[Kenwood] problems in TS830S

PY2NFE [email protected]
Sun, 5 Jan 2003 21:12:39 -0200

Dear Friends:
Some weeks behind put two messages relating the problems in my TS830S. I
inform was carried out what to correct the problems:
First problem: burning the resistores of 20 ohms - R2, R3, R4 and R5 - that
they are in the cathode of the valves 6146 of the final tank. An of the
capacitores of 0.047uF from final unit entered in short circuit too.
It causes: short intermittent circuit between an of the contacts (10 MHZ)
from the last pastille from the band switch and the common contact from the
key. The short circuit was caused due to deformation of the contact. The
contact was corrected and the problem solved.
Second problem: Without power - barely some few watts - in barely everybody
It causes: bad contact in several pastilles from the band switch in the
plate RF UNIT. To correct the problem the band switch was disassembly  and
clears. All of the contacts they were verified. Everybody you weld them from
the plate RF UNIT they were remake. After a lot work that it compensated the
work of dissasemble the switch from the plate RF UNIT.
My thanks to everybody that messages sent me giving sugestions and too to
the website www.mods.dk therefore in him I obtained the manual of service of
the TS830S.

73 to all

Ronaldo Brisolla -  PY2NFE
[email protected]