Page last updated at 18:00 GMT, Friday, 15 August 2008 19:00 UK

Disney removes 'suggestive' pants

Sue Relf complained that the words were sexually suggestive

Knickers for young girls made to promote the film High School Musical 2 are being withdrawn after a complaint that they were sexually suggestive.

Sue Relf bought the underwear for her seven-year-old granddaughter at Asda in Broadstairs, Kent, and took them home to find the words "dive in" on them.

Disney apologised for any offence and said a genuine oversight had led to the words being used out of context.

Asda said the sale was completely innocent and was not meant to offend.

Mrs Relf said: "Both myself and my daughter looked at them and thought, 'Oh my goodness'.

This product will not be part of any forthcoming collections
Disney statement

"There was stuff written on them which I thought - and so did my granddaughter - was inappropriate for a seven-year-old to be wearing."

Disney issued a statement which said: "We are very sorry to hear that a customer is unhappy with one of our High School Musical products and apologise for any offence caused.

"The knickers in question were designed using our High School Musical 2 artwork, which uses the creative theme of a swimming pool, as this is a key part of the film's storyline.

"Unfortunately a genuine oversight was made and the text on this product was used outside the context of the swimming pool.

"This product will not be part of any forthcoming collections."

A spokesperson for the company said the underwear, which was only sold at Asda, was part of a collection aimed at eight to 12-year-olds, but was available in sizes from children aged four.

An Asda spokesperson said: "There is very limited stock available of this particular line still remaining in Asda stores.

"It was completely innocent and certainly not meant to cause any offence to customers. However, we will now withdraw the product from all stores."

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