Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Hey, here is Episode 3 and 4 of MTV's Engine Room. Got kind of behind, but check em' out! There's also bonus scenes and such if you go to the full site here.

Episode 3:

Episode 4:

Episode 4 bonus scenes: (aka me laughing like a drunken fool!)

Ha... this band's writing IS reallllly hilarious! I laughed so much I thought my spleen would implode for sure. The band is "We are Scientists" and their writing is... here (click!). I would especially recommend the article "A conversation with Bo". Actually all the "A conversation with" articles. Hilarious. Anyways... tons of funny stuff on there. Maybe you'll like the music, too. Until next time...

3 - word movie review:
Sole Survivor

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Engine Room episode 2!

Hey all you folks and folkettes, here is the second episode of MTV's Engine Room.

In this episode, you'll see me pull some stop motion action from limited resources... I recommend going to the Engine Room website to watch the bonus video too. Pretty funny stuff.

Here is the final project my team did for this challenge. Go watch the other teams' stuff on the site, too!

Alright, cool. I'm interested to know what you think about it.

3 - word movie review:

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Engine Room: first episode!

Howdy howdy, the first episode of MTV Engine Room is up online and ready for your viewing pleasure! This is the reality TV show that I am on... Here it is... funny stuff.

Go here for future episode listing.

3 - word movie review:
The Machine Girl

Thursday, September 11, 2008

MTV Engine Room!

Hey all and all, Some big news! I'm going to be on this MTV reality TV show called Engine Room. I swear, it's true. I just found this extended trailer online for it, check it out. I can't talk about the details of the show, but the video will definitely give you a better idea of what's in store.

Check out the show, it's gonna be funny. And interesting. And crazy. It begins airing this Monday! You can watch it online at the Engine Room Website. It will be fun to watch, especially if you're my friend and want to see me be a dork. So until Monday...

Online Videos by Veoh.com

And here's a New York times article about the show.

Also of note, I've been animating on Robot Chicken the last couple weeks, it's very fun. Don't know if I'm allowed to post pictures from that though... another time.

Oh yeah, also, the Engine Room theme song is "YYZ" by Rush, which I think is just awesome.

3 - word movie review:
WALL - e

Sunday, July 06, 2008

Podcast! Puppets! Winstons!

Hey hey! Many things have been happening. Things I can't talk about... for now... you will know soon though! For now, check out my very own podcast, called Precious Joke! This first episode is the start of a comedy podcast I am going to do on a semi - regular basis. It will be loads of fun! Just click on that ridiculous looking logo to your right. I encourage you to crank up those fatty speakers of yours for the full effect.

Just in case you don't know, a podcast is like a radio show you can download for free. The "Precious Joke" logo should take you into itunes, where you can download or "subscribe" to my podcast, which will automatically download a new episode when it becomes available. It's really fun, trust me.

Future Episodes will include...

• Dramatic reports "from the pit" of a Slayer concert from the viewpoint of a hardcore conservative evangelical journalist!
• Reenactments of hilarious letters to the editor of bondage magazines from the 40's!
• Interviews with funny people who are actually somewhat "real"! Guaranteed!
• Funny found audio collages and snippets!
• Immersive movie reviews! Experience the madness of ridiculous films first hand! Through audio!
• Oh so much more!

I'm looking forward to supplying you with fun humorous stuff.

In other news, I am working at Screen Novelties as a puppet fabricator, which is amazingly fun. Check out their reel on their site. Amazing cartoony stopmotion.

In not so great news, Effects master Stan Winston passed away on June 15th. He was an amazingly innovative man who led probably the best physical effects studio in the world. They are responsible for the creatures in films like Alien, Jurassic Park, Terminator and Predator to name just a few. Just wanted to give some respects to the Stan Winston legacy. And no, I'm not related... Here's an awesome picture from the book about his studio that I just read recently.

The object in this photo is a test mockup for the Alien in the movie... Alien. It is made from cardboard boxes and garbage bags and stuff like that. I love this photo because it shows that even with the most high - end special effects, you have to start simple to understand what you are doing and getting into. You can learn from even the simplest doo-dad.

Ok then, I hope that you enjoyed this long post. Check out the podcast!

3 - word movie review:
Glen or Glenda?