دخترک چهار ساله کوچولو رو بردم پارک که بازی کنه... وقتی داشت از قسمت سرسره بالا می رفت... دوتا پسر هفت-هشت ساله یکی بلوند و چشم آبی و یکی هم مو سیاه و چشم بادومی... دویدند دنبالش تا مثل بقیه بچه های دیگه ای که می ترسوندند... با چوبشون از دختر کوچولو هم زهر چشم بگیرند! دیدم دختر کوچولو ترسید و رفت یک گوشه و بغض کرد و گریه... که چرا دوتا پسرها با چوب و سر و صدا دنبالش دویدند! بغلش کردم و بوسش کردم و گفتم... دختر جون منهم ترسیدم از اینهمه داد و صدای این دوتا بچه... و با این چوب دویدنشون هم خیلی خطرناکه... چند تا راه داره که هر کدوم رو خواستی می تونی امتحان کنی... بری بهشون بگی کارشون خطرناک و اشتباه هست ... می تونی بری حالتهای دفاعی که تو تکواندو یاد گرفتی انجام بدی و داد دفاعی بکشی... می تونی بری اونور بازی کنی و یا اینکه صبر کنی تا اونها بروند یک سمت دیگه و تو بری سوار سرسره بشی... خلاصه هرکاری بخوای بکنی...من کنارت میام و می تونی دستم رو هم بگیری... همزمان هم چشم می انداختم تا پدر و مادر دو تا بچه رو پیدا کنم که آخر هم معلوم نشد دو تا وروجک با کی پارک اومده بودند! اگر پدر و مادر این دوتا پسر بچه این رفتار رو نکرده باشند که دو تا بچه... از کجا می خوان یاد بگیرند و با چوب دنبال بچه های دیگه بیافتند!
بچه تربیت کردن کار سختیه و هر روز باید انرژی و جون و وقت گذاشت!
Sunday, April 30, 2006
یادداشتی بر بیانیه ی "در حمایت از حقوق همجنسگرایان و مقابله با هموفوبیا و پدوفیلی" از هایده ترابی (که با بعضی از مواردی که ذکر کرده موافقم)
"همجنسگرایان می توانند سهم بسزایی در راه بهبود جامعه ی بشری در کلیهی عرصه های حیات بشری بر عهده گیرند." این کار را همه ی انسانها می توانند بکنند، همانگونه که همه ی انسانها می توانند در مسیر نابودی جامعه بشری حرکت کنند. یعنی همه ی انسانها پتانسیل های متضادی دارند و تنها درک واقع گرایانه از پدیده های اجتماعی، آگاهی بر نیازهای انسانی و نیروهای زندگی ساز است که می تواند آنها را در فلاکت و فجایع انسانی چاره ساز باشد. پس انسانهای همجنس گرا مانند انسانهای دگرجنس گرا می توانند دزد و متجاوز و قاتل و زورگو و سؤاستفاده گر و جنگ افروز باشند، همانگونه که آنها توانسته اند در طول تاریخ - چه علنی و چه غیر علنی – ارزشهای انسانی بیافرینند، و خب چرا نیافرینند؟ مگر انسانهای دگرجنس گرا کاری جز این کرده اند؟ خلاصه اینکه فرمول بندی شما منجر به تبعیض جنسی – چه مثبت و چه منفی - خواهد شد و در هر دو حالت خطاست."
"همجنسگرایان می توانند سهم بسزایی در راه بهبود جامعه ی بشری در کلیهی عرصه های حیات بشری بر عهده گیرند." این کار را همه ی انسانها می توانند بکنند، همانگونه که همه ی انسانها می توانند در مسیر نابودی جامعه بشری حرکت کنند. یعنی همه ی انسانها پتانسیل های متضادی دارند و تنها درک واقع گرایانه از پدیده های اجتماعی، آگاهی بر نیازهای انسانی و نیروهای زندگی ساز است که می تواند آنها را در فلاکت و فجایع انسانی چاره ساز باشد. پس انسانهای همجنس گرا مانند انسانهای دگرجنس گرا می توانند دزد و متجاوز و قاتل و زورگو و سؤاستفاده گر و جنگ افروز باشند، همانگونه که آنها توانسته اند در طول تاریخ - چه علنی و چه غیر علنی – ارزشهای انسانی بیافرینند، و خب چرا نیافرینند؟ مگر انسانهای دگرجنس گرا کاری جز این کرده اند؟ خلاصه اینکه فرمول بندی شما منجر به تبعیض جنسی – چه مثبت و چه منفی - خواهد شد و در هر دو حالت خطاست."
Iran's Secret Plan if Attacked by US Codenamed "Judgement Day"
Asharq Al-Awsat Exclusive
"An estimated 80 members underwent private training last year on how to carry out suicide operations from the air (through the use of kite planes) and undersea operations using submarines.
