Thursday, August 12, 2010

Flowering 2009 HD (touched by strangers)---

Just Thought I Would Share This Video...I Love It!!! ENJOY!!!!
I don't know if anyone else that finds rocks keeps them...Am I weird?? I just Love the way they look so unique each & everyone.Just like Us!!! When I was little I started out with a Agate Collection I still have it to this day,when my family would go on holidays I would find just that special one to add to it,there was the odd one that wouldn't be a Agate.But I didn't care it was still special,my Dad would help me he would write the location on a bandaid and wrap it around then...Thank You Dad!!!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Good Reads!!!

I read both of these books....know I need another good book to read.They were really goood!!! I like it when you read a book and it's good right from the start to the end.Also when you can picture yourself in the book,that's my kinda book!!! Any suggestions I would Love to hear from you!!!! TTYS  DeeDee   ( these images are from the web)

Monday, August 9, 2010

Good Morning!!!
I've been busy doing different things since my last post,one was going to Fort Steele B.C. It's only 15 min from where I live & I don't know why I didn't go sooner.I would Love to go back in time...the smells,clothes,no electical gadgets,just the simplicity.I have alot more pictures that I took from our day...I just put a few on here for you to get "A Sense Of Comfort" that I get when I walk through this time in our history.Hope you enjoy get a real sense of how I feel you should go & see it for yourself it is well worth the trip.TTYS DeeDee

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

My Husband & Myself  Went To "Lazy Lake" On The Weekend With Our Friends & Then Again The Next Day With Our  Daughter & Her Friend.It Is So Beautiful There :) :)!!! It's About 45 min. From Our House.The Water Is A Deep Green Color,The Water Is Warm,Not Cold Very Refreshing.Not Like Some Water That You Can Only Put Your Big Toe In & It Is Freezing.We Definetaly Will Be Going Back Again!!! I Told My Hubby That It's Been 7 yrs That We Have Done This (gone to a lake) He Said I Know It Feels Soooo Good Be Here!!! This Is & Was One Of Our Favorite Things We Have Done Over The Years With Our Kids & Friends/Family. We Are Very Fortunate To Have Found Such A Little Gem Not To Far From Home.TTYS DeeDee

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

My Husband Found These On A Job Site, He Said He Saw Something Shiney.... So He Got Off His Machine And Found These!!! COOL!!!! They Do Exist, As A Child I Was Fascinated By Dinosaurs. So They Sit On Our Book Shelf For All To Enjoy!!!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

The Little Things That Mean Alot!!!

These Beautiful Windchimes My Mom Gave To Me A Few Years Ago.They Where My Grandma's,She Just Turned "93" On June 26th/10.The Last 6 Months Or So She Has Been Losing Her Memory :"( :"( .She Has Just Been In A Home For The Last 2 Months,She's Lived With My Parents Since The Early 80's.It's Been A Year Since I Saw Her Last,But I Get Updates On How Grandma Is Doing As I Talk To My Mom Every Day (gotta love a phone plan that i can talk to her for free!!!) My Sister & Mom Are Wanting To Plan Another Family Reunion Next Summer,My Mom Has A Huge Family 5 Girls & 4 Boys.The Last One They Had Was 3yrs Ago....Way To Much Fun,I Love My Family!!! It Gives Me "A Sense Of Comfort" That I Have Such A Wonderful Family That When We All Are Together That There Is No Negative Attitudes On Anyones Part,We Love To Laugh!!! TTYS DeeDee