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Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Plein Air Painters and Cyclists converge on the historic town on New Bern for great causes!

The Eastern NC Chapter of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society announced over 2,400 cyclists and 300 volunteers participated in last weekend’s Bike MS: Historic New Bern Ride. Cyclists left from Union Point Park in New Bern for the successful 21st annual Bike MS September 12-13. Over $1.34 million has been counted to date, and officials project that they are on target to meet their $1.7 million goal.

Also converging on the historic town were plein air artists from Eastern North Carolina participating in the International Plein Air Painter's (IPAP) 7th annual Worldwide Paint Out (WWPO). The paint out is designed to bring recognition to the tradition of painting "en plein air"... the French term for "in the open air". The event brings plein air artists from all over the world who agree to paint outdoors on the same date by organizing events in their local area. Plein air painters from Onslow, Craven, Beaufort, Carteret, Wayne, Pamlico, and Pender counties were present for the special 2 day event.

The following artists participated in the 7th WWPO:
Susan Cheatham (organizer)
Bernie Rosage Jr (organizer)
Mitchell Morton
Stephen Greer
Dean Remington
Pat Boni
Karen Crenshaw
Kristen Crenshaw
Donna Tyree
Mike Rooney
Ann Ward
Sue Henry
Vickie Vitale
Eleanor McArver
John Hanley
Art Tyndall
Apologies to any artist not mentioned.
Hope you enjoy these photos from the paint out and make plans to join us for the 8th annual WWPO next September... see ya!

Ann Ward presented Bernie Rosage representing OOPS (Onslow Outdoor Painters Society) with this cool bottle of wine! Thanks Ann!

Friday, September 11, 2009

BREAKING NEWS... This just in about paint out this weekend...

Susan Cheatham is painting in New Bern today and contacted John Hanley who in turn contacted me with this piece of important information concerning our IPAP Paint Out this weekend in New Bern.

Evidently there is a huge bike ride scheduled for New Bern and they have set up carnival tents and camping facilities for the bikers at Union Point Park... this will not present a problem with our painting but it will present a problem with parking at the park. Susan suggests that pliein air painters park at the public library on the corner of Craven and Johnson Streets in the downtown area. We may not be able to get a group photo as planned so please snap a photo or two of you painting so we can submit it to the IPAP's blog chronicling this worldwide event.


See you in New Bern!


Thursday, September 10, 2009

OOPS September Paint Out this weekend in New Bern for IPAP Worldwide Paint Out

WHAT: OOPS September "Paint Out"

WHEN: Saturday, September 12, and Sunday, September 13, 2009, 9:00AM until (or anytime you can join us)

WHERE: Meet at Gazebo at Union Point Park on the waterfront in downtown New Bern at 9AM both mornings. You will see artists scattered throughout town and the park... pick out a spot and make yourself at home.

WHY: Doing our part to promote the tradition of plein air painting for IPAP's 7th annual Worldwide Paint Out.

The International Plein Air Painters (IPAP) 7th Annual Worldwide Paint Out is a gathering of plein air artists from all over the world who agree to paint on the same days to promote the tradition of painting "en plein aire".

Eastern North Carolina artists will converge again this year on the historical town of New Bern on September 12 and 13, 2009 to do their part. All artists are to meet at the gazebo at Union Point Park near the downtown waterfront at 9:00 AM each morning. Groups from Onslow, Craven, Carteret, and Beaufort counties have already expressed interest in participating. If you are a plein air artist... mark your calendar and make plans to join us.

Newbies welcome... all mediums and skill levels... simply show up with your gear and be prepared to have fun!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

August Paint Out @ Tarkil Branch Homestead... Southern Hospitality at its best!

Benny and Annette Fountain recently opened the Tarkil Branch Farm’s Homestead Museum, located on part of the working 375-acre farm. The farm came into the family in 1912 when Willie Hunter (Grandfather of Benny Fountain) purchased the land. In 1926, Willie sold 82 acres of land to David Fountain (Benny Fountain's father). This 82 acre tract included the 1830's house proudly on display.

They graciously opened the farm to us last Sunday for our monthly Paint Out... one of the BEST places we have painted to date. Benny dropped by and spent most of the afternoon with us and gave us an awesome tour of the buildings and shared the personal history behind the farm.... Southern hospitality at its best... thank you sincerely Benny!

