Thursday, January 28, 2010

Tastes So Good Makes A Grown Man Cry

So like I really HAD planned to do an actual post today. A Thursday 13 no less. Granted it was going to be a half assed one of random shiz in my brain, but still. Instead I wisely chose to take the big pain pill since 24 hours of feeling like you have been hit by a train is enough.

So yeah, this post was pre-empted cause I was stoned :P

Today I have 3 meetings. I can go a full month with no meeting and today I get 3. Oh the joy.

Mom is having her total shoulder surgery next Thursday the 4th so my Birthday Dinner shall be taking place about a week early. Mom is pretty damn motivated to do shit but even she can't fry chicken with one shoulder sliced and diced. Good menu though. Fried Chicken, Mashed Potato, Some form of greens like chard (hint if you are reading this mom although spinach would be damn fine too) and lots of gravy. And my "cake" you may be wondering? Fuck cake, it's all about the pie! Not just any pie mind you...

Sweet Cherry Pie!

Oh yeah, I am totally inflicting Warrant on the unsuspecting public.

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Monday, January 25, 2010

Sunshine, Thunder Roll, Keep This On

POST! Apparently I am one shot a week girl right now. Baby steps :P

Saw Gabe yesterday and he is doing really well and finally even came over and visited with me. He has been mad at me =( Had a MOST yummy dinner at Mom and Dad's. Nearly as good as her pot stickers. I am totally rethinking my birthday dinner menu. Would say 15 pot stickers count as dinner?

Let's see. On the schedule this week. I get to play step and fetch it tomorrow and visit several Starbucks around the area picking up Hot Chocolate for Kidlet's Leadership shin dig tomorrow night. Which I get to help at. Doing what I have no idea. Getting those boxes of steaming hot chocolate from car to school is gonna be a treat. They don't call me Grace for nuthin.

Friday Kidlet is doing some fair thingie at her old Grade School and I have to pick her up from Guitar and bust a move out to West Union for her to do that. I am gonna make her dad go pick her up :P

And Wednesday night I need to make Black Bean Chili for a work Potluck on Thursday. Plus I have 3 meetings on Thursday. Good Lord!

Need coffee just reading that :P

I leave you with the new song from Gorillaz. Damon Rawks!!

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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Castrati Cat

Everyone bow their heads and think good thoughts for my kitteh. He is having urethra repair surgery today. Basically he is saying good bye to the remainder of his dangly bits. 2 week recovery time. I feel badly he has to go through this but hopefully this and the new special diet will keep him from having recurrent bladder obstructions and infections. That was not fun.

At work. It is workish. Would dearly love a day with sun. This shit is gettin so old. It's like wearing a hat with the brim pulled down to about eyebrow level ALL THE TIME in this state in the winter time. Such a joy.

Vinny Bond has asked me to join a round table discussion on his BlogTalk radio show coming up on March 29th. Y'all better listen to me live or I will have to get medieval on your asses. I am quite excited. We are going chat about the state of music today and I am going to be serving as New Music Wench, a subject that is near and dear to my heart. We are going to be looking at how this thang we call the internet and place such as MySpace and Internet radio have impacted the way music is found these day. I think it's going to be a pretty dynamic little chat. Mark those calendars!! And let's all pray I bring it :P

What else is happening in Starr Land. My birthday is coming up. On a Monday. Joy. Mom is doing a special present and my child will give me no clues. Cause she sucks. I am volunteering at CAP for Art Intake on the 31st of Jan to get ready for the Auction in May. Which Miranda and I will both be volunteering at again. I like the intake day though. I get to peruse the art works at my leisure!

Charity Auction is ramping up as well. And we are doing a department potluck next week. I might have to make a Pastichio. Cause it is hella yummy.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

All The Gold And The Guns In The World Couldn't Get You Off

Howdy folks. Slowly getting back in the saddle on this blogging thang. Still sucking at reading other peoples as well as posting on my own. Work is work. Got to do some Overtime the last two weeks. Fucked on that by illness and snow. Got to do some OT last weekend. Not that it helped, it merely covered the loses suffered due to kidlet's (typically) complicated wisdom tooth extraction.

