Friday, February 01, 2008

Hi, my name is Alex Hirsch, and, contrary to what some people are saying, I do not have a blog. Dont believe me? Examine the evidence.

This is a photograph of a jar of mayonnaise. It is not a character design digitally painted in photoshop using a Cintiq. It is not a gestural sketch of fat people sitting in a coffee shop. It is not a rant about the state of the animation industry, or a cataloging of my favorite obscure cartoon characters from the 50s, or a series of photographs of my cat. No, it is not any of these. Because those are things that are found on a blog. And I do not have a blog.

All I have is this photograph of a mayonnaise jar.

Mayonnaise is a thick condiment made from vegetable oil and egg yolks. It is popular on sandwiches. It is less popular on blogs. Which is fortunate. Because I do not have a blog.

......or do I?......

No, I don't.

Un-bloggingly yours,