July 12, 2016

Portrait Drawing Book Now Available!

It's up!! Available NOW on amazon for pre-order. https://www.amazon.com/Draw-Portraits-Charcoal-Nathan-Fowkes/dp/1624650317/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1468346064&sr=1-1
We're so proud of the book and are confident you'll enjoy it. Please share the link if you'd like to support it.

May 23, 2016

May 16, 2016

National Gallery Barcelona

This painting will be featured as a demo in my upcoming landscape painting class from Schoolism.com. It's also available for purchase at gallerynucleus.com

April 05, 2016


Here's the kit used for the previous post.
Painting so small isn't necessarily the "right" thing to do but it does help me work quickly and keep things simple.

February 21, 2016

Forest Clearing

When you only have a few minutes to throw something down.

February 13, 2016

Watercolor Online Course Coming!

Working away on my landscape sketching online class for Schoolism.com! Should come out this August.
These are my usual colors, they're from tubes of Winsor & Newton watercolors. Unmarked colors are simply repeats of frequently used colors.

December 22, 2015

Holiday Snow

Not much snow around for me to paint but here's a snowy riverbank in Sugar City Idaho from some years ago. Sketched in ink.

November 23, 2015