[Kenwood] 706MKII vs. 430/440/735

John Geiger johngeig at yahoo.com
Tue Oct 24 00:59:42 EDT 2006

I have an Icom MKII with DSP, which makes a nice 6m
and 2m all mode rig, but the receiver isn't so great
on HF.  Really falls apart during contest conditions,
although it isn't too bad during casual operating-but
still kind of noisy on the low bands.

I have been seeing some good prices on older Kenwood
and Icom HF rigs, like the TS430, TS440, and IC-735. 
Would one of these rigs perform alot better than the
706MKII on HF under crowded conditions?  I had a TS430
about 10 years ago and really liked it, and it seemed
to do pretty good in contests.

So would one of these rigs be an upgrade on HF
compared to the MKII?  I wouldn't want to spend
$300-$400 to end up with the same (or worse) receiver

Don't care that the 706MKII is menu driven and the
others aren't.  Just looking for overall operating

73s John W5TD

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