[Kenwood] help with qrm/qrn

Hart Engel [email protected]
Fri, 17 Jan 2003 16:02:35 -0500

Here is my problem, and I hope you can shed some light on it.

I want to get back into HF radio [phone mode] but I need to know what type of rig I should be looking for. I live in the city of toronto and I can't put up a dipole or beam so the only other antenna is a vertical one, due to the limit space that is available to me. I have a medical problem called tinnitus [or ringing of the ears] and after listening or trying to tune out the hash or what I call the fried egg sound [after 5min of listening] I get sevier headaches. So I abandoned HF all together and sold my rig.
I'm currently on 2m/70cm and I don't seem to any problems with qrm/qrn do in part with the squelch on the rig. And i'm glad for that.

A few years ago I got into 20M qrp'ing and found the radio [mfj model] had a built in crystal which seemed to get rid of or lesson the background noise.

So I figure it may not be line noise at all but just atmospheric noise. I remember that the higher the freq the less the noise was. e.g. On 10M it was around 1-3 S units and on 160M it was around 5-9 S units.

I need to know what type of rig or equipment I can buy that isn't going to put me in the poor house or were I don't have to refinance my shorts [if you know what I mean]. I ask this because when I got into ham, I made the foolish mistake of buying what ever looked good and never even researched the products. So you see I don't want to make the same mistake twice.

I am looking forward to your thoughts on this matter, and please don't be afraid to ask any question that might help me. Please e-mail me off line; [email protected] Thanks

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