[Kenwood] Why does anyone ship UPS?

joseph duerbusch [email protected]
Thu, 30 Jan 2003 10:52:26 -0600 (CST)

When I sent my TS-850S/AT to AVVID for some minor work last fall, UPS did not make me open it up or anything.  But they marked the shipping document as going for repair.

I guess they paid a smaller amount for a lost radio that needs repairs then a lost radio that doesn't need repair!!

Last comment about UPS, I have NEVER had a problem with them.
But it is nice to know of other carriers that do as good or better job.  It is nice to have a choise so all the comments were welcome, but the thread is getting old.

Joe K0BX

-------Original Message-------
From: [email protected]
Sent: 01/30/03 12:19 PM
To: [email protected], John Geiger <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: [Kenwood] Why does anyone ship UPS?

> Funny you should mention the 'power it up' possibility.

UPS refused to accept a radio heading back to Kenwood 
from me for warranty service....because I couldn't 
power it up!

Not that I could have, anyway....The '100D is a 13.8 
volt rig!


I sent it by priority mail (actually goes at the same 
time in the same planes and trucks as the US Mail) for 

Bill  WA3RA

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