While denying that Hamas had joined the list of organizations ready to help Iran in its likely war with the U.S, the source indicated that the external success of the movement, which enjoys considerable Iranian support both financial and military, was strengthened following the latest visit by its leaders to Tehran. This was translated in the Palestinian masses' support for Iran, against Israel and the United States."
Asharq Al-Awsat Exclusive
"An estimated 80 members underwent private training last year on how to carry out suicide operations from the air (through the use of kite planes) and undersea operations using submarines.
While denying that Hamas had joined the list of organizations ready to help Iran in its likely war with the U.S, the source indicated that the external success of the movement, which enjoys considerable Iranian support both financial and military, was strengthened following the latest visit by its leaders to Tehran. This was translated in the Palestinian masses' support for Iran, against Israel and the United States."
Saturday, April 29, 2006
این متن رو نیلوفر بیضایی عزیز برای درج فرستاد ... اگر می خواهید حمایت کنید و امضا با homayatazhamjensgrayan@yahoo.com تماس بگیرین...
ليست در تاريخ 3 ماي 2006 (برابر باچهارشنبه 13 ارديبهشت 1385) بسته خواهد شد.
در حمايت از حقوق همجنسگرايان و برای مقابله با هموفوبيا و پدوفيلی
از آنجا که - سازمان بهداشت جهانی نيز در همخوانی با دستاوردهای علوم پزشکی و روانشناسی امروز اعلام کرده است، همجنسگرايی انحراف جنسی و يا روانی نيست بلکه نوعی گرايش جنسی طبيعی و عادی است که در نزد برخی از انسانها ديده میشود ؛ - همجنسگرايی صرفا در گرايش جنسی دو انسان نسبت به يكديگر خلاصه نمي شود ، بلكه نيازهاي روحي ، عشقی و عاطفی را نيز در بر مي گيرد؛ - همجنسگرايی ربطی به رنگ، نژاد، مذهب، مليت، وموقعيت اجتماعی ندارد و زنان و مردان همجنسگرا در همه جوامع انسانی و در تمام اقشار جامعه وجود دارند؛ - همجنسگرايی از مقوله بچه بازی ( پدوفيلی) نيست و این دو ربطی به هم ندارند. همجنسگرايی گرايش عاطفی و جنسی يک فرد بالغ به فرد بالغ ديگری است که بر اساس خواسته و علاقه دو طرفه و بدون زور و اجبار به برقراری رابطه با هم می پردازند. پدوفيلی رابطه جنسی با كودكان است كه میتواند از نوع همجنس يا جنس مخالف باشد و بايد عمل مجرمانه تلقی گردد؛ - سرکوب همجنسگرايان و ناديده گرفتن حقوق آنها در جوامع بسته و محروم از آزادی و دمکراسی ابعاد گسترده و بسيار غير انساني به خود مي گيرد؛ - در جوامع باز و دمکراتيك، بدليل وجود امكان روشنگري و تشكل براي همجنسگرايان و حاميان آنها در سطح جامعه و همچنين وجود پشتوانه ي قانوني و حقوقي، امكان نقض حقوق همجنسگرايان و نفي حضور اجتماعي آنان به حداقل مي رسد؛ - حقوق همجنسگرايان بخشی از حقوق بشر است و مدافعان حقوق بشر در جهان در فعاليتهای خود براي موضوع بی حقوقی همجنسگرايان و ستمی که بر آنها می رود جايگاه خاصی قائلند؛ - پذيرش حقوق همجنسگرايان در مسير طرد آن بخش از سنتها كه با حقوق بشر ناسازگارند، و در راستاي تضعيف ارزش های پدرسالار، امري بسيار مهم قلمداد مي شود؛ - حضور علني همجنسگرايان درکشورهای آزاد در كليه ي عرصه ها از هنر و ادبيات گرفته تا انديشه و سياست دال بر آن است که همجنسگرايان مي توانند سهم بسزايي در راه بهبود جامعه ي بشري در كليهي عرصه هاي حيات بشري بر عهده گيرند؛ - هموفوبيا بمعنی ترس، نفرت و گريز از همجنسگرايی و همجنسگرايان، و اجتناب از گشودن باب گفتگو در باره همجنسگرايی، تنها به افراد همجنسگرا آسيب نمی رساند بلکه به ماندگاری ارزشها و سنت های غلط و غير انساني ياري مي رساند.
ما امضاء کنندگان زير
- از برابری حقوقی همجنسگرايان دفاع کرده و خواستار لغو قانون مجازات همجنسگرايان در قوانين کشور هستيم.
