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Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Paste-Ups on Bowery, in the East Village

graffiti, nyc
Photo by myself, around Houston Street and Bowery, in the East Village.

A couple paste ups on Houston Street found inspiration in McDonald's - something about food and celebrity and New York eating you alive. (That's Kanye West and Angelina Jolie in the poster on the right). Hm.

It was a busy, sunny day and there were tons of people were walking about. Looking at my photos later, I noticed that there must have been a guitar convention going on, because several people carrying guitar cases walked by in the span of a minute. How strange.

graffiti, nyc

graffiti, nyc

Related posts: Paste Ups, on the Lower East Side, Ninja Assasins, in the East Village, and Graffiti, Williamsburg.


Monday, July 7, 2014

On Shore Leave, in Midtown

Sailors a-shopping, nyc
Photo by myself around Fifth Avenue and 38th Street, in Midtown.

Much of Manhattan is inward-looking (in more ways that one), so it's sometimes hard to remember that it is an island and one that is visited by ships!

Above, two sailors in uniform looked through some postcards on the sidewalk. I took this recently, that is, not around Memorial Day weekend, when we are visited by many ships. During that time of year, we see many, many sailors in their white uniforms walking around, enjoying themselves.

Happy Monday, everyone!

Related posts: It's Fleet Week, on Sixth Avenue, Ahoy, Matey!, and Saluting Heroes, Along Fifth Avenue, Part Two.


Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Billionaire's Row, Above Central Park South

Above Central Park, nyc
Photo by myself, around 67th Street and Fifth Avenue on the Upper East Side.

High above Central Park, around the 20th Floor, you can see quite a bit of Central Park South. Whew, it's a long way down. I was at this location helping a friend measure parts his apartment project.

The square-ish white building to the left is the Plaza Hotel, located at the south east corner of the park. On the far right, the twin glass towers comprise One Central Park, at the south west corner of the park.

The super tall, glass modern building standing at the midpoint was erected only recently, and houses some extremely posh condominium apartments as well as the hotel Park Hyatt. Called 'One 57', for its addresss at One West 57th Street, it is 90 stories high, which is gigantic compared to its pre-war neighbors.

'One 57' is the first in a series of tall towers planned for 57th Street, which is also called 'Billionaire's Row'. These towers will have a crazy view of Central Park, and will make a serious impact to the city as we know it.

The interiors at One 57 are super modern, and apartments cost as much as $30 million.
For more about the building, check out a New York Times article here.
For the building's snazzy website, click here.

Related posts: Bird's Eye View, Above Central Park, A View of Spring, from Central Park South, and The World Above Central Park.


Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Peeping in to the Desigual Store, on Sixth Avenue

Desigual, nyc
Photo by myself around 35th Street and Sixth Avenue.

A large mural on the side of the Desigual store in Midtown has a sense of humor - a colorful graphic is unzipped, to reveal the building's insides. Some of the scantily clad residents are shown disrobing and...other things, ha.

Billboards and large scale murals are common in certain parts of Manhattan. One must take care not to get distracted and walk into traffic.

Related posts: Airplane Art, Outside the Plaza Hotel, FDNY Mural, in the East Village, and Genesis Mural, in Soho.


Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Mighty Balls, at Broadway Bites, in Midtown

Mighty balls, nyc
Photo by myself, around 35th Street and Broadway, in Midtown.

Ah yes. You can get Mighty Balls. To eat.

Now through August 1st, shoppers and visitors near Herald Square can nosh on delicious little dishes representing all sorts of cuisines, and take a break from all that tiring shopping. Lol.

During a quick little tour, I spotted street noodles from Hong Kong, tacos, high end cannolis, gelato, and of course, mighty little meatballs with esoteric sauces. Foodies should skip the shopping altogether and just snack, for goodness sake.

The whole thing is arranged by a group called Broadway Bites. They take a break around Labor day and there is another installment for most of November.

For the Broadway Bites site, including photos and scrumptious vendor list, click here.

