Friday, April 27, 2007


Que paso people...
The mad dash to produce content for SDCC has begun!
So I just thought I'd post a couple of doodles from a little while back.
I painted and posted the middle gal a while back and might go back and do the other two at some point...

I'd also like to take a second and thank Stephen Levinson for the quick plug over at Channel Federator ... I appreciate the kind words from everyone, and as always hope to not dissappoint in the future!

Got a few new things cooking up and I hope to get something going real soon...

Sunday, April 08, 2007


One more for the weekend...
Hope everyone had a happy Easter!

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Red Wine...

One for tonight...

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Like clockwork....

Finally, an update! Well, I'm off to a great year huh?...
First, the propers:
Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, And Happy Birthday to a lot of people including myself....
It's been a while, and I'd like to thank those of who still manage to find their way back here... Needless to say, I've been swamped with work but, fear not, I have all the intentions of updating regularly now, as well as making some changes to the BLOG. A lot of links to add, a lot of shout outs to give, and no better time than the present to make things happen (Seeing as how a lot of people probably think I'm dead).
A lot going on and sooooo much still to do...
First off, I've recieved great news, my main man Bob and I have been approved for our table at the San Diego Comic Con! This will be the second straight year that we have a table and we're really looking forward to being a part of it all over again. The amount of inspiration and talent in that place is REDICULOUS! More INFO to come on all that as we get closer...

Untill next time, I'll just leave you with this quick doodle... hope ya like.


Thursday, November 09, 2006

Thursday, October 26, 2006


Inspired by my girl...
It's late...

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Mornin Fog...

Gettin' chillier here in Chicago...

Friday, September 29, 2006

Brown Suga...


Monday, September 25, 2006

Saucy GOTH...

# 3 in this scribbly series...

Sunday, September 24, 2006


Yeah, thats bubblegum pink...
so what...

Friday, September 22, 2006

That Dame...

Just a quick one I actually drew digitaly for a change...
Trying to get comfy and stay loose...
There certainly were a ton of color options here, and after racking my brain decided that its most important to just finish the damn thing and move on ;)

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

The Devil wears nada...

Painted up a sketch I pooped out at SDCC...
Had some ideas of treating this piece like a title card of sorts...
I may come back to it later on and finish it up... But we all know how that goes.
My apologies to those who have seen this up at the DB and want to see some new stuff.
Soon... I swear...


Monday, August 21, 2006

Outsider Art Club Week 1

Heres my Outsider Art Club entry for Week 1...
"Zombies VS. Pirates"
I tried to keep this one generally loose and spontaneous.

In other news:
I'm currently in the process of updating this place! I've got a lot of shout outs and links to add... Including a "personal Inspirations!" list or "Guys that Rock!"
I'm way behind on keeping tabs, so its about time I get my shit together...
My small and humble "SHOP" is up and goin' to the right...
Thanks to all you who ordered a book (theyre on their way)!
Thanks to all you who even thought about ordering one too! I'm honored!!

Back shortly!

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

"AMALGAMATION..." now for sale!


Yup... so I finally got around to setting up my Paypal account...
and much thanks be to Bob Rissetto for helping out with this insanely simple process...

For just $10 (plus $2 shipping) you can have my first ever 6" by 9", 50 page, perfect bound sketchbook! It includes color works as well and a lil "flip book" corner! Not to mention a redeemable IOU, if you're ever in Chicago ;)

Just click on the "Buy Now" button underneath the cover of my book over to the right.
Ive only got a few left (what i didnt sell at the Con or give to friends).
If you've e-mailed me already I'll get back in contact with you, or just click over at the "Store". And thanks you for the interest!


Friday, July 28, 2006

Con Aftermath...