- خواهان مبارزه قاطع با پديده بچهبازی ( پدوفيلی) از هر نوع آن ( سوء استفاده جنسي از پسران و دختران نابالغ) هستيم و به خصوص سوء استفاده جنسی از دختران نوجوان تحت عنوان ازدواجهای سنتی، شرعی يا قانونی را محكوم میكنيم.
- از همه هموطنان بخصوص فعالان حقوق بشر، گروههای فرهنگی، اجتماعی ، سياسی و شخصيتها می خواهيم که به ما بپيوندند و با موضع گيری صريح و علنی در اين باره مسئوليت و شهامت فرهنگی و مدني نشان داده و به روشن شدن افکار عمومی ياری رسانند.
- روز 17 ماه مه ( 27 اردیبهشت) روز جهانی مقابله با هموفوبيا است. ما از صاحبان وسايل ارتباط جمعی ايرانی در داخل و خارج کشور درخواست می کنيم که در اين روز به طرح وسيع موضوع همجنسگرايی و مسائل همجنسگرايان ايران پرداخته، راه را برای طرح جدی تر مسئله هموار سازند.
امضا كنندگان:
ويكتوريا آزاد (فعال سياسي) ، دكتر مژگان آموزگار (راديولوژيست)، شهرزاد ارشدي (عكاس و فيلمساز)، جواد اسديان (شاعر)، نسرين الماسي (روزنامه نگار)، شادي امين (فعال زنان)، گلناز امين (فعال زنان)، بهمن اميني (ناشر و روزنامه نگار)، خسرو باقرپور(شاعر و نويسنده)، دكتر حسين باقرزاده ( فعال سياسي و حقوق بشري)، بهروز به نژاد (اهل تئاتر)، دكتر اردوان بياني (حقوقدان)، نيلوفربيضايي(نمايشنامه نويس و كارگردان تئاتر)، روشنك بيگناه (شاعر)، دكتر ناصر پاكدامن (محقق و استاد دانشگاه)، فرزانه تاييدي (اهل تئاتر)، كيانوش توكلي (فعال سياسي و روزنامه نگار)، جهانشاه جاويد (روزنامه نگار)، بهرام چوبينه ( نويسنده وپژوهشگر)، نسيم خاكسار(نويسنده)، دكتراسماعيل خويي (شاعر)، محمود رفيع (فعال حقوق بشر)، فتحيه زركش يزدي (فعال سياسي و حقوق بشري)، اكبر سردوزامي (نويسنده)، نوشين شاهرخي (نويسنده)، شهلا شفيق (نويسنده و پژوهشگر)، داريوش شكوف (فيلمساز)، پرهام شهرجردي (شاعر)، بهروز شيدا (نويسنده و منتقد)، دكتر فرزين طايفه (پزشك)، علي عبدالرضايي (شاعر)، دكتر سياوش عبقري (فعال سياسي و استاد دانشگاه)، دكتر شهلا عبقري (فعال سياسي و استاد دانشگاه)، ميرزا آقا عسگري (ماني) (شاعر)، اسد عليمحمدي (وبلاگ نويس)، سهيلا قدس طينت (نويسنده)، زيبا كرباسي (شاعر)، فرهنگ كسرايي (نويسنده و بازيگر تئاتر)، صمصام كشفي (شاعر)، شيما كلباسي (شاعر)، كورش گلنام (فعال سياسي)، ژيلا مساعد (شاعر)، شاهرخ مشكين قلم (رقصنده، بازيگرو كارگردان تئاتر)، اسفنديار منفردزاده (آهنگساز)، شكوه ميرزادگي (نويسنده)، رامين مولايي (فيلمبردار)، حجت نارنجي (فعال سياسي)، آرمان نجم (فيلمساز)، دكتر مسعود نقره كار (پزشك، نويسنده و پژوهشگر)، شهين نوايي (فعال زنان)، هادي يوسفي (فعال سياسي)
Friday, April 28, 2006
Mr. Gerecht said: "What Bernard Lewis has shown is the extent to which a lot of very bad Western ideas have implanted themselves in the Muslim world. The better one, the hardest one to absorb, democracy, has not. But there is reason to believe that might be changing."
