[Kenwood] TS940 DEAD AGAIN

mrapps at grandrapids-mn.com mrapps at grandrapids-mn.com
Wed Oct 27 22:58:05 EDT 2004

Hello out there in cyberland

My TS940 is exhibiting its genetic defect;  no frequency display and 
not receiving or transmitting.  It went to Cliff 2 years ago and worked 
fine through last winter.  Last spring it crapped out.  As my basement 
warmed up a couple degrees, it suddenly started working again.  It 
worked though the summer in a warm summer cabin although it was 
sometimes stubborn about getting started properly.  Now that 
temperatures have dropped it is dead once more.

This evening I took the XYL’s hair dryer to the PLL board where the 
problems had been in the past.  After a half hour of gentle heating the 
components were toasty but not hot.  No luck.

Before I get scientific (get out my VOM), have any of you had this 
problem and if so where did you find it?

Have fun


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