_proxy_jslib_handle(document, 'write', '')('\n'); _proxy_jslib_handle(document, 'write', '')('\n'); var blenza_opt_namemax = 80; var blenza_opt_linkmax = 152; var bzloc_youfirst = "You're first"; var bzloc_younext = "You're next"; var bzloc_ifparticip = "If you are participating in"; var bzloc_toaddlink = "To add your entry to the list"; var bzloc_enter = "Enter"; var bzloc_next = "Next"; var bzloc_siteusing2a = "fill in the form below and press "; var bzloc_siteusing2 = bzloc_siteusing2a + bzloc_enter + "."; var bzloc_thumb2a = " to add your thumbnail."; var bzloc_thumb2 = bzloc_siteusing2a + bzloc_next + bzloc_thumb2a; var bzloc_siteusing3 = "click here and fill in the form that pops up"; var bzloc_yourname = "Your name"; var bzloc_yoururl = "Your URL"; var bzloc_comment = "Please leave a comment after linking... Thank you!"; var bzloc_checkname = "Please enter your name."; var bzloc_namelength = "The length of your name must be less than or equal to"; var bzloc_checkurl = "Please enter your link URL."; var bzloc_urllength = "The length of your URL must be less than or equal to"; var bzloc_urlprefix = "Link URL must begin with 'http://'"; var bzloc_sharedmeme = "Shared Meme - Click to Subscribe"; var bzloc_clicktodisp = "Click here to display the links for this post"; var bzloc_upgrademult = "You may upgrade to display more than one Linky at a time"; var bzloc_owner = "Blog Owner"; var bzloc_export = "If you wish to export this list to HTML, click here"; var bzloc_disablemsg = "Click here to disable this message"; var bzloc_whatthis = "What is this?"; var bzloc_expiry = "Linky Widget expiration"; var bzloc_winner = "Winning entry"; var bzloc_caching = "Caching system in use... links may take a minute to post"; var bzloc_thumbnext = "Click here to add your thumbnail if the pop-up does not appear."; var bzloc_cktool = "Click here for Mister Linky's name/URL cookie removal tool."; var bzloc_nopopwin = "Unable to open the thumbnail popup window. Check your browser settings."; var bzloc_maint = "Please read about the upcoming system maintenance"; var bzloc_bugcheck = "An internal error has occurred. Please report this at http://www.misterlinky.net/helpdesk/"; var bzloc_dashboard = "Dashboard"; var bzloc_clickdisp = "Click to display the links and settings for this widget"; var bzloc_policy = "Check to accept use/privacy policy (click to read)"; var bzloc_nopolicy = "You must accept the use/privacy policy to use this widget.\n\nClick the link below to read the policy and check the box to accept.\n\nThen press Enter again to add your link to the list.\n\nNOTE: If you like, you can click a button on the policy page\nto save a cookie and remember you've accepted the policy."; blenza_ifr = null; var blenza_newwin = 1; function getIEVersion() { var agent = navigator.userAgent; var reg = /MSIE\s?(\d+)(?:\.(\d+))?/i; var matches = agent.match(reg); if (matches != null) { return { major: matches[1], minor: matches[2] }; } return { major: "-1", minor: "-1" }; } var ie_version = getIEVersion(); var is_ie10 = ie_version.major == 10; var is_ie9e = ie_version.major > 0 && ie_version.major <= 9; if (!blenza_inited) { var blenza_whoName = null; var blenza_whoEmail = null; var blenza_whoURL = null; var blenza_user = null; var blenza_xurl = null; var blenza_showredx = true; var blenza_color = null; var blenza_thumbGetter = null; var blenza_thumbExternal = null; var blenza_thumbRoot = new Array(); var blenza_thumbApprove = null; var blenza_border = "#000"; var blenza_gray = "#888"; var blenza_meme_unset = new Array(); var blenza_meme_id = new Array(); var blenza_meme_name = new Array(); var blenza_meme_text = new Array(); var blenza_meme_shared = new Array(); var blenza_nourl = new Array(); var blenza_hideurl = new Array(); var blenza_ord = 0; var blenza_expiration = null; var blenza_memelinks = true; var blenza_winnerName = null; var blenza_winnerUrl = null; var blenza_bycol = 1; var blenza_fliplinks = 0; var blenza_alphasort = 0; blenza_dynamic = false; var metas = _proxy_jslib_handle(document, 'getElementsByTagName', '')("meta"); for (var i = 0; i < metas.length; i++) { if (_proxy_jslib_handle(metas, (i)).name == "blogger-template") blenza_dynamic = _proxy_jslib_handle(_proxy_jslib_handle(metas, (i)), 'content', '') == "dynamic"; } } var blenza_ntu = new Array(); function blenza_xhr() { if (window.XMLHttpRequest) return new XMLHttpRequest(); else if (window.ActiveXObject) return new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); else return null; } function blenza_xml(text) { if (text.message != null) text = text.message; var xml; if (text.length >= 5 && text.substring(0, 5) == "request-error" + text + ""; return blenza_parse(xml); } function blenza_parse(xml) { var doc; if (window.DOMParser) { var p = new DOMParser(); doc = p.parseFromString(xml,"text/xml"); } else { doc = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM"); doc.async = false; doc.loadXML(xml); } return doc; } function blenza_send(url, data, postid, cb) { // hack: if it's IE9 or earlier, just do a get and be done with it if (is_ie9e) { var img = _proxy_jslib_handle(document, 'getElementById', '')("status-" + postid); if (img != null) { var now = new Date().getTime(); _proxy_jslib_assign('', img, 'src', '=', ( url + "?" + data + "&iehack=true&ts=" + now)); } cb(blenza_xml("success")); return; } try { var method = data ? "POST" : "GET"; var req = blenza_xhr(); _proxy_jslib_handle(req, 'open', '')(method, url, true); if ("withCredentials" in req) { req.withCredentials = true; } if (method == "POST") req.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8"); req.onreadystatechange = function() { if (req.readyState !== 4) return; if (req.status != 200) { cb(blenza_xml("Unexpected request status " + req.status)); } else if (req.responseXML != null) { cb(req.responseXML); } else { cb(blenza_xml(req.responseText)); } }; req.send(data); } catch (e) { msg = e.message; if (msg == null || msg.length == 0) msg = "Unknown error"; cb(blenza_xml(msg)); } } function blenza_getValue(ele, name) { if (ele == null) return null; var elems = _proxy_jslib_handle(ele, 'getElementsByTagName', '')(name); if (elems == null) return null; var one = elems.item(0); if (one == null || one.firstChild == null) return null; if (one.firstChild.data != null) return one.firstChild.data; else return null; } function blenza_checkStatus(ele) { if (ele == null) { alert("Internal error - please submit a help desk ticket at misterlinky.net/helpdesk and include the reason: could not check status"); return false; } var sts = blenza_getValue(ele, "status"); if (sts == "success") return true; var err = blenza_getValue(ele, "error"); if (sts == "request-error") msg = "An error occurred while processing the request:\n" + err + "\nPlease try your request again later"; else if (sts == "internal-error") msg = "Internal error - please submit a help desk ticket at misterlinky.net/helpdesk and include the reason: " + err; else if (err == "Duplicate entry") msg = "That entry has already been added to the list"; else msg = "Error: " + err; alert(msg); return false; } function blenza_doInsert(form, xurl, postid, cb) { var data = ""; for (i = 0; i < form.elements.length; i++) { var