It's been 5 days since the SDCC and I'm still exhausted... What a fantastic time though! It was sooo inspiring to be around so many awesome artists and to see so much amazing work! I got the chance to meet some big inspirations (John Navarez, greatest guy ever) and a bunch of old friends too (Steve Lambe, Miah Alcorn, Robin Mitchell). My creative batteries are completely recharged!
It was the first time I was out there at a table, and despite not recieving one out of the two tables we reserved, everything couldnt have gone better! I'm so happy that i decided to get my book together, "Amalgamation", to sell out there. I couldnt be any happier at how well recieved it was... I really had no expectations coming in and was thrilled to unload nearly 100 of them! Thanks sooo much to anyone and everyone that picked one up!
The single most important step in all this was, first and foremost, the creation of this blog. And I truly owe it all to Steve Lambe! Steve, youre an awesome guy and you really pushed me to show my stuff more, even though I'd constantly shoot ya down...(and still will) I owe ya a bunch! Thanks for turning me on to it!
So, over the next few days I will try to set up a Pay Pal button and attempt to get rid of the rest of these at $10 a pop to whoever is interested... If you are interested just shoot me an e-mail and I will keep tabs, or wait for the "store" to pop up... copies are limited however.
Time to get to work for next year! *** I need sleep***

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

San Diego Comic Con 2006 vol.2

Fantastic news!! A group of good friends and I are all approved for a table in San Diego and my first book ever should be arriving tomorrow!(knock on wood) I'll be recieving my books and some prints in hopes of unloading them at the Con...
Hopefully, if all goes well and enough people show interest, I'll sell a second run online...
just shoot me an e-mail if ur interested...
If we're tight, dont worry, youve got one already...

Im also in cahoots with my main man Bruno... We'll be picking up some postcards we got printed this weekend, in an attempt at shamelessly selfpromoting ourselves... here it is...

These we'll throw around for free and hope that some stick...

I gotta take a sec BTW to thank Bruno a ton for his help these last few weeks! Ive leaned on him heavily and really value his opinion and help... ya hear that foo! i said thanks! Hes been letting me have it lately... And thanks to Bob who went through everything first with his book... whew...

So here's a list of my peeps at the table next week: a few more amigos without blogs will also be there!
More on Diego at least one more time before we fly out...
I'm getting excited...

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Been a while...

Yes it has been...
And I only hope that people have still been stopping by to check up on me anyway.
Ive been MIA for quite a bit, but the good news is that I have reason to believe that everything is all set for San Diego 2006!
At least with the table...
I'm now on a frantic quest to get some stuff out before then...
Hopefully, I'll squeeze in a few more posts by then.
Here's a 'lil diddy I colored up real quick just cuz...
Hopefully more to come on Diego...

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

San Diego Comic Con 2006

Thanks again for all the awesome words and feedback on my last post! All your words wre really inspiring!
Ok... So these posts actually have nothing to do with San Diego...
But I probably wont be posting for a while cause I'll be super busy preping myself for the San Diego Comic Con this summer.
I'm actually excited this time around cause a few friends and I are actually gonna have a couple of tables there and hopefully I'll get a book together by then to show...
It might also be an awesome oppertunity to meet a bunch of you bloggers out there! So if you plan on being around the Con in July let me know and I'll hit you up for a drink!
Anyway should be awesome! I'll deffinately mention more Diego in weeks to come...
In the mean time, these are just some little doodles...

This one is another take on that last post... not much different really, but I think she's got a little more Brigitte Nielsen in her face...

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Why doesnt your sister cook the friggin' lion... She doesnt do shit around here!?!

Pencil, Flash, Photoshop

For some unexplainable reason Ive been on a barbarian kick as of late.
This was a sketch I kinda liked and decided to color up...
This is my Red Sonja inspired image...
The original sketch also had a guy in it, which I may decide to go back and color.
I liked her design a lot better than his though.
I think I tend to rely on Flash during the cleanup process a bit too much.
I should deffinately get in the habit of really nailing down the final sketch instead of leaving some decisions for the cleanup stage. Its a bad habit of mine.
I dont know what would be worse...
Being the poor guy at the opposite end of this lunge?
or being her husband?
Look at that mouth!?
Poor guy...