Hong Kong street food, nyc

Brooklyn Bites, nyc
Not easy to choose from all the deliciousness.

Related posts: Street Meats, on Seventh Avenue, The Best Hot Dogs, in Times Square, and On Line for Breakfast, in Midtown.


Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Framing the View, up Broadway

Rubber Art, nyc
Photo by myself around 36th Street and Broadway, in Midtown.

Several large scale sculptures by the artist Chakaia Booker stand along a stretch of Broadway, in Midtown.

These large, black sculptures are made of recycled rubber from tires. The pieces are woven, tacked and/or tied together to make huge, looming structures that evoke scales, feathers and other natural materials.

Above, one sculpture frames the view north, up Broadway. What look like tentacles seem to make the artwork come to life. The sculptures will remain for view through November.

For more about the artist, including images of all five sculptures that comprise 'The Sentinels' series, click here.

Related posts: Barber Shop, Brooklyn, Watch Repair, in Sunset Park, and Outside a Deli, in Brooklyn.


Monday, June 9, 2014

Shuffleboard at the Royal Palms, in Brooklyn

Royal Palms, Brooklyn
Photo by myself, at the Royal Palms Shuffleboard Club, in Gowanus Brooklyn.

What looks to be a swanky bar in Brooklyn is actually a swanky bar with shuffleboard courts and old-timey style. Who would think that shuffleboard would be making its comeback? Several games were in full swing, on a sunny Sunday afternoon.

The Royal Palms Shuffleboard Club opened earlier this year and is located in a huge space on Union Street. This has been the perfect venue for many a large office party.

Royal Palms, Brooklyn

For the Royal Palms website, click here.
For an article about their opening in the Times, click here.

Sorry for the huge absence!! It is hard to believe this is the fourth post this year, and we're already into June?! How can that be? I blame everything on work, which has been more super busy and stressful as usual. Alas!

Related posts: Barber Shop, Brooklyn, Watch Repair, in Sunset Park, and Outside a Deli, in Brooklyn.


Thursday, April 24, 2014

A Moment, in Koreatown

32nd Street, NYC
Photo by myself, on 32nd Street and Sixth Avenue, in Koreatown.

No, not a shot from Asia, but a moment in Koreatown on 32nd Street.

Koreatown is found within a few blocks in this area of Midtown. Signage for restaurants, karaoke bars, grocery stores and barbershops float well above street level.

Related posts: Cheers, from Koreatown, A Snapshot from Koreatown, 32nd Street, and 32nd and Fifth, in Midtown.


Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Street Scene, in Chelsea

25th and 10th
Photo by myself, around 25th Street and 10th Avenue in Chelsea.

There weren't any live people on the street the other day in Chelsea, but there were plenty of painted ones. Above, a huge mural depicting a street scene. The streetcar shows a 1945 date the destination of Times Square.

The tall building on the left is typical of some of the older buildings in Chelsea - enormous and brick.

We've finally had glimmers of Spring here! Hurrah! We had so many more grey, lifeless days than usual this year.

Related posts: Larger than life Mural, in the East Village, Musicians Galore, on West 3rd Street, and The Rat Pack, on Avenue C.


Thursday, March 27, 2014

Streaming Sunshine, in Soho

On Broadway, nyc
Photo by myself on Broadway, in Soho.

A photo from an earlier, sunnier and warmer time.

Related posts: Sign of Spring, in Soho, Waiting to Cross, in Soho, and Missing, on Broadway.


Wednesday, March 26, 2014

On Storefronts and Finding Vivian Maier

Lucky 777, nyc
Photo by myself on Macdougal Street, in the Village.

The insides and outsides of the little chili shop drew my attention. Lucky 777 was as red as red can be.

I took this photo last summer. After a quick search though, I found that Lucky 777 has closed (!). It had mixed reviews on Yelp. Some of the complaints were price driven - $9 bowls of chili. Alas.

On another front, there is a great little slideshow on the New Yorker website, featuring candids by Vivian Maier, who lived in Chicago in the 1960's. Born in New York, Maier worked as a nanny but took incredibly striking street photos and movies in her spare time.

