From kenw8ek at Wed Dec 20 08:33:38 2023 From: kenw8ek at (Ken, W8EK) Date: Wed, 20 Dec 2023 08:33:38 -0500 Subject: [Kenwood] Mics, Sig Gen, Cables, Manuals and more FS Message-ID: <> Microphones, Signal Generator, Cables, Misc Parts, Manuals, and more For Sale . Kenwood MC-30 Hand Microphone: The Kenwood MC-30 is a noise cancelling hand microphone that was used extensively on some of the older Kenwood gear, such as the TS-120, TS-130, and many others. This one is still in its original box, with original instructions. It works as it should, and the coiled cord is in great shape. Non- smoking. This mic presently has no connector on it. Buy this mic that way for $30. I can add a 4 pin or 8 pin connector to it. In that case, the cost is $40. . Kenwood MC-43 hand mic The Kenwood MC-43 is the standard hand microphone used with many, many Kenwood rigs. It has a round 8 pin connector and will work with most any Kenwood rig that takes this connector. The top of the mic has up/down buttons to change the frequency. This one works as it should, and looks very close to new. It has not been around smoke. I probably should add that this is a real Kenwood mic, and not one of the knock offs, as sold on E-Bay and other places. With paper work for only $45 . Lafayette TE-22 Audio Generator: The TE-22 is a sine/square wave audio generator. It dates back to the mid-1960s, and possibly was OEM'd for Lafayette by Trio KENWOOD. Circuit wise it is a Wein Bridge oscillator like the HP 200 series, but instead of a lightbulb, it uses a thermistor as the nonlinear feedback element. It covers from 20 Hz to 200 KHz in four bands, and produces up to 7 V output. This one looks like it just came out of box from the factory. No scratches or defects of any sort! Pristine! It produces a signal when displayed on my scope. The wave form is not perfect, but is quite acceptable. Buy this unit with manual for $50 . Linear Amp Switching Cables for Kenwood Rigs: This cable goes from a Kenwood transceiver to a linear amplifier to switch the amp from transmit to receive. One end has a DIN connector, as is used with most Kenwood rigs. The other end has an RCA phono plug, as used by most linear amplifiers. Before using this cable, please check the switching capabilities of your transceiver, and the requirements of your amplifier. Cable for switching the T/R relay Only $15. Cable with ALC control, in addition to T/R switching. $20 . Original Manuals for Kenwood equipment: All manuals are in nice condition and are original operating manuals unless otherwise specified. R-300 Receiver $10 R-2000 Receiver $22 R-2000 Service Manual $18 SM-220 Station Monitor Service Manual in binder $25 TH-21 2 m HT $8 TH-22/42 HT, cover stained $6 TH-215/315/415 HT for 2 m, 220 MHz, 440 MHz $10 TH-225 2 m HT $12 TH-K2AT, KT-4AT $10 TL922A HF Amp W7FG reprint in binder $20 TM-221/421 2 m/440 MHz mobile $12 TM-241/441/541 mobile FM $12 TM-261/461 2m/440 MHz mobile $12 TM-621/721 Dual Bander $12 TM-732 Dual Bander $12 TM-V7A dual bander $10 TR-2400 2 m HT $12 TR-2500 2 m HT $12 Service manual for TR-2600 2 m HT $12 TS-430 HF Transceiver $15 TS-450 "External Control" $7 TS-590SG HF Transceiver $25 TS-830 HF Transceiver $25 TS-830 W7FG reprint in binder $20 TW-4000 dual band mobile $15 TW-4100 dual band mobile $15 Original Manuals for Kenwood Accessories: BC-2 Wall Charger $2 BC-5 DC to DC quick charger $2 DC-21 Dc-DC Converter $2 IF-232C Interface $8 LF-30A Low Pass Filter $4 MC-30 & MC-35 hand microphones $4 MC-50 Desk Microphone $4 MS-1 mobile stand $3 PB-1, PB-2, PB-3, & PB-4 battery packs $2 PB-21 Battery Pack $2 PB-24 battery pack for TR-2400 $2 PB-25 H battery pack for TR-2500 $2 PS-6 power supply $5 SC-8 / 8T Soft Case $2 SMC-24 speaker mic $2 SMC-25 speaker mic $2 SP-820 Speaker $2 Kenwood Operating Manuals in "Non English" Languages: All of the following manuals are not in the English language. They are the original Kenwood operating manual only. They look quite extensive and detailed, and are basically new, only being opened to observe that it is something I can not read. They are all original manuals from Kenwood. Kenwood TH-22 A Two Meter HT Spanish Version for the TH-22 A / 22 AT / 22E and TH-42 A / 42 AT / 42 E $8 Kenwood TH-22 A Two Meter HT French Version for the TH-22 A / 22 AT / 22E and TH-42 A / 42 AT / 42 E $8 Kenwood TM G-707 dual band transceiver Spanish version of the TM G-707 Operating Manual $8 Kenwood TS-590 S HF transceiver French version $ 12 Kenwood TS-590 SG HF transceiver French version $12 These are manuals only. . I have parts for a Kenwood TS-440 available. Hopefully we can keep a couple units working and looking nice using these parts. The rear part of the bottom cover is presently available. It looks very nice, and might improve the looks of your rig. The small little silver rectangular buttons are still available. The internal speaker is available as well. Most small PC boards, such as selectivity switch, mic jack, front panel push buttons, etc. are available. The metal work for the main chassis is available. A few knobs are available. The automatic antenna tuner is NOT available, nor are any of the large PC boards, or final module. Please let me know what you need. . Antenna adapter for Kenwood TH-21/31/41 HTs Adapts the antenna connector found on these HTs to a standard PL-259 connector. $8 . I also have many other accessories available such as many different types of microphones, HTs, VHF and UHF rigs, HF and VHF/UHF antennas, connectors, miscellaneous accessories, etc. Just too many to list here. Please e-mail your requests. . Prices do not include shipping from Florida. Thanks. 73, Ken, W8EK Ken Simpson E-mail to W8EK at or W8EK at Voice Phone (352) 732-8400 .