[Kenwood] ICOM 706

[email protected] [email protected]
Sun, 5 Jan 2003 18:48:06 -0600

Hi Cliff.   I used your expertise on the Kenwood TS-440S, cleaned out all
of the goop, resealed the board, now it works fb.

Next, I have a "japanese"  706, that is it has the Japanese band plan for
all the bands. 2 meters is restricted as are some other bands.
Is there a way to open up the bands to allow our band plans to work.
        It was purchased in japan on their radio row by a friend, he did
not know about the restrictions of frequencies.
I do not have the full model and s/n here but if needed I can go out in
garage and dig it out.  It is the first model, no suffix letters
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR.
                           jack      [email protected]