Charles Mumphrey charlie at charlieselectronics.com
Fri Jan 27 08:42:22 EST 2006

Here is your sign!
It's working now...
Enjoy! '73

Charles Mumphrey
Amateur Radio Station Kc5ozh
Kc5ozh Rowlett Repeater: 441.325 Mhz + 162.2
Kc5ozh Dallas Repeater: 441.950 Mhz + 162.2
Rowlett R.A.C.E.S. Unit 823

> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: [Kenwood] E-MAIL  AND OR COMMENTS
> From: "Gary ve3rin" <ve3rin at rac.ca>
> Date: Fri, January 27, 2006 7:18 am
> To: "Kenwood user group" <TS-850_450_690 at yahoogroups.com>, "Kenwood
> users Group" <kenwood at mailman.qth.net>
> I don't know what has happened, perhaps it is my computer or provider but I have not received any mail from the users groups in the past week and a half.
> Just a note to see what happens.
> Gary ve3rin

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