Monday, March 27, 2006

Hynde Photos

Chrissie Hynde let Entertainment Weekly into her photo albums.

Chrissie Hynde Posted by Picasa

These are apparently included in the new Pretenders box set.

And a bonus anecdote from my man simels:
True, great story:
She was at some industry wank-fest
and Mark Goodman -- the first gen
MTV vee-jay introduced himself.

Chrissie went:

"Hey, man." And shook his hand.


"It is man, right?"
steve simels

Friday, March 24, 2006

OT: Teh Funny

From Feministing:

Ten Reasons Why Liberal Men Are Better In Bed


Watertiger's Sharp Eyes

I finally get to babyblog, and watertiger asks a PowerPop-related question which must be answered:

Why must VH-1 Classics play "99 Luftballons" for an hour straight?

Unfortunately, I have no answer.

Friday Babyblogging: New Arrival!

Meet Sean Patrick, the newest addition to the powerpop family.

Sean Patrick in his handmade quilt lady quilt. Posted by Picasa

He also came home with a mild case of jaundice, necesitating many frustrating hours in the bilibelt.

The little glowworm. Posted by Picasa

Monday, March 20, 2006

Happy St. Patrick's Day Redux!

So after all the agita, Sean Patrick arrived on St. Patrick's Day like a speed-metal show: fast, uncomfortable, a bit comic, leaving us both kinda dazed.

Pics to come, as soon as I figure out what Thers did with the freaking camera cable.

Friday, March 17, 2006

St. Patrick's Day Blogging

Well, today's the day we hope Sean Patrick makes his appearance.

In honor of the day, some lyric blogging: Black 47's take on an old standard.


Danny came over to old New York
From Bandon town in the county Cork
He got a room on the avenue in Woodside Queens
And a job off the books doin' demolition

He was kind of different than everyone else
Oh he liked to hang out all by himself
Didn't hit those bars in Sunnyside Queens
Went straight into the Village to check out the scene

One day on the job the foreman said
"Hey Danny Boy we think you're a fag
With your ponytail and that ring in your ear
Hey, we don't need no homos foulin' up the air"

Danny just smiled and picked up a 2 by 4
And he split that jerk from his jaw to his ear
Said "you can stick your job where the sun don't shine
But you're never gonna stop me bein' what I am, boy!"

Then he met a man down in Sheridan Square
They moved in together for a couple of years
Said it was the happiest he'd ever been
Doin' what he wanted and livin' his dream

We used to drink together down on Avenue B
One gray dawn he confessed to me
"Love's the only thing that makes the world go round
And I'm never gonna see another sunset over sweet Bandon town"

Last time I saw Dan he was in a hospital bed
Two tubes hangin' out the nose of his head
But he smiled at me with them stone blue eyes
And he said, "hey, how you doin', guy?

I'm history 'round here in a couple of weeks
But I did what I wanted - I got no regrets
So, when you think of me crack a beer and smile
Hey, life's a bitch and then you die"

Oh Danny Boy, the pipes, the pipes are callin'
From glen to glen, and down the mountainside
The summer's gone and all the flowers are dyin'
'Tis you, 'tis you, must go and I must bide

But come you back when summer's in the meadow
Or when the valley's hushed and white with snow
'Tis I'll be there in sunshine or in shadow
Oh Danny Boy, Oh Danny Boy, I love you so I love you so,
Danny Boy, I love you so

There's a version of this song on Black 47's new CD, Sweet Sixteen. (Many, many thanks to simels for passing it along!) In the liner notes, Laryy Kirwan says that whenever the weather changes, there's still a homophobe out there with a sore jaw. It's hard to feel too badly about that.

I once got kissed on the cheek (no, not that one) by Kirwan, who called me "Mary, The Chaste." Heh.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Guest Babyblogging

These two funny little guys are my nephew's kids, Tristan and Noah, born January 8, 2006. We can't really tell if they're identical yet.

The twins. Posted by Picasa

(My own posting is likely to be slow for a week or so with Sean Patrick's imminent arrival.)

Saturday, March 11, 2006

OK, Try These....

Not live, for obvious reasons, but some nifty videos off Skylarking.

"Respectable Street"



I always thought "Season Cycle" would make a great video, though my favorite song off Skylarking is "Another Satellite."

(Many thanks to Phila, who linked something else here on a late-night thread on which I was lurking.)

Friday, March 10, 2006

Super-Rare XTC Video

This is from Georgetown University in 1980.

Life Begins at the Hop.

(I panicked, too, but you don't need to. Download it onto your desktop or whatever, and you can play it in itunes or Quicktime, even though it *says* it's a text file. It's lying. And it gets better, so don't let the galucoma-inducing first few seconds bum you out.)

XTC is maybe the most famous non-performing band in the world. The blog linked here notes that Andy Partidge collapsed on tour in 82, but there's more to it than that: he also developed a killer case of stage fright, to the point that a therapist, asking him about performing, managed to cause serious physical effects just sitting in the office. But Partidge can perform every so often, as long as he doesn't think about it. I recall reading once that he was pulled up onstage by Aimee Mann for a performance of the Dukes of the Stratosphear's "Collideascope."


