Sunday, December 23, 2007

Fa La La La Laa La La La Laa

So I am back in California, ready to celebrate the holiday's with my family.
Before I left NY, my friend Nick came to visit me. We went to my office party, saw a Broadway show, went to the MoMa, out to eat... below are some pics from what we were up to.
The holiday party at the Rainbow Room. Me and two of my friends from work.
Our Christmas TreeOur festive living room
Nick at Serendipity
(Sorry Nick, I warned you that you would make it to the blog!)

Me at Serendipity. Frozen Hot Chocolate- YUM!
Me at the MoMa
(Monet's water lilies)

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Happy Holidays

I absolutely love this time of year in New York. We have snow, all of the lights are up, loads of Christmas cheer! It has also kept me very busy! Some things to update you on:
  • My roommates and I hosted our first annual "Holly Jolly Holiday Jamboree". Friends and family came over for an open house and helped us decorate the tree. It was a huge success! (except my family wasn't there)
  • FAO Shwartz is awesome.
  • I have a fabulous cocktail party to attend this weekend for my work... more details to follow
  • My upstairs neighbors (who I am desperately trying to love) have decided to take up playing the electric guitar at 11:30 at night (amidst the laughing, yelling, stomping and such)
  • I love Clementines!
  • Snow looks beautiful from my window office.
  • Oh, no... I think they've started a band. Is it appropriate to yell up there "Shut Up!!"?
  • Thank you for Christmas Cards! I really enjoy receiving them.
  • Enchanted is my new favorite movie. If you haven't already done so, you MUST see it!
  • I will be coming home next week and I can't wait!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007


I had such a great time in London last week. I was able to work at the office a couple days, then go see the sights with my friends.
We went to the tower, tower bridge, Notting Hill, the London Eye, the Tate Modern, Westminster Abbey, St. Pauls Cathedral, Covent Garden, Trafalgar Square...
I also got my haircutwhile I was there. I was inspired to get a very european bob...
We also made our own Thanksgiving Feast!

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Halloween in Montreal

Last weekend we went on a road trip to Montreal. We had so much fun! The drive up was gorgeous! The leaves were changing and there were so many great colors.
Montreal was a beautiful city. This was a view from the mountain we climbed.

My halloween costume... enough said.
"The group" John Smith, Pocahontas, a witch, me and my scary bridesmaid, and two other dudes

We set this on a timer and threw leaves into the air...

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Happy Birthday Rachel

On Sunday, Rachel (my roomie) celebrated her 25th Birthday! Jenny (my other roomie) Jill (Rachel's Sis) and I threw Rachel an awesome party on Saturday night.
We served great appetizers and everyone made their own "mocktails" We had all kinds of juices, and syrups, cherries, sugar... It was very tasty!
We also had a card-making table set up where people made birthday cards for Rachel. Some people were very creative. Then we played a mean game of apples-to-apples. I tied for first :(
It was a great time and I think that everyone who showed up really enjoyed it. Here's to awesome party planning experience!!!

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Apple Picking

Monday was a holiday, so Rachel, Amber, Rachel, Dave and I went apple-picking upstate. A perfect fall activity! The only problem was the weather. It was like 95 degrees outside!! It was so hot and we spent most of the day complaining. We picked huge bag of apples and left. We were really hungry and wanted to eat at Cracker Barrel, but there wasn't one nearby. Then on our way out, we experienced brake problems. They were smoking and smelling- not a good sign- so we pulled over and found an Audi dealership. We waited there for a while and they couldn't find anything wrong! Luckily there was a Cheesecake Factory in the vicinity. So we stopped and had a huge lunch... definitely the highlight of the day. The ride home wasn't too much fun either because it was so hot and our butts were sticking to the leather interior. And of course we experienced traffic. We were really exhausted when we got home! Now I have way more apples than I know what to do with. Holler if you have any good recipes.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

What's going on

So I have realized that I've failed miserably in keeping up my happenings on the blog :( I am sorry if you have been dying to know what's going on with me.

Not too much on my end, but I do have some VERY exciting news to share! My little sister, Ashley, just got engaged!!! Congratulations. Her and Brandon make a great couple, and I know that they are going to be very happy together :)

I was trying to post a picture, but as it turns out, I failed again.

