Sunday, June 24, 2007

Happy Birthday Shannon!

It is my Cousin Shannon's 21st Birthday today! Happy Birthday Girl :)

Yes, i hate this picture, but it was all i could find...

So, I realize that I haven't blogged in quite some time, and Summer seemed to sneak up on me! We have had gorgeous weather the last week! Unfortunately this has caused us to put off purchasing an air conditioner, but nonetheless, I am enjoying it!

Anyways, I have been busy as ever over here. I feel like I haven't been taking pictures lately... I'm sorry! I will try and take some more to post.

Happy Summer!

Saturday, June 02, 2007

NY Mets Game

I somehow managed to acquire some tickets to a Mets game Friday Night. I took Rachel with me. They told us they were "good seats" but I didn't realize how good until we were there! We were sitting on the field just off of home plate, 1 row back! It was AWE-SOME!!! We sat in plush seats, they took our orders and brought us food so we didn't have to get up (not that the food wasn't expensive) We had hot dogs, nachos, ice cream, and candy.
Unfortunately we lost the game, 5-1... Arizona Diamondbacks :( But we did get to do some celeb sighting! It was really fun and I am so happy that I was able to go.

Rachel and I after the game
Look at that view! That is Kevin Costner in the red hat!
Looks like you're watching it on TV right?