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September 03, 2018

Sad Week

We're all sad this week. Bob's oldest and closest friend Rob passed away. They were friends for over 30 years and he used to come to check on us when Bob and Monika had to be away from home so we kitties grew to like him also. Rob was always quick to smile and happy to help anyone who needed him.


August 28, 2018

King of The Tower

Obsidian got up here and decided he wanted to get under the blanket, so I got on top of him. That makes me the King of the Tower.


Keep dreaming squirt! I'm the reigning King here.


Then why am I up here, while you are down there?

Cosette and Ashlyn;

Sounds like you two have been talking to Frostin.  Does that mean that we are Princesses again?

August 26, 2018

New Food

Sable here,

Chewy sent Bob another new food for us to review. It is weruva's BFF Potluck O' Pouches. There were 6 kinds and they all have funny names;

  1. Date Nite! which is Duck & Salmon in Gravy
  2. Purr-fect Plannin'! which is Chicken, Turkey & Salmon in Gravy
  3. Shazaam! which is Lamb & Tuna in Gravy
  4. Seeya Sooner! which is Chicken & Tuna in Gravy
  5. Ciao Baby! which is Chicken & Shrimp in Gravy
  6. Booya! which is Beef & Chicken in Gravy
They all tasted great, but our favorite was the Seeya Sooner! followed closely by the Shazaam!. What can I say? We're cats and cats love Tuna.

Obsidian and I are the only cats that like wet food here now, but we give this a big 8 paws up.


August 17, 2018

New Litter

Chewy sent us another litter from Frisco to try out. One major improvement over the last frisco litter we tried is that this one came in a jug instead of a bag, making it easier to handle and harder for the cats to get into before it was actually put into their litter boxes. Also this version doesn't seem to clump as solid. We had started using their original litter regularly, but we had to stop because it was clogging up our litter scoop and we had to use a screwdriver to scrape it back off. All in all I would give it 8 out of 10 stars.

August 16, 2018

Samson Has a New Home

Samson here,

My new pet humans came to bring me to my Furever home yesterday. Monika told me I am going to have another cat to be friends with, plus a dog. I'm not sure I know what a dog is, but I'm sure I will like my new home.

August 11, 2018

Farewell Queen Munchkin

Today is a sad day for Monika and me. Our Tortie Munchkin had to be assisted to the rainbow bridge. She was 18 1/2 years old and she was always Daddy's girl even though we originally got her for Monika. She quickly wrapped me around her paw and she was the Ruler in her Kingdom within our home. She hasn't been gone a full day yet, but already I miss her more than words can say. Enjoy yourself on the rainbow bridge and keep the other pets there in line Munchkin.

August 05, 2018

Foster Fail

Sable here,

Obsidian and I have bonded so well that Bob and Monika decided I get to stay with them forever. I'm so happy that I don't have to go to another humans home.


July 29, 2018

New Food

Munchkin here,

The second new food Chewy sent us this week was Victor's shredded chicken dinner. 
We all tend to prefer pate to shredded, but we all liked this anyways. 16 paws way up.

July 27, 2018

New Fosters

Hi,  I'm Sable. Bob and Monika caught me while they were trying to catch my Mom Midnight. She was very pregnant and they hoped that she would have the babies inside where they would be safe, but Mom is very trap savvy and wanted nothing to do with being caught. She likes Bob and will let him pet her while she is eating, but will run away if he tries to pick her up. On the other hand, I am afraid of Bob and I will barely let him pet me a couple of times and then I am ready to run away.

Hi, I'm Samson I am one of the kittens Midnight had after Bob and Monika caught Sable. They are still trying to catch my Mom, but so far they have had no luck. Unlike my brother, I love Bob and I like to lay in his lap while he on the computer and to sleep cuddled next to him.

New Food

Munchkin here,

This month Chewy sent us two new foods to try.  The first one we tried was Beyond Wild from Purina.  The flavor is Turkey Liver and Quail and we all loved it including the two fosters we have currently, giving it a whopping 16 paws up.