ele = _proxy_jslib_handle(form.elements, (i)); var name = ele.name; if (name.length < 3 || name.substring(0,3) != "ml_") continue; if (data.length > 0) data += "&"; data += name.substring(3) + "="; var val; if (ele.type == "checkbox") { if (ele.checked) val = _proxy_jslib_handle(ele, 'value', ''); else val = ""; } else val = _proxy_jslib_handle(ele, 'value', ''); data += escape(val); } blenza_send(xurl + "/entry_api.php", data, postid, cb); } function blenza_switcheroo(off, on) { var ele1 = blenza_elem(off); ele1.style.display = "none"; var ele2 = blenza_elem(on); ele2.style.display = "block"; } function blenza_setNextone(pi, name, url) { var nx = blenza_elem("nextone-" + pi); if (nx != null) { _proxy_jslib_assign('', nx, 'innerHTML', '=', ( '' + name + '')); } } function blenza_reThumb(a, pi) { var form = _proxy_jslib_handle(document, 'getElementById', '')("blenza_" + pi); if (form == null) { alert("Cannot locate form, please report internal error to Mister Linky"); return false; } _proxy_jslib_assign('', form, 'action', '=', ( blenza_xurl + "/thumbwin.php")); var name; if (form.ml_name) name = _proxy_jslib_handle(form.ml_name, 'value', ''); else name = _proxy_jslib_handle(form.name, 'value', ''); if (! blenza_checkName(name)) return false; var url; if (form.ml_url) url = _proxy_jslib_handle(form.ml_url, 'value', ''); else url = _proxy_jslib_handle(form.url, 'value', ''); if (! blenza_checkUrl(pi, url)) return false; _proxy_jslib_assign('', a, 'href', '=', ( blenza_xurl + "/thumbwin.php?owner=" + escape(_proxy_jslib_handle(form.ml_owner, 'value', '')) + "&postid=" + escape(pi) + "&name=" + escape(name) + "&url=" + escape(url))); return true; } function blenza_policyCheck(id) { var chk = _proxy_jslib_handle(document, 'getElementById', '')("policy" + id); if (chk) chk.checked = true; } // new and improved! function blenza_doEnter(form) { if (!form) return; try { var name = null; if (form.ml_name && _proxy_jslib_handle(form.ml_name, 'value', '')) name = _proxy_jslib_handle(form.ml_name, 'value', ''); var url = null; if (form.ml_url && _proxy_jslib_handle(form.ml_url, 'value', '')) url = _proxy_jslib_handle(form.ml_url, 'value', ''); var pi = _proxy_jslib_handle(form.ml_postid, 'value', ''); var xurl = _proxy_jslib_handle(form.ml_xurl, 'value', ''); if (! blenza_checkName(name)) return false; if (pi == null || xurl == null) { alert(bzloc_bugcheck); return false; } if (!form.policy.checked) { alert(bzloc_nopolicy); return false; } if (! blenza_checkUrl(pi, url)) return false; if (_proxy_jslib_handle(form.ml_src, 'value', '') != "thumb") { var cb = function(doc) { if (! blenza_checkStatus(doc)) return; blenza_setNextone(pi, name, url); blenza_switcheroo("theform-" + pi, "theform2-" + pi); } blenza_doInsert(form, xurl, pi, cb); } else { var popurl = blenza_xurl + "/thumbwin.php?owner=" + escape(_proxy_jslib_handle(form.ml_owner, 'value', '')) + "&postid=" + escape(pi) + "&name=" + name + "&url=" + escape(url); var popwin = _proxy_jslib_handle(window, 'open', '')(popurl, "blenza_linkypop", "height=400,width=480,top=100,left=100,location=no,menubar=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,status=yes,toolbar=no"); if (popwin == null) alert(bzloc_nopopwin); } } catch (e) { alert("Uncaught error: " + e.message + "\n" + e.stack); } return false; } function blenza_checkName(name) { if (name.length == 0) { alert(bzloc_checkname); return false; } if (name.length > blenza_opt_namemax) { alert(bzloc_namelength + " " + blenza_opt_namemax); return false; } return true; } function bz_starts(str, pre) { return (str.substring(0, pre.length) == pre); } function