[Kenwood] RE: TS850SAT and optional filters

Hsu, Aaron (NBC Universal) aaron.hsu at nbcuni.com
Thu Dec 27 15:08:11 EST 2007

Someone a while back posted links to graphs showing the effectiveness of using slope tuning in conjunction with filters.  I have the links somewhere, but can't find them - can someone repost the link(s)?


  - Aaron, NN6O

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2007 10:42 AM
Subject: Re: [Kenwood] TS850SAT and optional filters


I have them both installed in my TS850SAT. Theoretically there is not much difference between them, see http://www.qth.com/inrad/graphs/103.gif and http://www.qth.com/inrad/graphs/22.gif

The -6dB / -60dB  bandwidths are 460 Hz / 985 Hz and 367.5 Hz / 845 Hz for the filters. Not much difference but in CW it is good to have also the 250Hz #22 as well as the #103 and both are wide enough for RTTY operation.
Best 73 's

Steef PA2A

----- Original Message ----- 
To: <Kenwood at mailman.qth.net>
Subject: [Kenwood] TS850SAT and optional filters

> Hello,
> Will apreciate any feedback on experience using TS850SAT and CW optional
> filters.
> I used for years a TS450SAT with YG-455C-1 500 hz 455.0 KhZ filter.
> Now I have a TS850SAT without filters. I install the YG-455C-1 and I like
> very much the slope tuning, a very nice feature in the 850
> I want to improve the RX, so I am going to aditional CW 8830 kHz filters.
> My idea is the INRAD filters, but don´t know if will be better a 250 hz
> (#22) or the 400 hz (#103) model.
> If anyone in the list use this INRAD filters will apreciate very much your
> comments.
> Happy New Year 2008!!
> 73,
> Jorge

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