Maier's work was discovered by a man doing research for a book he was writing. She had left some 100,000 negatives behind. Not even her close friends knew that she took photos, during her lifetime.

The story of uncovering the mystery of this supremely talented woman is documented in a recent movie called 'Finding Vivian Maier'. It looks fascinating, and includes interviews with her friends and children she had helped raise.

Screenings of this documentary are scheduled through August, throughout the States.

For a preview of this movie, click here.
For the Vivian Maier slideshow on the New Yorker website, click here.
For a recent article on Slate, click here.

Related posts: Outside Big Nick's, on the Upper West Side, Outside Pinisi Bakery, on East 4th Street, and West 10th Street, at Night.


Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Outside Trump Tower, on Fifth Avenue

Trump Tower, nyc
Photo by myself around 56th Street and Fifth Avenue, in Midtown.

A photo from the stash, while waiting for the light to change.

There are a number of buildings Trump in New York. I can't keep track of them. They all seem to be tall and with metallic accents.

Related posts: Trumped, on the Upper West Side, Going for the Gold, and Something Old, Something New.


Monday, March 24, 2014

Humor, with a Money Back Guarantee

Dollar a Joke, nyc
Photo by myself in Washington Square Park, around West 4th Street.

Here's another photo I took on the way out of the park the other day. A young man offered to tell original jokes, for a dollar apiece.

Money is refunded if you don't laugh. But if you're broke, the joke is on the house.

I was on my way to an appointment, so I couldn't stop to chat with this fellow. Next time!

Related posts: Open Everything That's Closed, on Bowery Street, Thinking Outside the Box, in Union Square, and Death Before Decaf, in Brooklyn.


Sunday, March 23, 2014

Crazy for Bubbles, in Washington Square Park

Bubbles, WSP
Photo by myself, in Washington Square Park.

We finally had a bona fide Spring-like day, Saturday. Sort of on schedule. Hooray!!!

People walked about, enjoying the air. A couple competitive basketball games were going on at the public courts near West 4th Street, in the Village.

A woman created enormous bubbles in Washington Square Park, to the delight of a gaggle of children. She used two long sticks with string strung up between them. Dipping the string into a soapy mix, she then lifted up the sticks and let the wind do its magic. What a simple yet effective device!

All the grown ups stood around enjoying how excited the kids were, and wishing they could run and jump around, too. It was serious fun.

Huge apologies for my spotty attendance, once again. It's been insanely busy at work. And I've become insanely picky with my photos.

Happy Spring, everyone!

Bubbles, WSP

Related posts: Riding Piggyback in Midtown, Last Bit of Summer, in Prospect Park, and Father and Son Serenade.


Sunday, February 16, 2014

Reflections, along Bryant Park

ESB, nyc
Photo by myself around 42nd Street and Sixth Avenue.

The Empire State Building was lit up purple, last Friday night. Its reflection was cast on a building near Bryant Park, which is behind me to the right.

As you can see, there are piles and piles of snow still leftover. Since the piles are located far from the curb, they're refreshingly white. Normally, the piles along the street are much grungier and littered with trash. Ick.

Related posts: The Empire State on St. Patrick's Day, The Empire State Building, Bathed in White, and What's Going Up, Near the ESB.


Friday, February 7, 2014

On the Platform, at 34th Street

Musicians, nyc
Photo by myself on the subway platform at 34th Street, Herald Square.

Subway riders were greeted, Thursday morning, to a scrappy duo playing the accordian and trumpet.

Related posts: String Duet, Below Brooklyn, Jazz Players, on the Subway Platform, and The Morning Serenade.


Monday, January 27, 2014

Dusk, on Carmine Street

Street View, nyc
Photo by myself on Carmine Street, in the West Village.

There was a blue-ish cast to the light, Sunday evening. As on most Sundays, the sidewalks in the Village were nearly empty of foot traffic.

It is cold, cold, cold here, with no end in sight. Er, did I mention...cold?