blenza_checkUrl(pi, url) { if (_proxy_jslib_handle(blenza_nourl, (pi)) > 0) return true; if (url.length == 0) { alert(bzloc_checkurl); return false; } if (url.length > blenza_opt_linkmax) { alert(bzloc_urllength + " " + blenza_opt_linkmax); return false; } if (!bz_starts(url, "http://") && !bz_starts(url, "https://")) { alert(bzloc_urlprefix); return false; } if (url == "http://www.") { alert(bzloc_checkurl); return false; } return true; } function blenza_elem(id) { return _proxy_jslib_handle(document, 'getElementById', '')(id); } function blenza_display(xurl, owner, pi) { var popwin = _proxy_jslib_handle(window, 'open', '')(xurl + "/display.php?owner=" + owner + "&postid=" + pi, "blenza_linkypop", "height=360,width=400,top=100,left=100,location=no,menubar=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,status=yes,toolbar=no"); if (popwin != null) { return; } } function blenza_getthumb(owner, pi, secret) { var popurl = blenza_thumbGetter + "getthumb.php?owner=" + owner + "&postid=" + pi + "&secret=" + secret + "&init=true"; var popwin = _proxy_jslib_handle(window, 'open', '')(popurl, "blenza_linkypop", "height=400,width=480,top=100,left=100,location=no,menubar=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,status=yes,toolbar=no"); if (popwin != null) _proxy_jslib_handle(null, 'setTimeout', setTimeout)(function() { blenza_getthumb2(popwin, popurl); }, 3000); } function blenza_getthumb2(popwin, popurl) { try { if (popwin == null) return; if (popwin.innerHeight != null) return; } catch (err) { return; } } function blenza_setwho(n, e, u) { blenza_whoName = n; blenza_whoEmail = e; blenza_whoURL = u; } function blenza_setuser(v) { blenza_user = v; } function blenza_setredx(v) { blenza_showredx = v; } function blenza_setxurl(v) { blenza_xurl = v; } function blenza_setcolor(v) { blenza_color = v; } function blenza_setthumbs(pi, g, e, r, a) { blenza_thumbGetter = g; blenza_thumbExternal = e; _proxy_jslib_assign('', blenza_thumbRoot, (pi), '=', ( r)); blenza_thumbApprove = (a > 0); } function blenza_setmeme(pi, id, name, text, shared) { _proxy_jslib_assign('', blenza_meme_unset, (pi), '=', ( false)); _proxy_jslib_assign('', blenza_meme_id, (pi), '=', ( id)); _proxy_jslib_assign('', blenza_meme_name, (pi), '=', ( name)); _proxy_jslib_assign('', blenza_meme_text, (pi), '=', ( text)); _proxy_jslib_assign('', blenza_meme_shared, (pi), '=', ( shared)); } function blenza_unsetmeme(pi) { _proxy_jslib_assign('', blenza_meme_unset, (pi), '=', ( true)); _proxy_jslib_assign('', blenza_meme_id, (pi), '=', ( null)); _proxy_jslib_assign('', blenza_meme_name, (pi), '=', ( null)); _proxy_jslib_assign('', blenza_meme_text, (pi), '=', ( null)); _proxy_jslib_assign('', blenza_meme_shared, (pi), '=', ( null)); } function blenza_setYourUrl(pi, nourl, hideurl) { _proxy_jslib_assign('', blenza_nourl, (pi), '=', ( nourl)); _proxy_jslib_assign('', blenza_hideurl, (pi), '=', ( hideurl)); } function blenza_setExpires(str) { blenza_expiration = str; } function blenza_setMemelinks(v) { blenza_memelinks = v; } function blenza_setWinner(name, url) { blenza_winnerName = name; blenza_winnerUrl = url; } function blenza_setFliplinks(n) { blenza_fliplinks = n; } function blenza_setAlphasort(n) { blenza_alphasort = n; } function blenza_setBycol(n) { blenza_bycol = n; } function blenza_dispExpires() { if (blenza_expiration == null) return; _proxy_jslib_handle(document, 'write', '')("

" + bzloc_expiry + ": " + blenza_expiration + ".

"); if (blenza_winnerName == null) return; _proxy_jslib_handle(document, 'write', '')("

" + bzloc_winner + ": " + blenza_winnerName + "!

