Tuesday, March 25, 2008

You can always tell it's an animation student....

I just noticed today that I went over 200,000 hits - when did that ever happen? And why?

Thanks much for all the visits! The film is due up real soon which means I shall be free from its shackles in a short time. Until then, expect a post drought.

For those wondering about my progress, more than half the film is fully composited at this point... and the rest is either colored, in need of coloring, or in need of cleanup, in that order. I'm pretty sure the rest of this work will be over by the end of the week, because all in all, the work left is around less than 10 shorter scenes.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Character Poster....

Hey all,

In my spare time today I was putting together a poster of everyone's fourth year film character this year at Sheridan.

Here's a wallpaper sized version of the current version of the file. The real file is really cumbersome - around a gig and takes around 15 minutes to load. Anyways, there's still about 30 people's characters missing and I hope to get these fairly soon.

1280X1024 4:3 Version:

1920X1080 16:10 Version:

I've updated the files (twice now!) with a few more characters...

Saturday, March 15, 2008

The Art of Disney Animation...

Well here's an amazing blog!

The french blog is chock full of various conceptual artwork from various Disney/Pixar films. Check it out!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Another New Wall-E Trailer...

This time on Apple Trailers. For those who saw the last full trailer, it begins the same but is significantly different in the second half of the trailer.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Monsters Vs. Aliens...

A new image from Dreamworks' Monsters Vs. Aliens...

The characters are: Toothy Insectosaurus, Dr. Cockroach, The 50-Foot Woman (Susan), Missing Link, and B.O.B.

Via USA Today.

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Feeling bad...

...about not posting to this blog lately... Every day that goes by without posting I feel worse!

So here are some stills from the film. Sorry about the Sequence/Scene markers - was too lazy to take them out.

Food fight...

Lettie sent me this hilarious and awesome stop-mo piece.

Friday, March 07, 2008

Toronto Animation Industry Night...

Just thought I'd remind everyone about this going on tomorrow....

Just thought I'd spread the word about the Toronto Animation Industry Night. The deets are:

Thursday, March 6th . 7 - 11pm
Veritas 234 King St. E. Toronto
Open Bar 7 - 9pm
Live Animation Jam, Event Screening, Networking

Check out the Toronto Animation Industry Night website for more details.

Monday, March 03, 2008

The Cast of Unicycle Joe...

Sans a few...

It's wallpaper sized for you people strange enough to use this as a wallpaper.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Plugging is good for the soul...

Hi all,

Stumbled on some wicked awesome work of other artists in the world. The 'blogosphere' rules.

Erwin Madrid


Starchie Spudnoggen

John Watkiss

Bill Cone

Bookmark all of these and/or add them to your feed readers.

More to come as I find the time.

Justin Coffee...

Friend of friends Justin Coffee has just put his book together of some lovely ladies.

Definitely swing by his blog and check out his stuff (and his book!)

Monday, February 25, 2008

Life (in the nude!)

First off, I'm sorry that almost all that I'm posting is life drawing. I still go regularly so it's the easiest thing for me to throw up on here. I really need to get more design and stuff from the film up, but that will come in time. I'm sorry too if the posting gets sporadic from here on in - the film's into its last few weeks of production so it will be a bumpy ride.

I don't really do that much nude life drawing anymore, and especially not short nude life drawing. My addiction has progressed into the pure crack that is costumed life drawing, so it's rare that I step back to nudes. I think there's probably something wrong with me.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Walter Murch...

Check out this great talk by renowned film editor Walter Murch about Film and Sound editing.

I had a chance not too long ago to check out his book, In The Blink of An Eye, which I highly recommend checking out as well.

Thursday, February 21, 2008


He had to leave early...

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

James Baxter on Sinbad...

Animator Kevin Koch has posted several linetests of James Baxter's work on Sinbad. Check it out here.

Coraline Teaser...

The teaser for Laika's Coraline has appeared here. Enjoy!

[Update] The video was taken down off Cineplex it seems. It's shown up again on MovieWeb, so I've changed the links above and embedded below:

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Batman: Gotham Knight

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Where the Wild Things Are...

A possible clip from the live-action Where the Wild Things Are, directed by Spike Jonze.

[Update] According to Ain't It Cool News the clip is "a very early test with the sole purpose of just getting some footage to Ben our vfx (visual effects) supervisor to see if our vfx plan for the faces would work. The clip doesn’t look or feel anything like the movie, the Wild Thing suit is a very early cringy prototype, and the boy is a friend of ours Griffin who we had used in a Yeah Yeah Yeahs video we shot a few weeks before. We love him, but he is not in the actually film...Oh and that is not a wolf suit, its a lamb suit we bought on the internet."

Thursday, February 14, 2008


A healthy blend of design and life....

Also, found this drawing in my sketchbook from before.


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