Gabe, as many of you know, has decided that he was tired of being called broke ass pussy and jumped onto the emergency (read - expensive) vet train. He has surgery tomorrow. On his wang. Poor little bugger =(

Let's see what else. Um..........Oh! Mom made pot stickers last week. They were so good I am still fixated on them. I might have to revised my birthday dinner menu to ask for potstickers and roast beef. And that is not a weird combo, it is eclectic.

I just shot coffee out my nose, at work, laughing my ass off. Co workers think I am nuts. So pretty much all is as usual around here.

STILL have not seen Avatar. Still pissed about that. Maybe this weekend with the kid. We shall see.

Blogfest! Looking like I will be nailing the date down to July 24th - Aug 4th due to my department moving to a new office building. Grumble grumble. I am hoping the new huge windows by my desk will make up for the new huge commute I am gonna be getting out of this move.

Lastly but never ever leastly, new music! LOVE Gold, Guns and Girls by Metric. Make that FLOVE.

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Friday, January 15, 2010

Could It Be Semantics Generating The Mess We're In?

I blog therefore I am. I have to wonder what philosophers would make of blogging in particular and social internet in general. Oooh and texting. Texting is going to be the death of decent conversation. We are all going to end up talking the way Hemingway wrote. Someone find me the shotgun.

So, then, HI!!! I have sucked at visiting and blogging and what with Gabriel getting in on the Vet action and the fact that my stress levels are fairly well through the roof, this last week was no better. My most awesome boss is letting me work 8 hours of overtime tomorrow to off set the 12 hours of unpaid time last week. Thank god for that since I just used the last bit of emergency funds I had to pay for Harley's *6 dollars per pound* cat food. I pay less for my fucking coffee! And 6 pounds is the largest bag they make. Do the math. 36 bucks a month for just his cat food. Gabe's will be 26. Not the same food of course. So I now have about 65 bucks a month in pet food bills.

Kidlet got her foo foo camera, a Canon Rebel, for Christmas. Her dad did real good on that one. It's awesome! Now I just need to get a decent weekend and I can drive her to the coast. She will actually be driving down to Bandon tonight with her dad to visit her Great Grandmother on that side. I like Bandon. They have cheese. Cheese is teh win.

Let me see, what else. OH! I was on a roll this morning and accidentally to one of Kidlet's migraine meds as well as my daily morning pills. Good Going, Me! And I have a new personal mission. To take a day off from work and stake out my Starbucks. I want to find the asshole who uses the last of the half and half and never takes up the empty carafe to be replaced by a full one. Every freaking time I go inside to order I have to do this. I shall find them and then beat some manners into them with said empty carafe. For shiz and giggles I may sing "Singing in the Rain" while doing it. Got Milk?

Music! Someone got She's Nubs stuck in my head which unfortunately is NOT available on Playlist (WTF?!) so instead I leave you with NoFX and Don't Call Me White and Please Play This Song On The Radio. Plus the former hella random stuff on the playlist.

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Sunday, January 10, 2010

Same Old Song And Dance

Happy New Year blah blah blah. That's pretty much been my blog attitude lately because quite frankly it has been a stressful and rather busy month. First Harley drama then, Kid wisdom tooth drama, the Gabe drama, toss in an annoying fucking snow storm and the usual pita that is the holidays and voila. I am poster girl for I don't give a fuck.

Plus too, when blogging starts to feel like I job, I put it on ice for a while.

Pissed at Kidlet today for poor choices surrounding how late one should stay up following a missed week of school. Will never EVER own a purebred animal again in my life. Love my kitties but Jesus Jumped Up Christ this is ridiculous with the health issues.

Uh...missed work, that means no money, whoo hoo!

See why I have not blogged? Or visited? Cause frankly I have not much had an interest in anything outside of just trying to keep my head above water.

The bright point was our lovely New Years Eve dinner with my parents. Crab bisque, death cheese salad (blue cheese :P) and roasted beet and goat cheese salad. It was awesome.

The whole decade in review got shelved in part due to me being too tired to do it and in part because that is going to take a lot more than I had thought it would So maybe a year a month starting in Feb. We shall see. With that, I am back to Facebook :P
