Sunday, January 5, 2014

Getting ready for the Next Challenge

I have, with great trepidation, signed up and paid for a conference in NYC for Children's Book Writers and Illustrators.  I want to see what that world is like, I know I'll be overwhelmed with the talent that is out there, but I want to see it all. Plus it's a chance to go to NYC for a few days, see some old friends and have an egg-cream if nothing else.

But, part of what I am doing involves have a critique of my (non-existant) portfolio.   I don't think cobbling together little sketches will make for a great portfolio.  So I am trying to beef it up (past two pages!) and have something that can be meaningfully critiqued.

To that end, I am working on one or two sketches for a few stories.    I'm starting with Peter and the Wolf.  I always loved that story and music, the first time I heard it was at the Children's Symphony at the Brooklyn Academy of Music conducted by none other than Leonard Bernstein.   And he explained to so beautifully to the kids, I just adored it and him.  So I decided to start there.

I'll add some Water Lily Girl pics, and "Dad and his Pizza" and some other stuff.  I don't know what to expect, so I'll just bring what I can.

Pencil sketches below.  I plan to show the sketches and some finished work from each series. (oohh, I just noticed how small the head is in the first shot, gotta go work on that)

(I really think I need a new scanner ) 

If anyone has any experience with this type of conference or critique  - let me know! 

Thanks for stopping by and Happy New Year to all!!!

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Christmas Day

We had a small tree this year, but a lovely day.  Since DH's mom died on Christmas day a few years ago, it's been sad and lonely without her, but this year we managed calm and peaceful - which was great.  Breakfast with my mom, bike riding, presents, and an early night. 

My brilliant husband gave me a full set of newly reprinted Wizard of Oz books, complete with color lithographs. The Illustrator, John Neill has always been one of my favorite illustrators so this is a treat beyond treats.  I have two of the Oz books from the 20's, but having the whole set is a joy.  Wisely he only brought one book down to Florida for me to see, the remaining dozen or more are at home - waiting to be unpacked and set up in a place of honor. 

Wishing you all a Happy New Year, Happy Boxing Day, Happy Everything. 

xoxo Mim

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Sunday, December 15, 2013

A Snowstorm is a chance to get all those inside chores done...isn't it?

I love this time of year, and I love being buried in the house during a snowstorm. There are chores to be done, a pile of presents waiting to be wrapped and sent out, a house to be cleaned and what do I do?  I sit down and knit.

Yesterday I finished another Cowl and fingerless - mitts (really, just tubes for your hands and arm) and was quite pleased with myself.  These are Merino wool with a bit of silk in them.   I also finished my grey sweater which I've been working on for a few weeks. It needs final blocking but it looks good on and is about as warm and cozy as baby alpaca can be. The only complaint I have about this yarn is that it's SO unstructured that the sweater feels like holding a pile of slippery....well something. I can't think of a good description.  But it slides around in a funny way and is hard to fold as it slips off itself.   But all in all, I couldn't have been happier as I watched Christmas movies and knitted all afternoon.

Frankly I did feel like I deserved some time out.  Not only have I been working like a dog, but I did a lot of final shopping yesterday starting at 7:00 AM.  Yup, idiocy I know, but it was the only way to get things finished before a snowstorm came.  And I experienced going to an "American Girl" doll store. Have you ever been to one?  I never have but a niece got a doll from my mom and it needed some changes of clothing.  I was amazed at the store, it's like Disney world for girls.  It's also outrageously expensive, but if I could have had one when I was a kid...and gotten matching clothing for myself - wow!  I would have been on top of the world.  Walking away from the store I thought about getting one for myself now, and making matching clothes for myself so that I can experience that feeling - getting in touch with my inner child and all.   Then I thought that the store should do it, offer adult clothing to match the child and the doll....and then I started laughing at myself.  Still, it was a fun experience.

So today I am finishing the chores (awful chores, like laundry, and cleaning house, and paying bills), while the snow continues to lightly fall.  The plow guy has come a few times and it looks like we got about 10 inches, not too bad.  But theres another yarn waiting for me, a Malabrigo in a gorgeous dark color called whalesroad.  I've got a bottom up knitting pattern that is calling out to me.   An easy turtleneck pattern.   Plus...I do hear my studio calling my name.

Anyone want to come over to do my chores?

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Final Day 8 -

Well, it's a few days late but the whole project was last minute really.  I'm still missing the actual Day 8, where the 8th day candle get's lit but that will have to wait.

I liked this self assigned project and have learned so much about composition (and what I could have done better), color, shading.  Is there ever a project that you don't learn from?

So - Happy Chanukah!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Day 7 - even tho' it's really Day 8

I lost a day by working late on Monday night - so am still working on painting day 8.  Enjoy Day 7

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Day 6

2 more days to go and then a grand happy finale with all 8 candles, and the helper candle together.