Saturday, February 24, 2007

Philadelphia Freedom!

Weekend Getaway: We decided that since NY is so close to everything, we would go on mini-vacations to nearby cities. A few weeks ago we decided to go to Philadelphia. (President's Day Weekend... how appropriate!)
Erin, Rachel and our friend Amber took the "Chinatown Bus" to Philly. (The china town bus is a $20 bus; roundtrip from NY Chinatown to Philadelphia Chinatown) It was only a two hour bus ride, then when we got there, I got us lost... The problem with being right all of time is sometimes you have to be humbled and be wrong once in a while :( We were trying to find Race st. and we thought we might ask someone for help, but everyone we encountered happend to be a different "race" than us, and we were worried that they might take it as an inappropriate comment! Luckily we found it and it was pretty close to where the bus dropped us off.
Then there was a problem with our room and they moved us twice! It was a fiasco and I intend to write a strongly worded letter to the hampton inn about our experience!
The highlight was the indoor pool and spa. I haven't been swimming in months and I found it very comforting to be in a pool after all this time.
The next day we went to see all of the historic sites: Liberty Bell, Independence Hall, Betsey Ross' House...

We also went to the world famous "Geno's" for a Philly Cheesesteak. It turned out to be another fiasco as it started to snow pretty heavy and we were stranded in this strange neighborhood in South Philly! Luckily we grabbed a cab and took our cheesesteaks back to the room.
We ended up having a great time!

Friday, February 09, 2007

Happy Birthday Leilani

Leilani (my adorable neice) turned 2 years old February 3rd! Happy Birthday :)

Monday, February 05, 2007

Family Home Evening and other sad news

Erin and I are in charge of "Family Home Evenings" on Monday night, and this week we decorated cookies! My cookie was in the likeness of Van Gough's "Starry Night"... It tasted better than it looked :)

Also, in case you wanted to know, it is FREEZING here. I don't know how to deal with it. I am bundling up as much as possible, but it is this wretched wind chill that is killing me! But I will survive.

On another sad note, my roomate, Erin has decided that she is going to move back to home at the end of the month. :(