[ HIPPARCOS satellite ]

Astrometric Catalogues Server

This server page provides access to the Tycho-2 catalogue, to the main Hipparcos and Tycho-1 catalogues and to the Tycho Reference Catalogue (TRC). The first three catalogues are based on observations made by the ESA Hipparcos satellite, the TRC is based on the Tycho catalogue and the Astrographic catalogue. For more information on the Hipparcos mission and the catalogues please refer to the ESA publication SP-1200. The TRC catalogue is described in A&A, 335, L65-L68 (1998) - July 1998.

The catalog server follows the ASU (Astronomical Server URL) conventions.

A client to access these catalogs at ESO directly from your computer (without a Web browser) is available by using the ESO Skycat tool, downloadable here.

Query Form

To retrieve a list of objects from either the Hipparcos or the Tycho catalog enter a coordinate pair in the R.A. and Dec. fields (J2000) OR an astronomical object name in the Object Name field. Please note that this server is based on the original ASCII-files. No special effort has been made to optimize the performance. Therefore the server performs very poor around the celestial poles for the Hipparcos catalog, where it has to read the complete catalog to find the objects.

Coordinates: R.A. : (hh mm ss) Dec. : (±dd mm ss)
Object Name: will be resolved by Simbad.
Catalogue selection:
Output format:
Search radius: Maximum distance from center (arcmin)

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