People are trudging about wrapped up in hats, scarves, gloves, and high boots. Under the clothing, long johns and/or other long underwear are a must. Every bit of skin needs protection from the wind. Yipes!!!

Related posts: The Freedom Tower, at Dusk, All Aglow, on 57th Street, and The Ghostly Glow, at Times Square.


Thursday, January 23, 2014

Street View, on the Upper East Side

85th Candy, UES
Photo by myself on 85th Street and Third Avenue, on the Upper East Side.

A photo from the recent stash, before the recent snowstorm.

The street view along 85th Street is predictable - apartment buildings with stores on the bottom and residences above. Fire escapes and signs dangle from the building facades. The sidewalk is unusually clean.

Right now, we're covered with snow and it is completely freezing outside. The brisk wind makes it feel like -2(F) or -18(C). Ugh!

Related posts: Thursday Morning on Lex, on the Upper East Side, The World Walks By, on Fifth Avenue, and Night View, Near the Dakota.


Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Homeless on the Subway Platform

34th Street cross
Photo by myself, on the 34th Street subway platform in Midtown.

We're due for a heavy snowfall overnight. With every extreme change of weather, the homeless seek shelter, often in subway stations.

Above, a man stood with his belongings piled up in a shopping cart. At his feet was a sign that read 'Please keep your money and your food'.

I'm not quite sure how this man gets by. I think he was praying, and that this was not the first time I've seen him. An earlier photo here.

Related posts: On the Sidewalk, on Fifth Avenue, The World Walks By, on Fifth Avenue, and Baby, It's Cold Outside.


Tuesday, January 14, 2014

9:25 am, on the B Train

Subway, nyc
Photo by myself, on the morning commute.

Ah yes, back to the grind.

I know I've taken a lot of photos like this on the subway - people immersed in their thoughts or devices, or simply catching up on sleep.

There is the burst of sunlight when the subway emerges from the tunnel to cross the Manhattan Bridge. Reflections bounce off every shiny anti-graffiti surface.

Related posts: Business as Usual, on the Q Train, Daylight, on the B Train to Manhattan, and Sunset, on the Ride to Brooklyn.


Monday, January 6, 2014

Snow, on Sixth Avenue

Snow, nyc
Photo by myself, on Sixth Avenue in Midtown.

After the snow last week, the snowplows did not reach the streets by morning rush hour. People trudged around in boots and snow gear. At street corners, the snow quickly became a slushy grey mess.

Of course, now with the wacky weather, all the snow is melted. It is 50 degrees F this morning (10 deg. C)!

Related posts: All Lit Up, on Fifth Avenue, Burning Bright, in Times Square, and The Ghostly Glow of Times Square.


Friday, January 3, 2014

First Snow, in Times Square

Food Cart, nyc
Photo by myself at 42nd Street and Broadway, in Times Square.

The snow started coming down Thursday night, our first snow of the year. The forecast predicts the snow will continue all night long. We may get as much as 20 inches of the white stuff (!).

In Times Square, people kept looking up, as if it were still raining New Year's confetti. The air was very chilly and all the light snow was swirling around.

Related posts: All Lit Up, on Fifth Avenue, Burning Bright, in Times Square, and The Ghostly Glow of Times Square.


Tuesday, December 31, 2013

New Years Eve, on Sixth Avenue

xmas, 2013
Photo by myself on Sixth Avenue, in Midtown.

The Empire State Building is bathed in red and green, to celebrate the holiday season.

Across the street, you can barely see that the crosswalk and sidewalks are mobbed with shoppers carrying big bags of stuff. End-of-year sales are going on at every store.

Can it be the eve of 2014 already?!! Holy cow.

My best wishes to everyone for a happy and healthy new year.

Related posts: The Empire State, on St. Patrick's Day, The Empire State, at Dusk, and The Empire State Building, Bathed in White.


Sunday, December 22, 2013

Holiday Festivities at the Lotos Club, on the Upper East Side

Lotos Club, nyc
Photo by myself at the Lotos Club, at 66th Street and Fifth Avenue.

