[Kenwood] TS 940 S: Digital unit broken

Prof. Dr. Andreas Gissel [email protected]
Thu, 17 Jan 2002 09:30:42 +0100

Hi all,

after last year's IARU HF contest my TS 940 S died.

Observed symtoms: - digital frequency readout disappears seconds after
switching the rig on
                  - digital frequency readout re-appears for a second when
e.g. I turn the VFO knob
                  - no RX or TX on any band

I sent the rig in to one of the local dealers and was told that the digital
unit is broken an this cannot be repaired (at least not within a time / cost
frame that would not accumulate to more than the price for a new rig). The
big problem seems to be that the digital unit does not seem to be available
as a spare part any more (at least not from Kenwood Germany).

This is pretty bad news as I really like the 940 and I do believe it's a
great rig for CW (which I do 100%) and contesting. So my questions to the

1) Has anyone experienced a similar problem with his/her 940 as I do? Is the
diagnosis of a broken digital unit (probably) correct?

2) Is there any place where this digital unit can still be obtained as a
spare part?
   My service manual lists the parts as follows:
   digital unit A: X54 - 1830 - 00
   digital unit B: X54 - 1840 - 00
   digital unit C: X54 - 1850 - 00

3) Anyone know of a place that could possibly get my transceiver fixed?

Any help would be very much appreciated.

Tnx in advance, Vy 73 de Andy, DL3YBM