Click HERE to read all about the farm, including bus tours, school groups, history, hiking trails, directions and much more.

OOPS members present... LtoR: Bernie, Jeff, Eileen, Earl, Donna, Olivia, Mitchell, Kit, Benny Fountain (owner), Pat, and Dean.

The site offered an array of vintage buildings as subjects to paint...

The crowning jewel was this old house which dated back to 1830 and was even occupied after the Civil War by Hosea Goodman Lanier a corporal in Company B, 3rd Regiment, North Carolina Troops, Confederate Staes of America.

Eileen organized this great event... pictured here with her future daughter-in-law, Paula. Thanks Eileen!

Pat busy at work...

Mitchell and Penny found a cool spot in the shade.

Dean and Olivia...

Dean working on painting #2...

Bernie working on a tobacco barn...

Olivia decided to paint the outhouse... did a great job too!

Most of the time she walked Mr Fountains new puppy.

Dean working on his first painting.

Eileen at her easel.

Pat and Kit enjoying the day...

Mitchell painting the old 1830's house.

Donna and Earl's son, Jeff, joined us for the first time.

Great to have Earl and Donna join us again...

Penny, Olivia, and Bernie even found time to pick and eat grapes!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Call to NC Plein Air Artists: 7th Annual IPAP Worldwide Paint Out set for Sept. 12-13 in New Bern, NC

The International Plein Air Painters (IPAP) 7th Annual Worldwide Paint Out is a gathering of plein air artists from all over the world who agree to paint on the same days to promote the tradition of painting "en plein aire".

Eastern North Carolina artists will converge again this year on the historical town of New Bern on September 12 and 13, 2009 to do their part. All artists are to meet at the gazebo at Union Point Park near the downtown waterfront at 9:00 AM each morning. Groups from Onslow, Craven, Carteret, and Beaufort counties have already expressed interest in participating. If you are a plein air artist... mark your calendar and make plans to join us.

More details to come as the event approaches... meanwhile mark your calendar to save the dates and click HERE to register on the IPAP's site. Registration is FREE and not mandatory but is encouraged to show your support.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Book- "Art of Seeing & Doing" by Larry Seiler

Just wanted to give a plug for Larry and his book... I have this book and it is well worth the money... Bernie

Find more videos like this on PLEIN AIR ARTISTS

Landscape Painting...
307 pages on Adobe Acrobat Reader CD Rom...not a traditional book, but many advantages of bookmarks, pages, the very cool feature of zooming in up close on the subject, see how paint is actually applied to a painting!

You can print out specific pages, tape 'em to your easel without fear of paint all over the book.

Plays on Macs and PC's...comes with a downloadable version of Reader if you don't have it...but most machines do now.

Includes composition of what makes paintings work as paintings, seeing a winning painting before you begin, palette and mixing, what tone is...many demos and steps, making your own canvas panels...etc.,

To order, see "Books/Videos" link at and my contact is-

Thursday, August 6, 2009

OOPS August Paint Out ~ August 30th

WHAT: OOPS August "Paint Out"

WHEN: Sunday, August 30, 2009, 1:00 PM until

WHERE: Cedar Fork area (Between Richlands and Beulaville) ~ Tarkil Branch Homestead & Museum ~ Organized by Eileen Garbett (Directions below)

WHY: Plein Air Painting... What can we say... we're addicted!... even in 100 degree temps!

Newbies welcome... all mediums and skill levels... simply show up with your gear and be prepared to have fun!

What the heck is OOPS and how do I join the FUN?

This is a great opportunity to have a broad range of subject matter to paint from... check out their website (link below).
Tarkil Branch Farm's Homestead Museum

From the East... From Highway US 17 in Jacksonville:Take Highway 258/24 East 6.6 miles to Highway 111 North;turn left and go 10.6 miles past Albert Ellis Airport to Fountaintown;Turn Right on Fountaintown Road and go 2 miles to the Museum on the Left. (More details on their site with map quest).

Tarkil Branch Farm's Homestead Museum
1198 Fountain Town Road
Beulaville, N.C. 28518

(910) 298-3804 (Farm)
(910) 290-0014 (Cell)
(910) 296-4235 (Cell)

Plein Air Artists 2009... GREAT VIDEO!

Myself and several plein air artists I know are affliated with this online group... a GREAT group I might add!