The stunning interiors of the Lotos Club, a private literary club, were decorated for the holidays. I was lucky to have been invited to a party held there, last week.

The Club is located inside a building constructed in 1900. One can just imagine how it was when first built, with people walking about in historic dress.

The floors were oak in a herringbone pattern. The fireplace was ablaze. There were waitstaff milling about with champagne flutes, wine and hors d'oeuvres. Tables were set up, laden with cheeses, oysters, shrimp and all else. Needless to say I felt underdressed!

Lotos Club, nyc
The immense fireplace in the library was festooned with garlands. Books line the walls and are accessed by rolling ladders.

Lotos Club, nyc
A bar was set up below a stunning staircase. 

To visit the Lotos Club website, click here.

Related posts: Filming Outside Grand Prospect Hall, in Brooklyn, Inside the Park Avenue Armory, and City Portraits - The Williamsburgh Bank, in Brooklyn.


Saturday, December 14, 2013

Outside Tiffany's, on Fifth Avenue

Tiffanys, nyc
Photo by myself on Fifth Avenue and 57th Street, in Midtown.

One of the best holiday displays at the moment must be the exterior of Tiffany's.

The usually sober granite storefront has been decorated for the season with vinyl graphics, showing a pretty streetfront. Here and there in windows and on stoops are those signature blue Tiffany gift boxes.

It started snowing this morning and it's due to snow all day. Stay warm, everyone!

Related posts: The Holiday Windows, at Bergdorf Goodman, West 10th Street, at Night, and It's Holiday Time, on Display at Macy's.


Monday, December 9, 2013

Townhouse, in the Village

Village, NYC
Photo by myself somewhere around West 4th Street, in the Village.

Many of the townhouses around West 4th Street are well kept, with ornamental metal work and pretty stoops. The townhouse above had a pretty, wreath on its door, suited for the season.

It's still been crazy busy for me, with no end in sight. Now for the mad dash til the end of the year! Whee!!!

As for the city, it's been flooded with tourists. Any drive down Fifth Avenue is lined with sidewalks filled with people looking up and about.

Related posts: Living Large, on the Upper East Side, Browsing Around, in the Village, and A Dash of Charm, in the Village.


Monday, November 25, 2013

Kebab Cart, in Midtown

Kebabs, nyc
Photo by myself, somewhere in Midtown.

A street cart vendor added charcoal to his continuous fire, Friday night, causing a moment of excess smoke. The sidewalks were crowded, and it was just warm enough to walk around comfortably with a light jacket.

This cart sells pretzels, kebabs, hotdogs and drinks. The meats are 'halal', which means they can be eaten by Muslims. There is no shortage of quick on-the-go food in our fair city.

Related posts: On the Soup Station, and Snow, Pizza Truck, Only a Buck, and On Line for Breakfast, in Midtown.


Friday, November 22, 2013

Night View, in Soho

on Broadway, nyc
Photo by myself on Broadway and Broome Street, in Soho.

At night, the streets in Soho are windswept with trash.

Broadway, a long, major north-south street, is pretty empty at night, since the stores there are closed up for the night. Restaurants and bars are located on the smaller east-west streets in this neighborhood.

Alas, it's been a series of late nights for me. I took the photo from a ride home in a cab.

You might be happy to know that the Christmas tree is behind an enormous yellow curtain at Rockefeller Center, and all the decorations are out on Fifth Avenue, already. New York is prepared for the holidays.

TGIF, everyone!

Related posts: Twilight, in Soho, Last Night, in Bryant Park, and Night View, in Park Slope, Brooklyn.


Wednesday, November 13, 2013

The Morning Commute, on the B Train

Subway, nyc
Photo by myself on the B train, underground.

The commute on Tuesday morning was business as usual. We've been having chilly weather lately, so everyone is bundled up accordingly.

From this vantage point, it looks like we're a cheerless bunch. You would think that we eat gruel for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Followed by the occasional gruel biscuit for dessert. Ha.

