Wednesday, April 29, 2009

An overhaul project

I know this blog needs quite an overhaul. I am talking about getting a new blog layout, nicer colour scheme, and possibly a new webhosting site. It has been a while since I've paid more attention to this site. I could use some inspiration and obviously help. I am not the most techie person alive, and if I go on and start this project it may take a long while. I guess that is how rebuilding was meant to be. It's good that I have found a site that is very beneficial to me and this endeavour that I would be undertaking. They do have a blog section that allows helpless people like me with tips and other useful information on hosting, etc. I have yet to discover if they can assist with the creative part of hosting sites or whether they have some sort of affiliation with a company who does. I should really be doing my research on this, if I am seriously considering overhauling this blog!

I am missing my good friend in Manila who could maybe help me with this project of mine. I guess she could do some live camera assistance, while I try to figure out how I want my site to be. But then again, I don't like troubling other people with my concerns. I should maybe send an email to the site I am looking at doing my hosting. I am sure they do offer a very good service on technical assistance!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Has Been, Will Be.

We all have our ideas on how we want to grow older and wiser. And, sometimes we think too much about how to reach this goal that we lose track of the present.

So much lost time on pondering thoughts about the future, that the 'now' slips past us too soon. In the blink of an eye today is yesterday. In a few minutes we are onto the third month of the year. I would not want to think of what a whole hour can bring, while endlessly searching for meaningless answers which cannot bring back lost time.

Easier to write about, than to actually practice living for today. Really, the secret must lie in finding purpose in this very minute of life. C'est la vie.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Hidden Treasure : Paperbark Camp

I've been thinking about a place to head off to for the long Easter weekend. I have managed to convince hubby to go South Coast NSW and I wrote that we would most likely be close to the beach again. Tho I would really love to go visit Paperbark Camp in Jervis Bay, for now it would only just be a dream getaway (it has been for the past six months!).

Paperbark camp is a luxury hideaway, with a choice of original or deluxe Safari tents. Each canvassed tent features timber deck, outdoor lounge, a comfortable bed, private open air shower, luxury amenities, etc.

The property, which is about 2 1/2 hour drive South of Sydney, offers interesting bike trails, canoe adventure activity, hikes, etc. For the ones who are just visiting for the hideaway luxury of it, can wait by the deck to spot possums or kangaroos, or perhaps enjoy lazy day readings in the outdoor lounge, or have a massage within the private tent.

What not to miss is the food experience at the Gunyah (Aboriginal for meeting place), which is the property's reknowned restaurant. At the moment, they have got extra special deals to celebrate their 10th anniversary. The cuisine is mainly modern European, at which the menu changes to match the season.

(Images from Paperbark website)

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Struggles and Work

How is work coming on for you? And the rest? Times like this financial crisis, one can never really tell what will happen tomorrow. At work, we have been assured that we are the best house in the worst street but still that does not give us a whole assurance or income protection. Every week my colleagues and I ask our leader to give us some sort of update on what’s going on. He does not always give us an answer, just because there is no certainty in this world now. What more, the tourism industry everywhere is just in a slump. That does not mean that people are not traveling, coz they are. They are just traveling wisely now. I know especially, that big families are delaying vacation plans, but some young professionals still go off to spend hard earned money. Our manager’s told us, the best way to keep our jobs is to spend money wisely, and not just save. Apparently spending allows others to keep their jobs, which in turn lets us keep ours. That’s why the government injects so much of these interest rate cuts, etc!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Where you at?

After all the hullaballoo of the holiday season, where you at?

I find myself going back to normalcy of life. At least for the next 11 months again until next Christmas season. As we grow older, we try to find the real meaning of Christmas, and starting a new year. As a child, Christmas meant gifts, holidays, no classes. But now, we make our own meaning ourselves. We can take a long holiday from work over the holidays, but what does that actually mean? Does it mean spending time with family? We can buy our own presents, things we actually like. But does that make us a better person?

I am just really praying for a better year ahead. Christmas was not spent with relatives, but I was with my immediate family (hubby). It was a time spent away from the usual work environment but only for a few days. I am thinking, the first day of the new year allows us to hope for happier and better days ahead.

Wishing everyone a Happy 2009!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

That time again

It's that time of the year again when we are hopeful and have faith in ourselves that next year will be better. Better for us, in terms of our lifestyle, our habits, our career, our love life, our family life, personal life, etc.

It's the season of hope, and I am thankful for it. That each year, we have to chance to feel that it is never too late to give it another go. In whatever that is that needs improvement. Really, don't you just love Christmas and all the mixed feelings it can bring?

Well, for me particularly, I am happy about all that and more, so many blessings 2008 has brought. But then again, I am just wishing I was in Manila especially during this festive season.

Oh well I can only hope, that next year I am home to celebrate. :)

Sunday, December 7, 2008


As much as I love lists. I love countdowns. For this means that one is looking forward to something. Something big, Something small; it doesn't matter. The best countdowns for me at the moment are:

Counting down to..

Hubby coming home!
Planning a baby!
Planning our second wedding!
Planning to come home to Manila!
Planning a long holiday!

Okay, I shouldn't get too excited. But I suppose that's the whole point of countdowns. To get excited!

Raising bilingual kids

I am pretty proud about our eldest being able to speak my mother tongue (Filipino). As young as one year old we taught her to speak Tagalo...