Monday, November 01, 2010

Testes. One. Two. Three?

Yeah I am alive and yeah I am still not feeling bloglovin but it's nearly Peace Globe time so I figured I should dust off the landing pad.

Let's see, ER visit followed by surgery a whopping 20 days later. Which was a whopping 11 days ago. Pain? Still kinda whopping my ass. Not fun. The drugs were good though ;)

What else. Atlanta was awesome. Naturally ;) Ohh..going back in Feb/March for my birthday. I plan to eat at Cracker Barrel. A lot. Like a lot a lot.

And Kidlet and I are both going back in Aug/Sept for Dragon*Con. Got rooms at the Hyatt (much dramz) and my costume idea is a go AND I found a seamstress to do it. Who works about a block from my house. Kidlet will be Columbia. Of course =)

Now to see if hitting publish still does anything on this bitch ;)

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

It's That Time Again

When I start pestering people for AIDS Walk Money ;) In the meantime I have added a handy HIV Testing widget. For more info check out Nine and A Half Minutes. Feel free to grab the code for you site! You will find it under the Be Part Of The Solution section.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Is This Thing Live?

Hi Peeps. See? I am still around. Just very busy and very unblogivated. That's a word, yo. Work is caught up - for the moment - and we are moved into our new office. Hello shite commute! But I can do this for a couple years and then as my reward I get to get the FUCK out of this shit hole state with it's hipster douche bag population. Thank the Lord.

Miss Kidlet and I just returned for Atlanta and we had a blast. Confirmed once and for all that that is where my home is. And I intended to go back for my birthday and treat myself to Bourbon tour. As for the blogging, I will start it up again when the muse moves me :P

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Yes I Live

BUT...this is just a post tease. I have enjoyed my extended break from blogging. When it begins to feel like something you are expected to do rather than want to do, it be no fun :P

So "HI!!" all and I shall return.