"); } function blenza_dispexp(owner, pi, cols) { //blenza_colsdef if (cols==null) cols=3; _proxy_jslib_handle(document, 'write', '')('

' + bzloc_owner + ': ' + bzloc_export + '. ' + bzloc_disablemsg + '. (' + bzloc_whatthis + ')'); } function blenza_dashboard(pi) { _proxy_jslib_handle(document, 'write', '')('

' + bzloc_owner + ' ' + bzloc_dashboard + ': ' + bzloc_clickdisp + '' + '. (' + bzloc_whatthis + ')'); } function blenza_cktool(xurl) { var popwin = _proxy_jslib_handle(window, 'open', '')(xurl + "/cookies.php", "blenza_cktool", "height=360,width=400,top=100,left=100,location=no,menubar=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,status=yes,toolbar=no"); return (popwin == null); } function blenza_isUpper(s) { if ((s >= 'A') && (s <= 'Z')) return true; else return false; } function blenza_isLower(s) { if ((s >= 'a') && (s <= 'z')) return true; else return false; } function blenza_isPunc(s) { if (((s >= 'A') && (s <= 'Z')) || ((s >= 'a') && (s <= 'z')) || ((s >= '0') && (s <= '9')) || (s <= ' ')) return false; else return true; } function blenza_sort_alpha(one, two) { var onelc = one[1] == null ? null : one[1].toLowerCase(); var twolc = two[1] == null ? null : two[1].toLowerCase(); if (onelc == twolc) return 0; else if (onelc > twolc) return 1; else return -1; } function blenza_linkies_list(src, owner, pi, secret, cols, data) { blenza_ord++; if (blenza_alphasort && blenza_alphasort > 0) { data.sort(blenza_sort_alpha); } var closed = (blenza_expiration != null) && (blenza_expiration.substr(0, 3) != "in "); if (closed) { if (_proxy_jslib_handle(data, (data.length-1))[0] < 0) { data.pop(); } } for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { var ntukey = _proxy_jslib_handle(data, (i))[1]+"|"+_proxy_jslib_handle(data, (i))[2]; if (((_proxy_jslib_handle(null, 'src', src) == "thumb") && (_proxy_jslib_handle(data, (i))[4] == 0)) || _proxy_jslib_handle(blenza_ntu, (ntukey))) { for (var j = i+1; j < data.length; j++) _proxy_jslib_assign('', data, (j-1), '=', ( _proxy_jslib_handle(data, (j)))); data.pop(); i--; } else _proxy_jslib_assign('', blenza_ntu, (ntukey), '=', ( 1)); } var len = data.length; var rows = Math.floor((len + cols-1) / cols); var cw; if (cols == 1) cw = 95; else if (cols == 2) cw = 45; else if (cols == 3) cw = 28; var iis = new Array(); for (var i = 0; i < cols; i++) _proxy_jslib_assign('', iis, (i), '=', ( i * rows)); _proxy_jslib_handle(document, 'write', '')('

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'); _proxy_jslib_handle(document, 'write', '')(" "); _proxy_jslib_handle(document, 'write', '')(''); _proxy_jslib_handle(document, 'write', '')(" "); _proxy_jslib_handle(document, 'write', '')(''); _proxy_jslib_handle(document, 'write', '')('' + n + '.'); _proxy_jslib_handle(document, 'write', '')(''); _proxy_jslib_handle(document, 'write', '')(''); if ((name != null) && (name.substr(0,1) == "&")) name = " " + name; if (name != null) { var newname = ""; var inamp = false; for (var j = 0; j < name.length; j++) { var cj = name.substr(j, 1); if (j == 0) { newname += cj; continue; } if (cj == '&') { inamp = true; newname += cj; continue; } if (inamp) { if (cj == ';') inamp = false; newname += cj; continue; } var cp = name.substr(j-1, 1); if ((blenza_isUpper(cj) && blenza_isLower(cp)) || (!blenza_isPunc(cj) && blenza_isPunc(cp))) { var