I have been keeping very busy. I started an HR course at NYU which has been very interesting so far.
I became an awesome hairstylist (if I don't mind saying so myself). Rachel let me have creative control over her hair, so I chopped it and styled it!

I went to a Mets game on Monday for Family Home Evening. It was Mormon night! We had a great time, although the seats weren't nearly as good as the last time I went...

A view from the cheap seats; my friends Amber, Jenny, Scott, and Rachel

Tuesday night I went out to dinner with my old boss and my new one. We had a really nice time at this great restaurant in SoHo.

Jen and Rebecca

The cons at the moment: I have no time to do my laundry, it suddenly became hot again in the city, and there is a strange smell in our kitchen. The pros: I've been so busy I have no time to get bored, fall is coming and I get to see the leaves change, and the weekend is almost here!

I will try and keep you posted with all of the latest Shilo happenings... stay tuned.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Happy Birthday Eddie

Yesterday my big brother celebrated his 26th Birthday!!!

Sunday, August 19, 2007


I just got back from a wonderful vacation to Spain.
We had so much fun and saw so many cool things. There is probably WAY too much to share here, so I won't even try.

We stayed in Madrid, with Rachel's Aunt and Uncle. We mostly stayed in Madrid and saw a lot of things in the city, but a couple days we ventured out to see other cities. We saw art museums, old Mosques, Synagogues, and Cathedrals, as well as the royal palace. It was such a good trip. I would love to go back and visit again! Below are some of the pics from our vacation.
A busy street in Madrid, near the Puerta del Sol.
Aunt Mollie and I outside the Cathedral in Toledo.

Rachel on a street in Toledo.

(Toledo is an ancient walled-in city. All of the streets are really small like this)
A famous statue in the Plaza Mayor.
A picture of me in the open square of an old church in Toledo, over looking the Cloisters below. Rachel would not let me pose as Evita Peron in this picture. (Although, the picture does not show me singing 'Don't Cry For Me Toledo' to the patrons below j/k)

Rachel outside the Royal Palace.

I felt right at home there...

Another street in Madrid, with some art deco buildings.

Me outside the medieval walls of Avila.
Rachel's Uncle Nicasio is talking to a random stranger in the background.

The Basilica de San Vicente. A 12th Century romanesque Church, where we attended Mass. It was really awesome to attend a real mass in a church that old, even though we couldn't understand a word of it!

A lake at the Retiro Parque in Madrid.

Rachel in Madrid with her Spanish Fan (all the rage!) My favorite picture!

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Adios Amigos

Hola! So its been awhile since I have blogged...
So I am leaving for my vacation to SPAIN!!! I am very excited. I will be sure to take lots of pictures to share.
It has been so crazy here... This morning there was a huge thunderstorm. There was a tornado warning in Brooklyn. The trains were closed and there was chaos in the streets (maybe I'm being a little dramatic), but I was definately feeling chaotic! Now the weather is hot and sticky- so yucky outside!
I just finished reading Harry Potter, which I loved. I won't give anything away for those of you who have not read it, but Harry Potter has pretty much been my existence for the last week or so. Now I am ready to move on with my life...

So, Jenny's Birthday will be when we are gone, so we went out and celebrated before our trip. We ate at this great restaurant in DUMBO and below are some pics...
I must admit, I'm an awesome photographer... Look at this shot of the BK bridge.
Jenny, Me and of course, Michael Scott
Beth, Jenny, Amber and Rachel outside of Superfine

This was a really neat post-it work of art.

A closer look... it was made of post-it notes, and you could write your own to-do list.
Well, that it's for now. I will miss all of you! Take care and I'll speak to you soon.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Happy Birthday Ashley!

It is Ashley's 23rd Birthday today! Happy Birthday sis-sis!

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Coney Island and Slumber Party

Saturday we had a ysa activity at coney island. It was a beautiful day! We were there all day, ate junk food, made sand castles, played volleyball... then later that night we had a slumber party at my friend Amber's house.

Sunday, July 08, 2007

A Cold Day In July

Jenny, Shilo, Jon, and Stacy and Dave (the mermaid)

Playing Cards
We went to the beach on the 4th of July, and the weather happened to be very crappy...but we still managed to have a good time. I even went swimming, which actually wasn't too bad! Then we went to a party at my friend's houe and watched the fireworks.