Saturday, July 26, 2008


Although the weather is pretty miserable in the summer, there are always SO many things to do in the city during this time of year... and don't get me wrong, there are many pleasant days...

Outdoor, Saturday Brunch is one of my favorite things. This is Jenny and I at a French Restaurant in Brooklyn.

I had the FRENCH toast at the FRENCH restaurant... how fitting!OJ (not a Mimosa!)
Okay, so my other obsession this summer has been "The Twilight Saga". You may have heard of it. Basicaly its a teenage vampire series written by this LDS woman. I am 25 yrs old.. I should not be enjoying this so much! Luckily I got my friend Amber hooked as well...

We met up in Central Park after work one day to... read! (what else?)

FYI: Breaking Dawn (the 4th and final book) comes out August 2nd. I can't wait! (Mom, I hope you're reading...)

We were also in Manhattan for the phenomenon that is "Manhattanhenge"

Manhattanhenge (sometimes referred to as Manhattan Solstice) is a semi-annual occurrence in which the setting sun aligns with the east-west streets of Manhattan's main street grid. The term is derived from Stonehenge, at which the sun aligns with the stones on the solstices.


Okay, so my picture is not that great, but you get the idea... It's KIND OF exciting.

Right now, the "Waterfall Exhibit" is also going on...

You can see one waterfall on the other side of the bridge. (This is the Manhattan Bridge over the East River)

Closer View

The Brooklyn Bridge (obviously)

This is the waterfall under the Brooklyn Bridge (not the best view, but you get the idea).

I would also like to take this opportunity to wish my dear Ashley a Happy Birthday!!! Her special day was yesterday and I was so sorry to miss all of the celebrations that come with turning the big 2-4! Love you Ash!

Saturday, July 05, 2008

Happy Independence Day!!

Yay! It's 4th of July!! Which means I get a 3 1/2 day weekend :)
So my friends and I took a train out to long beach...

The train ride was really fun...
It was only about an hour ride to the beach.

Compared to the public beaches we usually go to, this one was SO NICE!!! It was raining in the morning when we left, but when we got the beach we had great weather all day. It was a little overcast most of the day, but it was still very enjoyable.Jennifer, Sara and AmberSara and I

Sexy Beach Hair!

After we left the beach, we went to Buffalo Wild Wings for Dinner (BAD IDEA!!) Then we crashed a party at Jenny's co-workers house. They had a nice roof deck and we could see the firework show. These were taken with my camera phone, so they are not that great, but you get the idea.

It was drizzling the entire time. We were pretty much soaked by the time we went back inside!

We had a great time though! I got a little too much sun, and now I am suffering the burning consequences :(

I hope everyone had a great 4th of July as well!