The couple on the far left seem to be husband and wife, (ie; she seems to be speaking to him, and he's not listening!). Many couples commute together, myself and Mark included.

Related posts: Daylight, on the D Train to Brooklyn, The Morning Commute, Underground, and Bundled Up, on the Ride Home.


Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Saluting Veterans, on Fifth Avenue

VD13 flag sm
Photo by myself along Fifth Avenue, in Midtown.

The Veteran's Day parade marched along Fifth Avenue, Monday. Above, members of the US Air Force in their stunning dress uniforms. We had chilly weather and bright sun.

The parade is perhaps the most subdued of all our parades. There are a few floats blaring music from the 1940's, some marching bands, and the occasional sound of bagpipes.

Most of the parade is unaccompanied by music. Respectful spectators applaud and call out their thanks, while veterans from each generation march by.

I am always very moved on this day. Our applause and cheers are tiny gestures compared to the sacrifice of these heroes. Since the parade is held on a Monday and many people are working, the sidelines are sadly sparsely attended.

VD13 wave sm
A veteran of the Korean war saluted onlookers.

VD13 Thank you sm
An older man held a sign that read 'thank you'. Many people in the crowd shouted their thanks, as well.

vd13 korean sm

Related posts: The 2011 Veterans Day Parade, The Veterans Day Parade, on Fifth Avenue, and Saluting Heroes Along Fifth Avenue, Part One.


Thursday, November 7, 2013

I *Heart* NY, on the Sidewalk

Graffiti, nyc
Photo by myself, on the street.

This photo is from the recent stash. I am embarrassed to say I don't remember where this was taken.

It could be anywhere. The Upper West Side? Somewhere in Brooklyn? The Lower East Side? These tiny-ish convenience stores are everywhere and they share the same sensibility: ATM inside, lottery tickets posted on the window. random stuff outside.

The 'I *heart* NY' drawn in chalk rings true for all the above neighborhoods. It is all New York, through and through.

It's been up and down here recently. I've been swamped at work. The weather has gone from bone-chillingly cold to nicely autumnal. We have a new mayor. There was a marathon.

Anyhoo, Happy Thursday everyone!

Related posts: Cost was Here, in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, On the Rise, in Park Slope, Brooklyn, and Graffiti, Soho.


Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Human Drive-Thru, in Midtown

Dunkin Donuts, nyc
Photo by myself, in Midtown.

Behold, a line outside Dunkin Donuts, a very popular chain. There are 30-some locations in Manhattan, most of them south of City Hall.

As you can see, New Yorkers are such a picky bunch that they will undergo public humiliation to get a 'good' cup of coffee. Along this stretch of Midtown, the only coffee purveyors are carts parked along the sidewalk and the occasional deli.

[Disclaimer: Use of the word 'good' in this case is debatable. I'm not a fan of Dunkin Donuts, but that doesn't mean anything!]

Related posts: Death Before Decaf, in Brooklyn, On Line, in Midtown, and Waiting, in Alphabet City.


Monday, October 28, 2013

A Rupert Update, with Friend

Photo by myself in Prospect Park, Brooklyn.

Rupert, our Boston Terrier (right) stands knee deep in leaves. Beside him is his smaller and sprite-lier sidekick, Penelope.

Sorry this photo is a little blurry around the animals! They kept moving around so much, it's a wonder any photos came out well at all.

(Fashion note: Penelope is wearing a Darth Vader one-piece outfit).

It's noticeably cooler these days, as we're heading toward November. Life has been very, very busy at work and home.

All this time, too, I thought that something was going on with my big camera. I'd put my eyeball to the viewfinder but nothing seemed to be in focus.

It turns out though that it's my eyeball that's not in focus. Argh! So now I cannot tell what's good or bad until I get home, which keeps things interesting.

Related posts: Boston Terriers Gone Mad, at the Mad, Dog Run, On NYC Slogans, and a Rupert Update, and Back Home to the Brooklyn Bridge and a Boston Terrier.


Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Dancer, On the Ride Home

subway, nyc
Photo by myself on the Q Train.