Thursday, April 27, 2006
I wrapped myself in my grandmother's black shawl, leaned against the turquoise blue exterior tiles of the mosque and stared at the mourning ceremony. It was Muharram, the month of admonition and marking the anniversary of the battle of Karbala (a civil war between the Shiites and Umayyad). I was watching the Shiite Muslims commemorating the martyrdom of Imam Hussein. It was customary for mosques to provide free meals on certain nights of the month to all people. My grandmother and every one in that neighborhood had arranged long wooden tables in the narrow street with water pots on top- years later in Boston, I saw similar arrangements in an Italian neighborhood fest. The meals served during Ashura were viewed as being special and holy, as they have been consecrated in the name of Hussein. My grandmother's house was located close to a Husseinieh where men and boys were portraying the Battle. It was a musical act, an Iranian opera, a religious dramatic play and reciting poetry. In the wake of the incident, men in inspiring high and low movements overwhelmed viewers by respect, love, fear, pain and death. Some of them engaged in chest beating were moving in circle. It was an odd set of circumstances. I was eight or nine and mesmerist by the event and by one of Karbala's children, a slim and shaved head boy. He was on the center stage, built temporary in the middle of the narrow street. In the damp night the performer boy looked quite sensational. He moved his hands with such passion and individualistic rituals that he made it almost impossible not to think he implored to capture audience attention. The tiles of the mosque, the air and my body felt warm. The devised gates of a forbidden zone was unhooking . As the war drums pounded louder, men parading around the stage slapped their chests harder for Hussein. At that moment I came to realize, I have my own set of mind and belief system!
I wrapped myself in my grandmother's black shawl, leaned against the turquoise blue exterior tiles of the mosque and stared at the mourning ceremony. It was Muharram, the month of admonition and marking the anniversary of the battle of Karbala (a civil war between the Shiites and Umayyad). I was watching the Shiite Muslims commemorating the martyrdom of Imam Hussein. It was customary for mosques to provide free meals on certain nights of the month to all people. My grandmother and every one in that neighborhood had arranged long wooden tables in the narrow street with water pots on top- years later in Boston, I saw similar arrangements in an Italian neighborhood fest. The meals served during Ashura were viewed as being special and holy, as they have been consecrated in the name of Hussein. My grandmother's house was located close to a Husseinieh where men and boys were portraying the Battle. It was a musical act, an Iranian opera, a religious dramatic play and reciting poetry. In the wake of the incident, men in inspiring high and low movements overwhelmed viewers by respect, love, fear, pain and death. Some of them engaged in chest beating were moving in circle. It was an odd set of circumstances. I was eight or nine and mesmerist by the event and by one of Karbala's children, a slim and shaved head boy. He was on the center stage, built temporary in the middle of the narrow street. In the damp night the performer boy looked quite sensational. He moved his hands with such passion and individualistic rituals that he made it almost impossible not to think he implored to capture audience attention. The tiles of the mosque, the air and my body felt warm. The devised gates of a forbidden zone was unhooking . As the war drums pounded louder, men parading around the stage slapped their chests harder for Hussein. At that moment I came to realize, I have my own set of mind and belief system!
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
دختر کوچولو، هر از چند شبی ... نصفه شب بعد از دستشویی می خواد راهش رو کج کنه و مهمون تخت و مزاحم من و باباش بشه!
دختر کوچولو: مانی؟ می تونم برم جیش کنم؟ (عادت اجازه برای دستشویی رفتن رو از مهدکودکش با خودش به خونه هم منتقل کرده!) من: آره عزیزم بیا برو.
چند دقیقه بعد
مانی؟ می تونم بیام پیشتون بخوابم؟ شیما: نه! باید بری توی تخت خودت بخوابی. دختر بزرگ هستی.
بعد از چند دقیقه حرف... و استدلالهاش که دلش برامون تنگ شده و تو اتاقش تنهاست و نمی خواد ما بریم پیشش بخوابیم و هزار تا بهانه و دلیل دیگه که چشمهای از خواب پریده ام دیگه نمی تونست بکشه... خودش، خودش رو از تخت می کشه بالا و... وقتی خوابش برده.. چرخشها و مانورها و اینکه نمی خواد نفسم تو صورتش بخوره و باید بالشتم رو باهش قسمت کنم و... غرولند و اینکه گرمشه و لحاف نمی خواد... برم اونورتر که در نتیجه من و پ دیگه مجبوریم لبه تخت بخوابیم
The US is preparing for a financial war on Iran.
* Elaine Shannon, Time reported that ahead of this week's U.N. Security Council deadline for Iran, U.S. officials have been mapping a plan to hit the defiant regime. But the attacks will be financial, not military.
طبق این خبر تایمز حمله به ایران یک حمله اقتصادی خواهد بود و نه یک حمله نظامی!
* Elaine Shannon, Time reported that ahead of this week's U.N. Security Council deadline for Iran, U.S. officials have been mapping a plan to hit the defiant regime. But the attacks will be financial, not military.
طبق این خبر تایمز حمله به ایران یک حمله اقتصادی خواهد بود و نه یک حمله نظامی!
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Whores and Other Feminists
Whores and Other Feminists is the title of a book I started reading recently. I got interested in learning more about feminism all due to reading some great blogs in Persian. In fact by reading the blogs of Nazli Kamvari and Sima Shakhsari I realized accusing Iranian Human Rights Activists in the U.S, using antisemitic phrases, silencing people, and demeaning women are part of the leading neofemiran culture! Well that is just the impression I get from reading some of the posts! Before this introductory period, I always thought part of feminist ethic was to "rethink, reformulate, and attempt to revise what devalues women."
