From kenw8ek at Fri Dec 9 15:24:14 2022 From: kenw8ek at (Ken, W8EK) Date: Fri, 9 Dec 2022 15:24:14 -0500 Subject: [Kenwood] Kenwood items FS Message-ID: <> Kenwood Dual Band HT, Speaker, Crystal Filters, Microphone, Mobile mount, Extension feet, and more For Sale . Kenwood TH-G71 Dual Band HT: The Kenwood TH-G71A is a dual bander with all the right features. Besides being easy to use, the TH-G71A also boasts power up to 6 watts (VHF) or 5.5 (UHF) with external power. You also get .5 W or .05 W. 200 memory channels, with six alphanumeric characters. Multiple scan functions are available. It includes the PB-39 high powered battery, BC-17 AC Charger, Belt Clip and SMA flexible antenna. Only 2.3 x 4.5 x 1.3 inches. Features: 200 Alpha Memories Key Illumination Multi Scanning Modes Built-in encode/decode Easy to use menu 3 RF Out Levels This one looks like new, and works the same. In includes a PB-39 H, high capacity 1450 Mahr battery plus the regular one. Both hold a charge and work well. This one also includes the BP-19 desk charger, and the wall wart charger. With paper work for $145. . Kenwood SP-23 External Speaker: The Kenwood SP-23 base speaker matches many Kenwood transceivers including the TS-450, TS-570, TS-590 and TS-690, and many, many more. This versatile 8 ohm speaker features a metal cabinet with flip-out tilt bar. It has a 3 inch speaker element rated to 1 watt, with a 300 to 5000 Hz response. The rear panel features two screw connections, and includes a 3 foot audio cable. It is 4.8 x 3.75 x 9.25 inches, and weighs 2.8 lbs. This particular speaker works fine, and looks like new, with no scratches, dent, or dings. With cable and paper work for only $85 . Kenwood Crystal Filters All work as they should and are solder in type. They look fine also, as if that matters for a filter inside the rig. These filters are used in rigs such as the TS-120, TS-130, TS-430, TS-440, TS-520, TS-530, TS-820, TS-830, and others. Kenwood YK-88 SN, 1800 Hz SSB Filter This is the narrow SSB filter, that can also be used for wide CW. $79 Kenwood YK-88 C, 500 Hz CW Filter $79 Kenwood YG-455 C, 500 Hx CW Filter This is used in the 455 KHz IF, and will work in a wide variety of rigs. $125 . Kenwood MB-430 Mobile Bracket: The Kenwood MB-430 is the mobile bracket that is used to mount the Kenwood TS-430, TS-440, TS-450, R-5000 and maybe others. This one is in nice shape and includes the four screws (and washers) for attaching it to the rig. These are no longer made and are somewhat rare. Buy this one for $45. . Kenwood MC-43 Hand Microphone: The Kenwood MC-43 is the standard hand microphone used with many, many Kenwood rigs. It has a round 8 pin connector and will work with most any Kenwood rig that takes this connector. The top of the mic has up/down buttons to change the frequency. This one works as it should, and looks like new. With paper work for only $40. . Kenwood Extension Feet For Sale: - This is a set of extension feet for most Kenwood rigs. This set came from a TS-520, but can be used on most any rig that has round front feet. - These are inserted between the original foot and the bottom panel of the rig, to raise the front about 3/4 inch. - These include the hardware, and work fine. They look great also. - $15 for the pair . 10 meter Crystals for Kenwood HF Rigs: These crystals work in the Kenwood TS-820 for sure (they have been tested in a TS-820), and probably will also work in most of the other Kenwood "Hybrid" rigs. Please check your manual. Set of three crystals These crystals will restore all three 10 meter segments. They are used after someone "converted" your rig to 11 meters, and you would like it back on 10 meters. They simply plug in, so no difficult surgery is needed. $35 plus shipping for the set of three. . Linear Amp Switching Cables for Kenwood Rigs: This cable goes from a Kenwood transceiver to a linear amplifier to switch the amp from transmit to receive. One end has a DIN connector, as is used with most Kenwood rigs. The other end has an RCA phono plug, as used by most linear amplifiers. Before using this cable, please check the switching capabilities of your transceiver, and the requirements of your amplifier. Cable for switching the T/R relay Only $15. Cable with ALC control, in addition to T/R switching. $20 . I also have many other accessories available such as many different types of microphones, HTs, VHF and UHF rigs, HF and VHF/UHF antennas, connectors, miscellaneous accessories, etc. Just too many to list here. Please e-mail your requests. . Prices do not include shipping from Florida. Thanks. 73, Ken, W8EK Ken Simpson E-mail to W8EK at or W8EK at Voice Phone (352) 732-8400