Tuesday, November 28, 2006


I went to this annual New York City event with my boss; its called CANstruction. Basically it works like a canned food drive but MUCH cooler. Instead of just collecting the cans, they have these designers construct these awesome displays! Cost to get into this exhibit... One canned food!

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Gobble Gobble

Last night Rachel and I went to a Thanksgiving Potluck party. I brought funeral potatoes and Rachel brought Pistacio Couscous. It wasn't too far away, but walking down the street on a Saturday night with a large, hot casserole dish, wasn't exactly"fun".
Almost everyone attending the party was a musician or a theatre person, so needless to say there was a lot of entertainment. We had a great time! I am really excited for Thanksgiving though. My parents are coming up to visit me and I can't wait to see them.
By the way, it is starting to cool down here! Its strange because last week it was really warm... unseasonably warm. But today is starting to feel more like November. I am not taking any chances though. Last week I bought a nice long, warm coat for the winter coat. (Actually my parents bought it!)

Sunday, November 05, 2006

No Other Road, No Other Way, No Day But Today.

Last night I went to see "Rent"- the musical, on stage. It was SO good!!! I loved it! (Although, I don't really recommend it for young children or some of my churchy friends)
Rachel and I bought tickets last week. She's seen it three times, and didn't mind going with me for my first time. We had really great seats. The theater was small, so all the seats were pretty good. The music was great and the cast was amazing. (Maybe Roger was a little scary) I was smiling the whole time because I couldn't believe I was actually there. I hope to see it again sometime, but there are plenty of other broadway shows awaiting...