Indigoviolin blogs: "The regime spends millions on its propaganda machination and has installed fake dissidents posing as academics, pseudo-scholars and university professors across the globe. These entities then become mouthpieces of the regime who actively promote regime's agenda by using variety of methods."
Saturday, April 22, 2006
What's good for the goose is good for the gander
In the past few days what I witnessed was a web war going on in the comment section of this American university professor who had briefly written about a team of Iranian bloggers living in the West. She had mentioned the names of Sima Shakhsari, Hussein Derakhshan, Bahman Kalbasi, Nazli Kamvari and one other person as the Iranian regime's blogger cells. I don't have evidence to prove these people are IRI spies, but they certainly appear to me that way: at least 4 of these individuals tried to buy legitimacy for the regime by encouraging participation in regime's phony UNDEMOCRATIC elections; they campaigned for Rafsanjani who has direct involvement in killings of more than 100 dissidents abroad and scores of intellectuals inside Iran; they attacked people who boycotted this farce; and then they travel around the globe posing as regime's dissidents, fooling westerners who don't know much about the dynamics of the Iranian society or cozying up to the international liberal-left alliance against new conservatives and Bush. When speaking in English, they are the voice of the displaced and friend of the oppressed. When blogging in Persian, they attack the very same people and accuse them of treason (reference to a blog by Hussein Derakhshan a couple of years ago on Iranian refugees in the West). I know that at least three of these individuals have attacked some Iranian academicians in the West for receiving US funds to continue their activity, calling them American cronies. But these hypocrites scream bloody murder when a similar standard is applied to them. What is good for the goose is good for the gander.
In the past few days what I witnessed was a web war going on in the comment section of this American university professor who had briefly written about a team of Iranian bloggers living in the West. She had mentioned the names of Sima Shakhsari, Hussein Derakhshan, Bahman Kalbasi, Nazli Kamvari and one other person as the Iranian regime's blogger cells. I don't have evidence to prove these people are IRI spies, but they certainly appear to me that way: at least 4 of these individuals tried to buy legitimacy for the regime by encouraging participation in regime's phony UNDEMOCRATIC elections; they campaigned for Rafsanjani who has direct involvement in killings of more than 100 dissidents abroad and scores of intellectuals inside Iran; they attacked people who boycotted this farce; and then they travel around the globe posing as regime's dissidents, fooling westerners who don't know much about the dynamics of the Iranian society or cozying up to the international liberal-left alliance against new conservatives and Bush. When speaking in English, they are the voice of the displaced and friend of the oppressed. When blogging in Persian, they attack the very same people and accuse them of treason (reference to a blog by Hussein Derakhshan a couple of years ago on Iranian refugees in the West). I know that at least three of these individuals have attacked some Iranian academicians in the West for receiving US funds to continue their activity, calling them American cronies. But these hypocrites scream bloody murder when a similar standard is applied to them. What is good for the goose is good for the gander.
"حتی تبعيد، پناهی برای آدمهايی مثل من نيست، که رژيم اسلامی حاکم بر ايران، به موازات سرکوب آزادی انديشه و بيان و خفه کردن اعتراضها در داخل کشور از هر فرصتی برای به سكوت واداشتن کسانی که در خارج کشور هنوز به فعاليت ادامه ميدهند استفاده می کند و در اين راه از ترور روگردان نيست. شمار قربانيان ترور رژيم در خارج کشور از صد می گذرد و افرادی از طيف های گوناگون فکری و عقيدتی را در بر می گيرد که در کشورهای مختلف در شرايط متفاوت به قتل رسيده اند."
شهلا شفیق
Friday, April 21, 2006
Citizen Journalists
Here and here...
and our very own Hussein Derakhshan blogs: "Khamanei must ultimately change his behavior and at best become a symbolic religious leader with as much power as the King of Spain or Queen of Britain." Well dear Hoder while you are at it please remember neither King of Spain nor Queen of Britain ordered massacre of their citizens.
Here and here...
and our very own Hussein Derakhshan blogs: "Khamanei must ultimately change his behavior and at best become a symbolic religious leader with as much power as the King of Spain or Queen of Britain." Well dear Hoder while you are at it please remember neither King of Spain nor Queen of Britain ordered massacre of their citizens.
15 prisoners will be executed in Gohardasht prison.
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Enough. We have reached the breaking point!
... a reader from Bahrain has sent me this link. It is about Bahraini women's rights activist Ghada Jamshir.
Interviewer: What do you have against the Shari'a courts?
