[Kenwood] In Need of Kenwood Parts for 950 SDX

Conrad Nasatka wb3dqd.conrad at gmail.com
Wed Jan 18 21:28:51 EST 2012

Hello to all:
I was hoping somebody might able to help me with some parts that I need for
my Kenwood TS 950 SDX .  I guess it is directed to someone or anybody that
is parting out a Kenwood TS 950 SDX, is my guess.  I already approached one
of the leading Kenwood parts houses and our of 4 pieces, they had one piece
and then it was only the front inner foot without the metal ring used to
raise and lower the front of the rig.
What I need is:
1) The ATT switch or knob on the upper right on the front of the 950 SDX
right next to the POWER button.
2) The cabinet that covers both sides and top on the radio.
3)The metal ring that goes around the front foot, which is plastic, and I
need two of them.
What ever anyone could do would be really appreciated. Please call me if
you can help me out or email if you'd like.
P.S. I'll then explain what happened to the rig, as there isn't enough room

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