[Kenwood] TS-440 Keyer problem

[email protected] [email protected]
Fri, 2 Jan 2004 12:27:33 EST

I have a MFJ-422C Electronic Keyer Paddle that I am trying to use on a 
Kenwood TS-440 radio. I have the cable plugged into the direct port on the keyer and 
into the key port on the Kenwood TS-440. My problem is on LSB, USB, or any 
mode besides CW I get tone as if the keyer is operating one long steady never 
ending dah. I turned the keyer off, but the tone is still there. The only way to 
eliminate the tone is to disconnect the cable between the keyer and radio 
either at the keyer or at the radio. Any information you can provide will be 
helpful. The Kenwood manual says "when using an electronic keyer, make sure that 
polarity is set for positive." I am unable to find in my keyer manual how to 
check or change this setting. Am I missing a setting? Do I need to change 

Richard, KB0VXU

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