makes me sick, she is so excited and can hardly wait. I love the young girl that she is turning into, she always calls Ryden "buddy" it is the cutest thing, she is such a mother hen to us all. I couldn't of hand picked a better girl then her.


We went to Fishlake for the 24th of July, the kids had a blast, it was so nice to get out of this 113 degree weather and into 75 degree weather.

Saige reeling(sp?) in her fish she caught
The Fish!

Ryden watching all the excitement.

Saige went canooing and caught this water snake, she brought it back to scare me to death. I do not like snakes.

Ryden finally held the snake after about 10 min

Ryden throwing rocks, his favorite thing to do.

Zach and the kids in the boat.

Family picture, dont mind me, I look lets just say disgusting...