Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Films-Les Miseràbles(1934). Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Films-Les Miseràbles(1934). Mostrar todas las entradas

Les misérables (1934)


    Les misérables (1934)

    Director: Raymond Bernard
    Cinematography:Jules Kruger
    Production Design: Lucien Carré / Jean Perrier


    After Walter Percy Day returned to England art director Jean Perrier, who had Per Day several times     painting on his films, started to use those tricks on his own way. I cannot be sure if he executed the     paintings himself or if he just designed the trick shots and had some scenic artist for the paintings.

    Three glass shots.

Misérables02 Misérables03 Misérables04

    That ceiling looks like a foreground miniature but it could be also a glass shot.


    Miniatures were used very often on French films during those early years.



