[Kenwood] RE: Memory Batteries TS850 & TS940

Phil Florig [email protected]
Mon, 30 Jun 2003 20:23:29 -0400

Hi all,

Tnx for all the posts and e-mails on the above subject.  A lot of good 
information including
cautions.  I have ordered some batteries and holders that are in the $1.10 
to $1.81 price range.

Will try to put together the comments and results when the parts come in.

I appreciate all the efforts in sending me this information.
You are a great group and tnx for being there....

73    Phil

Philip Florig           e-mail:[email protected]
115 Horne Rd.               (or):[email protected]
Columbus, NC. 28722         amateur radio:W9IXX
USA                      also:J3X-T30,31,32,33P
                            team member:AH1A-J3A
IPR Systems, Inc.           tel: 1-708-385-7500
11651 Mayfield Ave.         fax: 1-708-385-7515
Alsip, IL. 60803          email:[email protected]