Ghada Jamshir: I have a lot against them. What they have done to the Bahraini women is not a trivial matter. For years women have been going into these courts, only to be oppressed and treated unjustly. We have reached the point that we say: enough. We have reached the breaking point.
... a reader from Bahrain has sent me this link. It is about Bahraini women's rights activist Ghada Jamshir.
Interviewer: What do you have against the Shari'a courts?
Ghada Jamshir: I have a lot against them. What they have done to the Bahraini women is not a trivial matter. For years women have been going into these courts, only to be oppressed and treated unjustly. We have reached the point that we say: enough. We have reached the breaking point.
دوستم الهام از ایران نوشته است:
"جریان آزادی اطلاعات یکی از مظاهر حقوق بشر هست. وقتی در آمریکا مسله نقض حقوق بشر پیش می آید جای شکرش باقی هست که مردم و حتی ما این سر دنیا خبردار می شویم. ولی آیا اصلادرایران ما می دانیم چه اتفاقی دارد می افتد؟ آیا آزادی انتخاب پوشاک یکی از حقوق اولیه بشر هست یا نه؟ و آیا این افراد واقف هستند که بیست و هشت سال است ما زنان ایران نمی توانیم پوشش خود را انتخاب کنیم. آیا می دانند که برای عقب بودن روسریهایمان در زمانهای مختلف در این بیست و هشت سال گذشته ما زنان ایران مستحق شعار مرگ شده ایم و می بایست بین روسری و توسری یکی را انتخاب می کردیم. آیا این افراد می دانند که روزانه چند زن دچار انواع بیماریهای عفونی و خونریزیهای حاد و حتی از دست دادن دایمی قدرت زایش می شوند چون سقط جنین ممنوع است. آیا این افراد صدای خفه شده در گلو زن ایرانی را که روی شان خونی در مطب یک پزشک خوابیده و بدون بی حسی دی اند سی می شود را شنیده اند و باز هم می گویند وضعیت حقوق بشر در ایران و آمریکا یکی است؟ آیا با مسیله صاحبکاران ایرانی مواجه شده اند و پیشنهادات غیر اخلاقی که به زنان و دختران زیر دستشان می دهند و اگر زن ایرانی لب باز کند جامعه می گوید کرم از خود زن و دختر ایرانیست. و آیا زنی در آمریکا از هر نژاد و اقلیت مذهبی و ملیتی باشد می تواند از چنین کارفرمایی شکایت کند و صاحبکار مجرم شناخته می شود یا در آنجا هم می گویند کرم از خود زن و دختر است؟ آیا غیر از ایران کشور دیگری بود که روز تجمع هشت مارچ را محل کتک زدن زنان و دخترانش بکند؟ اگر بخواهی تا صبح می توانم برایت از این دست بنویسم ولی فکر می کنم این آدمها باید یک سه ماهی به مملکتشان و به میان ما برگردند و این مصیبتها را از نزدیک تجربه کنند تا مقایسه هایشان دور از مرکز نشود."
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
...parts of an e-mail from a reader
"You do point out many obvious infractions on "human rights". However let me clue you in on something, "human rights" infractions extend to all parts of the world. I hope you realize that there is so much attention given to the human rights infractions in Iran because Iran represents some of the biggest natural gas and oil reserves in the world.
Here are some examples of human rights violations in other countries:
1. A man named David Irving will spend three years in prison for being a bad boy by not accepting the 6 million Jews dying number in the holocaust.
2. Israel (do I need to get into specifics with their human rights violations?)
3. Saudi Arabia does not allow for women to vote or drive. These are just some obvious violations.
4. The United States has military bases in approximately 75% of the countries in the world. The USA since WWII has been in conflicts in: Central America, Cuba, Vietnam, Korea, Persian Gulf War I and II, Afghanistan, Cold war, and in addition, the USA has supplied billions and billions of dollars worth of military weapons to countries like your country of Iran and Iraq and according to Tony Benn, he himself was urged in the 70's to give Iran nuclear capability.
I guess the best thing you can do is to just keep on asking questions and try to force these politicians to answer them and be accountable. Here is the difference between a country like Iran and a country like the USA or most European Nations:
In the USA we will hide behind "democracy and fear" while in Iran we will hide behind "Islam and religion and even being a Martyr". In the end the big people win and the little shits lose. When the little shits get real mad they revolt and then we have a thing called a civil war. Then a person will come to power and start the entire process over and this vicious cycle will continue for a long time."
My Response:
My heart and prayers are with everyone who fights for human rights all over the globe. However, I would like to focus on the country I know best and love most, i.e. Iran. In regards to your other comments:
1) The gentleman you refer to has been convicted according to "hate-speech" laws, which are particular to countries like Austria and Germany that feel responsible for the Holocaust. Although, I don't believe anyone should be banned from speaking his or her mind, I leave it up to the conscience of these nations to decide whether Holocaust denial deserves punishment. I am sure the voice of the people is heard in such countries, unlike Iran. They don't need you and me to decide for them.