Revisiting History, Rethinking Genre

Take some time and read this excellent, enlightening article on The Beau Brummels, one of the great not-quite-success stories of the first phase of powerpop, the bridge from the British Invasion to psychedelia.

The immediate occasion of the article is the release of two records by former Brummels frontman Sal Valentino: "Dreamin' Man (a collaboration with former Stoneground guitarist John Blakeley) and Come Out Tonight. Each title is a polished assortment of classic-sounding pop-rock, slow-burn meditations on love, and sturdy roots-rock. It's not groundbreaking music, but both discs are solid evidence that Valentino is a serious talent who still wants to write and perform new music." Valentino will be going to the uber-hip SXSW this year, and it's about time, too.

But Farrar makes me rethink that whole era, the way in which that first wave of power pop got swept away, its innovations and experimentations ignored in favor of... something else. And The Brummels, from the Bay Area, were positioned both to benefit from the shifts of the mid-60's, and to get kicked in the ass by them because of their relatively modest commercial success.

Possessing a dramatic vibrato, Valentino's croon is one of the most individual instruments to emerge from the '60s. Faint traces of Dylan, Elvis, Roger Miller, and even Dean Martin can be detected, but it has no concrete precedent. However, as is true of all these singers, Valentino (an authentic North Beach-bred Italian-American, born Salvatore Willard Spaminato) is a master stylist, curling his emotions around each little note and negotiating every turn of phrase with a cultivated flair. "At one point," Valentino continues, "Lenny wanted to put a band together of me, Lenny{Waronker {father of Anna Waronker, late of that dog, Mrs. Steve McDonald, and founder, with her sister-in-law Charlotte Caffey, of Five Foot Two Records. --NYM}], Randy [Newman], [Ron] Elliott, and Van Dyke. Hal Blaine was the drummer. Randy's suggestion for the name of the band was the White Boys' Blues Band, which is very funny because I am now surrounded by white-boy blues bands." Valentino chuckles at an irony only he can fully appreciate.

"Friends and Lovers" -- the stunning pop tune wafting out of Valentino's speakers -- went nowhere. Recorded in 1970, not too long after the demise of the Brummels, the Valentino solo single was released by Warner Bros., and what should have been a monster hit (it's that great) plunged into obscurity. Valentino was all too familiar with such a demoralizing outcome. From 1966 to '68, after scoring two Top 20 hits in 1965 (the aforementioned "Laugh Laugh" and the Top 10 smash "Just a Little"), the Beau Brummels moved to Warner Bros. and released some seriously beautiful and innovative pop music, but every last one of the group's records for the label died a swift, quiet death, including Triangle, a pastoral psych-pop epic, and the band's swan song, Bradley's Barn, a collection of what feels like rural-flavored Broadway show tunes that's considered a pioneering exploration into country-rock.

But this is what really caught my attention, a story which could be repeated for many, many power pop bands:

You see, the Brummels were in a precarious position in 1967 and '68 (similar to but on a much smaller scale than the Beach Boys' situation after the release of Pet Sounds). Their music was advanced, complex pop that had become way too weird for the mainstream AM-pop audience that originally made "Laugh Laugh" and "Just a Little" national hits. As one L.A. fan from back in the day recently said to me, "With Triangle and Bradley's Barn, the Beau Brummels got total artistic control, and they kind of went off the deep end," which means the only listeners open enough to really get what the Brummels were up to were the freaky hippies of Haight-Ashbury and beyond. But those guys were not nearly as freethinking and free from superficial labels as history has led us to believe: Remember, the Brummels were considered Top 40 "Beatles clones." And to be an American act branded Top 40 during what old Joel Selvin zealously describes in the book It Happened in Monterey as "a transformation in music as the 45 rpm format was broken and pop music became a rock revolution ... when Top 40 died and underground (FM) radio was born" was to be consigned to the losing side of a larger cultural battle. As that quintessential hippie chick Michelle Phillips once stated, summing up the attitude that pervaded the underground, "If you didn't get invited to the Festival, there was something wrong."

When I was a teenager falling in love with Pet Sounds, my mother told me this funny story. In 1967, she was a tall, gorgeous model, actress, and authentic "Copa Girl" living in New York. She had good taste in music and couldn't get enough of the Beach Boys' new single, "Good Vibrations." So she headed over to some hip West Village record store and bought a copy. When the ultrahip record store clerk manning the cash register eyeballed that photograph of the Beach Boys on the picture sleeve, he decided to have a little fun. With outstretched arms like teetering airplane wings, he feigned imbalance like a surfer riding a massive wave as he said to my mom in a faux-surfer dude accent, "Whooooaaaa, the Beach Boys. Far out. Surf music is cool. Hang 10." Well, in 2006, the reputations of "Good Vibrations" and Pet Sounds far eclipse that of the once cutting-edge music of Selvin's "rock revolution." (Who the hell still listens to Country Joe & the Fish?) So maybe modern San Francisco should make up for all those Haight-Ashbury heads who, during their heyday, behaved like that elitist, deluded record store clerk and finally invite the Beau Brummels to the Festival, because they are, without question, one of this city's greatest and most forgotten musical treasures.

Thanks to dave (tm) and steve s. for the heads-up!