[Kenwood] Curious

Bob Wilder [email protected]
Tue, 29 Jul 2003 16:16:42 -0500

This is not a flame, but just some answers to a person who is bitter at the no-code Tech.

At 03:34 PM 7/29/2003 -0400, William J. Diamond wrote:

>Hay guys,
>You can flame and argue the no code thing all day but myself and a ton of
>other old timers like me will agree as follows.

Guess I am a old timer as I was first licensed in 1948

>A no code license holder is not a real ham.
>They are appliance operators.
>They could not put a coax connector on to save their life.

Many that I know run electronics repair facilities and got the tech just so they
could legally operate some of the equipment they repair.  One here in Mobile even has
built several receivers and transmitters designed to look and operate as they did
in the 1930's.

>Could they copy a distress signal in CW? Not only no but H---NO.

Maybe so...but a lot of old timers can not copy either.

>The supporters are the same bunch that could not pass a ham test 30 years
>ago so they worked to get the law changed.
>They are the easy out people.
>They are for the most part educated but have no common sense.
>They have no loyalties.
>They helped keep failing companies in business, Kenwood and Yaesu.
>The ham bands are too crowded now, we do not need more of them.

They are the ones that are saving of VHF and UHF bands by showing usage.

>Do we like them?  No
>Do we respect them No.
>Will we qso with them NO
>Were do the majority of us operate?  The Extra class portions of the bands
>or high speed CW which they probably think is RTTY or where their computer
>programs will not copy.

I work most of my Extra class stations in the Advanced/General portion of the bands.
The only think I hear in the "Extra" bands is griping.

>Some say they are first to help in an emergency, Bull, with what? a 99.00
>HT. They can't operate a decent HF band for long distance communication so
>what good are they? Not much.

A lot of the old REACT CB group opted for Tech because they wanted to be more help
in emergencies.  Down here on the Gulf Coast they are invaluable during hurricanes
when it comes to communications.

>Yes, they carry their 99.00 HT's around  sporting events and the like saying
>they are emergency communications trying to impress people.  Yea right.  I
>will take a cell phone any day over an HT.

I see a lot of 1x2 and 2x1 hams doing the same thing at ham fests.

>As you are probably wondering. No I do not operate any band above 20M. I do
>not operate 10, 6, 2, 440 and the rest of that stuff. If I want to talk
>across town, I will use my phone.
>Look around any ham fest and see the no code techs walking around with 3
>HT's, big battery packs on their belts and lots of speaker mikes what a

Again...I see a lot of 1x2 and 2x1 hams doing the same thing at ham fests.

>Now what do they look like, usually long hair, no shave, baggy pants, no
>shirt or a tee shirt with some half vulgar thing on it.

I have a beard and long hair..."nuff said

>My wife refuses to go to a fest except for Dayton for this very reason.
>I am proud to say that I took every single license exam before the FCC and
>no VEC's I have a problem with them also but that is for another day.

My class "B" was in front of a FCC inspector,  My Advanced was given by the\
base communications Office while overseas and my Extra was thru a VEC after
I turned 70 years old...So What?

>So if the list cop wants to boot me from the list, no problem, I just sold
>the last piece of Kenwood crap last week and now I am 100 % Icom, the real
>ham's radio..
> William J. Diamond
> Rogers, Arkansas USA
>[email protected]
>   Ham Radio Operator WR�T
>Please Visit My Radio Page At
>-----Original Message-----
>From: [email protected]
>[mailto:[email protected]]On Behalf Of Bob Wilder
>Sent: Tuesday, July 29, 2003 3:32 PM
>To: Scott Manthe; [email protected]
>Subject: Re: [Kenwood] Curious
>Very well said Scott.  Like you, I never had a no code license.  I went from
>Class B
>to Advanced to Extra over the last 55 years and the Extra was three weeks
>before the
>code requirement dropped.   Some of the best operators I have heard lately
>have been
>no-code tech.  When there is an emergency, they are there to help which is
>more than
>I can say for some of the "coded" hams.
>My 2 cents worth.
>At 02:03 PM 7/29/2003 -0500, Scott Manthe wrote:
>>That's a cute and catchy phrase, but it's woefully simplistic and
>>divisive. It's also, in my opinion, inappropriate commentary for this list.
>>I've never held a code-free ticket in my 26 years as an amateur, but I have
>>no problem with most of those whose have one. As long as they conduct
>>themselves on the air with some diginity and have respect for what being an
>>amateur means, then they're OK with me.
>>What separates CBers and amateurs is foremost a test and a license, then
>>secondly their attitude about their respective services, not CW. I've heard
>>plenty of "coded" hams who don't respect their fellow amateurs, the FCC,
>>it seems, themselves. When you throw around cutesy phrases like, "Without
>>CW, it's just CB", you're not encouraging anyone to learn CW, or anything
>>else. You're being a jerk to people who've had nothing to do with the rule
>>making process- they simply followed the rules in effect to get their
>>tickets. And many code-free Techs are pretty decent hams and decent people.
>>Does this attempt to make someone else feel bad about their accomplishments
>>make you feel good? Does the fact that you learned CW make you feel
>>superior? Does it make you a better operator?
>>CW is a great tool and I'm glad I learned it, but not knowing it doesn't
>>automatically make you an inferior amateur.
>> Techs simply have different kind of amateur license than you, what's so
>>hard to accept about that? And remember, many of those codeless licensees
>>own Kenwood gear and subscribe to this list.
>>Have a nice day,
>>Scott, N9AI
>>ex: WD9IPV, N9AAT
>>----- Original Message -----
>>From: "William J. Diamond" <[email protected]>
>>To: "spawnn" <[email protected]>; <[email protected]>
>>Sent: Tuesday, July 29, 2003 6:49 AM
>>Subject: RE: [Kenwood] Curious
>>> It is called the codeless license.   Remember, without CW, it is just CB.
>>>  William J. Diamond
>>>  Rogers, Arkansas USA
>>> [email protected]
>>>    Ham Radio Operator WR�T
>>> Please Visit My Radio Page At
>>> http://pages.sbcglobal.net/wjdiamond/index.html
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: [email protected]
>>> [mailto:[email protected]]On Behalf Of spawnn
>>> Sent: Monday, July 28, 2003 11:39 PM
>>> To: [email protected]
>>> Subject: [Kenwood] Curious
>>> I am curious,
>>> When did Sears and Roebucks start issuing Amateur Radio Licenses again?
>>> W2ZWW
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>Bob & Carole Wilder
>6032 Idlemoore Court
>Theodore, AL 36582-4117
>Asst State MARS Director- Alabama
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Bob Wilder
6032 Idlemoore Court
Theodore, AL 36582-4117
Asst State MARS Director- Alabama
All incoming and outgoing messages are
checked for virus using AVG version 6.0.502
and Virus database 300 updated 07/18/2003 
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