2) Israel is one of the countries (and the only country in the middle east) that does not have death penalty. Last time I checked, there was no public hanging, executions or stoning in Israel. Israel has the right to defend herself against terrorists who blow up innocent people in nightclubs, bus stops, and pizzerias.
3) Saudi Arabia is a backward regime too and so what? Why do we always have to compare ourselves with the worst? According to this logic, as long as one backward regime exists on earth, that regime can be used to minimize the human rights violations in Iran. You can keep on applying your moral equivalence to the worst of worst. I don't do that. I tend to compare Iran with the best of best and feel miserable when we turn out to be so far behind.
4) The American presence has created wonders for South Koreans while the communist North is living in fear and backwardness. America liberated Afghans from the barbaric rule of Taliban. Possession of nuclear capability by Iran is neither morally right nor morally wrong per se. I have serious problems with the intentions and the manner by which this regime is trying to go nuclear. The regime's utter disregard for safety and well being of the Iranian citizens is another important factor.
I choose the best thing I can do and you choose the best thing you can do. Your best is the best for you and my best will be the best for me. If you for example want to go ahead to keep Saudi Royal family responsible for their actions, be my guest, I wish you the best of luck and support you 100% in your endeavor. As I said, I'd like to focus on the country I know the best and love the most.
"You do point out many obvious infractions on "human rights". However let me clue you in on something, "human rights" infractions extend to all parts of the world. I hope you realize that there is so much attention given to the human rights infractions in Iran because Iran represents some of the biggest natural gas and oil reserves in the world.
Here are some examples of human rights violations in other countries:
1. A man named David Irving will spend three years in prison for being a bad boy by not accepting the 6 million Jews dying number in the holocaust.
2. Israel (do I need to get into specifics with their human rights violations?)
3. Saudi Arabia does not allow for women to vote or drive. These are just some obvious violations.
4. The United States has military bases in approximately 75% of the countries in the world. The USA since WWII has been in conflicts in: Central America, Cuba, Vietnam, Korea, Persian Gulf War I and II, Afghanistan, Cold war, and in addition, the USA has supplied billions and billions of dollars worth of military weapons to countries like your country of Iran and Iraq and according to Tony Benn, he himself was urged in the 70's to give Iran nuclear capability.
I guess the best thing you can do is to just keep on asking questions and try to force these politicians to answer them and be accountable. Here is the difference between a country like Iran and a country like the USA or most European Nations:
In the USA we will hide behind "democracy and fear" while in Iran we will hide behind "Islam and religion and even being a Martyr". In the end the big people win and the little shits lose. When the little shits get real mad they revolt and then we have a thing called a civil war. Then a person will come to power and start the entire process over and this vicious cycle will continue for a long time."
My Response:
My heart and prayers are with everyone who fights for human rights all over the globe. However, I would like to focus on the country I know best and love most, i.e. Iran. In regards to your other comments:
1) The gentleman you refer to has been convicted according to "hate-speech" laws, which are particular to countries like Austria and Germany that feel responsible for the Holocaust. Although, I don't believe anyone should be banned from speaking his or her mind, I leave it up to the conscience of these nations to decide whether Holocaust denial deserves punishment. I am sure the voice of the people is heard in such countries, unlike Iran. They don't need you and me to decide for them.
2) Israel is one of the countries (and the only country in the middle east) that does not have death penalty. Last time I checked, there was no public hanging, executions or stoning in Israel. Israel has the right to defend herself against terrorists who blow up innocent people in nightclubs, bus stops, and pizzerias.
3) Saudi Arabia is a backward regime too and so what? Why do we always have to compare ourselves with the worst? According to this logic, as long as one backward regime exists on earth, that regime can be used to minimize the human rights violations in Iran. You can keep on applying your moral equivalence to the worst of worst. I don't do that. I tend to compare Iran with the best of best and feel miserable when we turn out to be so far behind.
4) The American presence has created wonders for South Koreans while the communist North is living in fear and backwardness. America liberated Afghans from the barbaric rule of Taliban. Possession of nuclear capability by Iran is neither morally right nor morally wrong per se. I have serious problems with the intentions and the manner by which this regime is trying to go nuclear. The regime's utter disregard for safety and well being of the Iranian citizens is another important factor.
I choose the best thing I can do and you choose the best thing you can do. Your best is the best for you and my best will be the best for me. If you for example want to go ahead to keep Saudi Royal family responsible for their actions, be my guest, I wish you the best of luck and support you 100% in your endeavor. As I said, I'd like to focus on the country I know the best and love the most.
