[Kenwood] TS-900 question

Mike Steussy - AE4R [email protected]
Tue, 29 Jul 2003 21:49:12 -0400

Ahoy... The ancient and venerable TS-900 (circa 1973) is, without 
question, a beautiful rig.  So is the companion VFO-900.  They are 
extremely well-made.  I was lucky to find mine in on the estate sale 
table at a hamfest last year.  The pair is fun to use, earns great 
signal reports on SSB and CW, and is such a joy to look at.  In hopes of 
starting a new string, I welcome any comments from owners and former 

Both the transceiver and its remote VFO have dial pointers that indicate 
by illumination which is controlling the frequency at any given time. 
My VFO's pointer illuminates brilliantly, but the transceiver's pointer 
isn't nearly as bright.  Might any of you who have experience with this 
radio have a guess as to why this might be so?

Mike Steussy  AE4R
Vienna VA