Monday 12 January 2015

The Weekly Story - wk1

Its Monday!! And I've got a small announcement to make *smiles*...

To all those who sent email most of last year, and left comments asking where's the weekly story... Here it is!!

I'm bringing it back in 2015 and promise to update you on the weeks happenings..

I actually did miss it... It was my way of visiting your blogs.. and it truly made me happy!! 

I sure hope you are going to join me too...

My weekend started with removing the Christmas tree and putting all the little things back into storage.

It took me all of Thursday to get this sorted and finally... the home looks normal again!!

After nearly a year or so, for the first time... (really!!)... I had a relaxed weekend... 

Brunch with family, walking around in the mall, an impromptu bbq dinner and finally chai at Harshi's... 

Here are a few pics of the 'masala bun' she baked for us... 

Thank God for such lovely friends... 

I'm going to attempt at being regular, and sure promise to visit you all this week...

Join me at  'The Weekly Story' linky-party ~ open from Monday through Wednesday every week..
  1. Do a post on your blog: about ANYTHING! and it can really be anything – example – a fun recipe you tried out, a craft project, a DIY, a table top, a few candles, coffee with friends or a good book or a movie review… The list is endless… just about ANYTHING… and anything about YOU !! *smiles* ... It can also be 'anything pretty' ...
  2. Original photographs only... No images from other websites or magazines please!! This is about YOU.
  3. Link back to my blog.... only as a courtesy, so we have more people joining the party.
  4. Copy the 'permalink' from your post (not the link to the front page of your blog).
  5. Add your 'permalink' to the 'inlinkz' at the bottom of this post.
  6. Click the link before you. Don’t forget to comment and if you like the blog, please follow!!
Please note, you DO NOT have to be a follower of my blog to join the party.. I'd love to see you here!!

    Please grab the Colours Dekor 'The Weekly Story' button!!

    Colours Dekor 

Friday 9 January 2015

Wedding decor - Part 2

I know its too many images, but Im sure you will enjoy every little detail...

Now please ignore the background, coz as we were taking picture people were still working to make the place look stunning... 

This was a pathway... 

This is Abhishek doing what he does best... making everything look stunning. Like I said earlier, if you have an event in Bangalore, he is your person... Email me on and I'll be glad to give you his mobile no. 

The mason jars hanging on trees... 

If you've got an event as gorgeous as this.. please do send in some images... to

Wednesday 7 January 2015

Wedding Decor

Writing this post made me feel like Im flooding the page with these images, but the decor was simply so beautiful that I had to click a thousand pics.

More importantly, the pics don't do sufficient justice to these images..

I was at the Lalit Ashok, Bangalore last week, and the pool side was being set up for some function... and we simply couldn't stop clicking pics.

The insides of the paper bag... 

Walking down the stairs.. 

This was the table decor...

And walking back... 

The wedding planner and decorator was some guy called Abhishek.. If you are based in Bangalore and need some help, email me on and I'd love to give you his contact details. 

Wait for part two of this series to see more... *smiles*

Monday 5 January 2015

Old Church made into a home

Happy New Year everyone!! I recieved this on email today, and simply had to share the sheer beauty of this home!! *sigh*

A couple purchased an old church in Kyloe, Northumberland, in PA. They invested a lot of money on the interior, but left the exterior almost completely intact.They did more a restoration, than a renovation, which would have cost them 3 times as much.

If they had not purchased the old church, who knows what would have happened to it, as it was in very bad shape. The couple adapted the interior while leaving the outside with the minimum appearance of a house.

At least the neighbours are quiet. How cool is that!!