ksp = false; for (k = j; (k < name.length) && (k <= j+2); k++) { var ck = name.substr(k, 1); if (ck == ' ') ksp = true; } for (k = j-1; (k >= 0) && (k >= j-3); k--) { var ck = name.substr(k, 1); if (ck == ' ') ksp = true; } if (!ksp) newname += " "; } newname += cj; } name = newname; } if (name == blenza_whoName) { name = "" + name + ""; } if (_proxy_jslib_handle(data, (ii))[0] < 0) { if (_proxy_jslib_handle(null, 'src', src) == "thumb") { _proxy_jslib_handle(document, 'write', '')(''); _proxy_jslib_handle(document, 'write', '')('
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'); _proxy_jslib_handle(document, 'write', '')(name); _proxy_jslib_handle(document, 'write', '')(''); // close div below } else { _proxy_jslib_handle(document, 'write', '')(name); } if (_proxy_jslib_handle(data, (ii))[3]) { _proxy_jslib_handle(document, 'write', '')(' '); } if ((blenza_user == owner) && (_proxy_jslib_handle(data, (ii))[0] >= 0)) { _proxy_jslib_handle(document, 'write', '')(' '); } if ((blenza_winnerName != null) && (blenza_winnerUrl != null) && (blenza_winnerName == _proxy_jslib_handle(data, (ii))[1]) && (blenza_winnerUrl == _proxy_jslib_handle(data, (ii))[2])) _proxy_jslib_handle(document, 'write', '')(' '); if (_proxy_jslib_handle(data, (ii))[2] && (_proxy_jslib_handle(null, 'src', src) == "thumb")) _proxy_jslib_handle(document, 'write', '')('
'); _proxy_jslib_handle(document, 'write', '')('
'); } _proxy_jslib_handle(document, 'write', '')('
'); } function blenza_linkies_wrap1() { _proxy_jslib_handle(document, 'write', '')('
'); } function blenza_linkies_wrap2() { _proxy_jslib_handle(document, 'write', '')('
'); } function blenza_linkies_ini(src, owner, pi, secret, cols, data, mode) { var pv = _proxy_jslib_handle(document, 'getElementById', '')("preview-" + pi); if (pv != null) pv.style.display = "none"; if (blenza_dynamic && confirm("Blogger's Dynamic Views template does not support JavaScript. Would you like to display the widget that was posted here?")) { _proxy_jslib_assign('', window, 'location', '=', ( blenza_xurl + "/links.php?owner=" + owner + "&postid=" + pi + "&src=" + _proxy_jslib_handle(null, 'src', src))); return; } _proxy_jslib_handle(document, 'write', '')('
'); _proxy_jslib_handle(document, 'write', '')('Mister Linky's Magical Widgets
'); if (mode == "link") _proxy_jslib_handle(document, 'write', '')(''); if (_proxy_jslib_handle(blenza_meme_name, (pi))) _proxy_jslib_handle(document, 'write', '')(bzloc_ifparticip + ' ' + _proxy_jslib_handle(blenza_meme_name, (pi)) + ''); else _proxy_jslib_handle(document, 'write', '')(bzloc_toaddlink); _proxy_jslib_handle(document, 'write', '')(", "); if (mode == "box") { if (_proxy_jslib_handle(null, 'src', src) == "thumb") _proxy_jslib_handle(document, 'write', '')(bzloc_thumb2); else _proxy_jslib_handle(document, 'write', '')(bzloc_siteusing2); } if (mode == "link") _proxy_jslib_handle(document, 'write', '')(bzloc_siteusing3 + '.'); } function blenza_linkies_fini(src, owner, pi, secret, cols, data) { if ((_proxy_jslib_handle(blenza_meme_shared, (pi)) > 0) && blenza_memelinks) { _proxy_jslib_handle(document, 'write', '')('
' + bzloc_sharedmeme + ''); } _proxy_jslib_handle(document, 'write', '')('
'); _proxy_jslib_handle(document, 'write', '')('
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