Sunday, January 4, 2015

Let's start writing again..

Looking at my last post, it has been more than a year since I last blogged.  How I miss this space.

From July 2013, a lot have happened most notably personal career change.  A blessing in disguise.  Still loyal with the company though, just a change in the field of specialization.  

Since 2011, there are these voices that keep telling me Engineering is not the field I want to retire when I am 55.  Instead, strategic management has always been an area of interest and Alhamdulillah, the opportunity came when I least expected it.  An opportunity that not only brings career change, but also changes in the way of thinking and looking at things around you.

Well, with good things came also a number of challenges in which life would be uninteresting without.  So let’s embrace the new year and all the challenges it will bring with positive attitude towards life.

Have a great 2015!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Perbandingan Harga Pakej Haji 2013/1434H

Sedikit perkongsian buat bakal-bakal Haji/Hajah untuk tahun ini tentang pakej yang ditawarkan oleh agen-agen yang dilantik pihak Tabung Haji untuk tahun ini.  Perbandingan harga ini dibuat berdasarkan brosur online yang dipaparkan pada website mereka.

Bagi tujuan keseragaman, kesemua pakej dipilih dengan andaian anda memilik pakej 4 orang sebilik.  Diharap jadual ini akan memberi panduan kepada semua dalam membuat pilihan terbaik pakej yang bersesuaian dengan bajet serta keperluan anda.  Jika ingin dikongsikan pakej ini dengan orang lain, amatlah dialukan.

Harap dapat diambil perhatian yang mungkin agen-agen yang dilantik ada membuat perubahan lagi pada harga ataupun hotel yang dinyatakan.  Jadi, digalakkan anda berhubung terus dengan agen-agen yang terpilih untuk tujuan pengesahan.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Salam Malidur Rasul

To write or to tweet.

To tell or to shut.

To share or to keep.

These are some thoughts that keep coming up every time I want to start writing back in this blog.

It has been a while since I last wrote.  I just find myself being more recluse in the cyberspace than I am before.  Nowadays, my preferred mode of social networking is via twitter where I occasionally tweet. 

It might be part of the aging process (oh I feel so old).

All in all, a lot have happened.  Each, with its own hikmah.

I am thankful to Allah for the people who are around me; families, friends and even strangers.

I am thankful to Allah for the things that have been given and also taken from me.


Therefore, I am hoping and striving to be a better person. 

Someone with more hearts. 

Someone with less negativity.

And lastly someone with less kilogram :-p.

Salam Maulidur Rasul everyone.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Famous Ikan Patin Tempoyak

Never been a fan of both ikan patin and tempoyak, but I do make exception for these everytime I am in Temerloh. Do lookout for Gerai Pak Usop. If you are lucky, you might bump into Siti Nurhaliza. She likes to come here from time to time (kata orang situlah). Oh ya, the price of seketul ikan is RM10 and it is a big ketul and worth your every ringgit!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Sorry guys. I am starting to relapse on my blogging. Blame the work, blame the old age and blame the time for moving so fast.

In actual fact, blame me for poor time management. My calender is nearly pack till May. Have been running everywhere attending meeting (and avoiding the bosses :-p) and clearing up pending tasks.

Less than 2 weeks I will be leaving for my office's candat sotong trip. That can turn out to be an exciting journey or a vomiting fest (due to seasick). It will test my sea endurance and my candat skill. I am soblooking forward to it as this would be my first holiday trip for this year..yippie!

Eh, leave application tak submit lagi la...Dang!!!!!!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Loving the Weekends

Weekends are finally here. Eventhough I do not have anything planned yet but either ME time alone at home or with my parents does sound heavenly.

Wake up at 5 this morning and realized that I slept with the lights on. Haiyaaa...must be feeling really tired. I am torn either to go for a walk at Titiwangsa or just go for a walk to buy Nasi Lemak....and the healthier choice would be NASI LEMAK! :-p. But need to finish some laundry first.

Later aligators!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Mari Berbuka

Grilled chicken sandwich and apple and blueberry yoghurt top with green grapes. Yummeh!!! Eh, aku lom bukak posa lagi la :-p