Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (2009)

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

the Decepticons returned to kidnap the boy, while the Autobots tried to protect him. the movie was action packed, making it extremely entertaining n intense! robots are much detailed compare to the previous version - Transformers (2007), n much more impressive too. definitely a recommendation.

Monday, June 29, 2009


Cinema (Photograph)

cutting queue may seemed like the perfect solution when time runs out. a boy, around the age of a high schooler, decided to cut into our line. no "excuse me", no guilt attached. with our stares burning into his back, he stole looks at us yet pretended nothing happened when our eyes meet. with despise, neither me nor the girl in front of me let him had it easy.


Sunday, June 28, 2009

fun facts: wolf's barf..

Wolves (Picture)

birds aren’t the only animals to feed their babies barf. wolves are one too!

these wild canines travel miles to find preys, often too big to haul back to the pups in the den. thus the only way to get the meat back to the pups is for the adults to eat n carry it back with their stomachs. arriving back at the den, the pups go crazy licking the adults’ mouths, which stimulates the adults to barf up the partially digested meat, n viola! dinner is served.

so did you ever wonder why your pet dog tries to lick your face? it is not trying to give you a kiss, it is trying to make you throw up your lunch just so it can get a snack.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Zodiacs: Personalities

Doll (Picture)

ARIES (3/21-4/19) generally have a strong independent personality - they are aggressive, competitive, original, adventurous, argumentative (sometimes just to enjoy the debate). aries love to do "physical" things and be active, even sometimes taking dangerous risks just to win. an aries say what's on their mind, n confront anyone who doesn't treat them with respect. aries are fun and playful, they enjoy being the center of attention n the life of the party. they tend to get bored easily. they are forward, to the point, out spoken, n have a deep desire to be in charge. aries are natural leaders and may challenge authority figures. they tend to be too rashly; but ultimately it is because they are ready to jump at everything they encounter.
negative side: aries can be quick tempered, demanding n too forceful to get their way. a truly negative aries can be physically violent.