March 30, 2015


My concept art for film has been very influenced by my outdoor studies.

February 04, 2015

Homestead Sunrise

This is the morning view from the home where I grew up in Central California.

December 26, 2014

Snow on the Ground!

If you want to learn to paint quick and loose...paint in the snow!!

October 31, 2014

Day After

It was the day after Halloween but the weather and landscape held onto the spooky mood.

September 04, 2014

Poor Man's Impressionism

I call this overlapping dry brush approach "poor man's impressionism". The images are taken from one of my online lectures at My classes are: Designing with Color and Light and Environment Design. We're currently holding our Fall sale with $100 off each self taught course until September 30th.

August 22, 2014


Not from life this time, this is practice from photo reference to keep my gouache chops up and for fun!

August 14, 2014

Get outside and paint some watercolors!

Can't manage to get out and sketch in watercolor? James Gurney will take you the distance.

Buy his DVD here, buy his download here.