[Kenwood] Kenwood Noise Blanker recommendations

John af5cc at fidmail.com
Fri Mar 9 23:31:23 EST 2012

I am suffering from some rather bad noise on 17m and on other bands from
time to time.  I am working on trying to eliminate it at its source, but
there is a limit to what one can do. So, I am thinking of trying to pick up
an older HF rig that will be as quiet as possible. Here are my thoughts on
what I want:

1. Solid State
2. Ham bands only (better, tighter band pass filters)
3. Non-synthesized-no phase noise
4. Good noise blanker
5. $400 or less

What would be the best Kenwood rig to fit with these criteria?  It seems
that the TS120, TS130, and TS180 all fit within these parameters.  I would
probably exclude the 120 since the 130 would definitely be a step up.

Also, would a TS930 for the right price still work pretty good on noise,
even though it isn't ham bands only and synthesized?

John AF5CC

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