A young man performed on the subway, to the usual crowd commuting home to Brooklyn.

He was part of a whole troupe of young kids, dancing to loud music. Much of his routine highlighted his incredible flexibility.

subway, nyc

Related posts: Cartwheel, on the Q Train Home, Mimes, Below Times Square, and Flipping Out, on the B Train.


Thursday, October 17, 2013

A Moment, in Union Square

Union Square, NYC
Photo by myself in Union Square, at 14th Street and Fifth Avenue.

A man wearing a Chicago Bulls uniform and hat of feathers sat alongside the subway entrance at Union Square. In his hand he carried some sort of voodoo cane decorated with bones.

Meanwhile in the background, another man did push ups.

I was a little worried about taking this photo, since the man wearing the feathers seemed very upset. He was muttering angrily to himself about the Hare Krishna group dancing about, some 20 paces away.

Related posts: Crochet Lady, in Midtown, Green Man, in Washington Square Park, and Funky Chicken, in Park Slope, Brooklyn.


Thursday, October 10, 2013

Swimming for Relief, in Herald Square

nyad swim sm
Photo by myself in Herald Square, at 34th Street and Sixth Avenue, in Midtown.

Diana Nyad, the long distance swimmer, was midway through her swim for her charity 'Swim for Relief', Wednesday morning.

A makeshift lap pool was set up right outside the entrance to Macy's. There were two lanes set up, so Nyad could have companions join her during the 48-hour swim. I was there around 10 am, and the clock was at the 25-hour mark.

There were grandstand seats, and cameras, and a narrow walkway where people could stand and take photos. Once you stood on the raised walkway, the pool was about the level of your chest.

At this writing, Swim for Relief has raised $70k, with funds going to victims of Hurricane Sandy. Their website has a webcam showing the pool (!) so you can tune into see Nyad go back and forth, and back and forth. It's a little chilly now in the city, but nothing like what it must be at sea.

For the Swim for Relief website, click here.

nyad low sm

Related posts: A Quick Game, in Tompkins Square Park, On the Ice, in Midtown, and Badminton in Burqas, in Brooklyn.


Thursday, October 3, 2013

Out for a Walk, in Santa Monica, California

Pet pig, CA
Photo by myself at the Third Avenue Promenade, in Santa Monica, California.

Just a moment from my recent visit to California, at 'the Promenade', the main attraction in Santa Monica.

A woman chatted with passersby, while carrying her pet pig in her arms. The pig, (I assume a girl pig) wore a little halter. So I guess the pig had been out for a stroll.

The promenade in Santa Monica is a very popular outdoor pedestrian mall, lined with stores on both sides. There are fountains and musicians and eateries, too.

Oh....and farm animals.

Related posts: A Four-Legged Co-Pilot, on Flatbush Avenue, Walking the Dog, While Pedalling, and The Sign of the Rat, in Midtown.


Tuesday, October 1, 2013

On Window Bays and Shopfronts, Around the City

Detail, UWS
Photo by myself, on the Upper West Side.

At one of the many townhouses on the upper West Side, a pretty bay window is decorated with a Greek key pattern along the lower edge and a scalloped underside. Even the protective window grilles are ornamental.

If you have a spare moment, check out this incredible slideshow currently on the New York Times website.

The Times showcases several small scale dioramas made by Randy Hage, a craftsman who works on movie and television props. Hage takes photos of historic, well-loved New York storefronts, then builds 1/12th scale models of them, then takes photos of the models.

The results are pretty astonishing - the uneven brickwork, painterly metal roll down doors and old timey signs are breathtakingly represented. You would never think you were looking at a replica made by hand.

Seeing these images, for me, was like looking through a time capsule. The best photo of the series shows Hage looming over the Nick's Lucheonette, and exposing the real scale of the model. (I promise the image above is a real photo of a real building!)

To see the Times slideshow, click here.

Related posts: Living Large, on the Upper East Side, A Dash of Charm, in the Village, and Outside Bedford Street Laundry, in the Village.