Iran mullahs' agent U.S. citizen, "no more a myth"
Reuters reports: As the United States tries to push other nations to impose a travel ban on Iranian government officials over Tehran's nuclear program, a senior Iranian official has created embarrassment in Washington by slipping into the country for a visit this month.
Reuters reports: As the United States tries to push other nations to impose a travel ban on Iranian government officials over Tehran's nuclear program, a senior Iranian official has created embarrassment in Washington by slipping into the country for a visit this month.
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
گاف و قاف
مثل اکثر بچه هایی که فارسی حرف زدنشون فقط با پدر و مادر و شاید هم یکی دو تا فامیلی هست که گاهی می بینند... دختر کوچولو هم هر روز با سختیهای بیشتر و جدید زبان فارسی آشنا می شه... تلفظ ق براش سخته و باید باهش حسابی هر کلمه قاف دار رو تمرین کنم... و همیشه گافهایش را بالاخره به قاف تبدیل می کند... اما!
امروز در حالیکه شن کش مخصوص خودش دستش بود تا در جمع کردن برگها و علفهای هرزه کمکم کنه...
شیما: دختر جون. بریم تو دیگه خسته ام. شما هم نمی تونی تنها بیرون باشی.
دختر کوچولو: مانی؟ من هنوز کارم تموم نشده.
شیما: نمی خوای بیای تو بعد دوباره که استراحت کردی بریم بیرون و بقیه کارت رو بکنی؟
دخترکوچولو: نه مانی! هنوز بقیه برقها رو جمع نکردم. حالا خیلی برق اینجا هست. ببین چقدر برق ریخته!
Monday, April 17, 2006
Ganji Is Summoned Back to Iranian Prison But He Is Refusing To Obey the Request
By Eli Lake
This is part of his civil disobedience," Ramin Ahmedi* said yesterday. "He will not obey the unjust order. But he has proved that he is willing to pay that price. I think he does communicate a message to people around him by refusing to go. These are the small first acts of building that movement. "
Mr. Ahmedi said yesterday that Mr. Ganji's task now was to use his leadership to build and sustain a civil rights movement in Iran. "He has emerged as a leader. He is extremely popular among the activists from all parts of the spectrum. You have a leader and he has to build that movement."
Ramin Ahmadi, a doctor, ( with Roya Hakakian, a journalist, and Payam Akhavan) co-founded The Iranian Human Rights Documentation. With the arrest of Baghi's wife and daughter who attended a series of workshops on human rights in Dubai, Ramin came under attack mainly by a group of Iranians many of them living in democratic countries ( and they exercised their freedom by participating in regime's last election and voting for Rafsanjani, a dominant figure in the assassination of Iranian writers and journalists.)
By Eli Lake
This is part of his civil disobedience," Ramin Ahmedi* said yesterday. "He will not obey the unjust order. But he has proved that he is willing to pay that price. I think he does communicate a message to people around him by refusing to go. These are the small first acts of building that movement. "
Mr. Ahmedi said yesterday that Mr. Ganji's task now was to use his leadership to build and sustain a civil rights movement in Iran. "He has emerged as a leader. He is extremely popular among the activists from all parts of the spectrum. You have a leader and he has to build that movement."
Ramin Ahmadi, a doctor, ( with Roya Hakakian, a journalist, and Payam Akhavan) co-founded The Iranian Human Rights Documentation. With the arrest of Baghi's wife and daughter who attended a series of workshops on human rights in Dubai, Ramin came under attack mainly by a group of Iranians many of them living in democratic countries ( and they exercised their freedom by participating in regime's last election and voting for Rafsanjani, a dominant figure in the assassination of Iranian writers and journalists.)
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Eli Lake: "Iran's judiciary has summoned dissident leader Akbar Ganji back to Evin Prison after releasing him on March 18 in what his lawyers said marked the end of his original sentence. But so far Mr. Ganji has refused to obey the requests from the prosecutors who originally threw him in jail."
Monday, April 03, 2006
هزار و یک شب
برای گراناز موسوی عزیزم...
می خواستم برایت چیزی بنویسم... چیزی که بدانی در غمت سهیمم... در اینکه بدانی با تمام وجودم سنگینی این لحظه ها را با توجه به تجربه های خودم می توانم درک کنم... می خواستم برایت بیشتر بنویسم.. دیدم با اشعارت، گاهنامه هایمان و خلق مهربانت... است که می شناسمت... و اینکه مثل تو زخمم هر روز به مداوا احتیاج دارد... به تو تسلیت می گویم دخترک مهربانی... که دو روز است... عکس پدرت به درون قاب روی تاقچه ات اضافه شده.
کاش به ما کسی گفته بود که ماه
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