Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Fall is here

... even though I'm not ready for it yet.

So I have been a delinquent blogger (yet again), so I will just give you a few highlights from the past month.

Amber and I went down to the Jersey Shore one weekend for a wedding of a co-worker. The wedding events spanned the course of the weekend, with something going on each day. It was so much fun. (Driving in this crazy place...not so fun)

View of the beach from our hotel room
Brunch on the porch of this beautiful, old victorian house
In other exciting events my BFF from Vegas- Kelli, has arrived!!! Yippee :)
She already has found a job too. We have been having a lot of fun. Last friday we went to the Museum of Modern Art (because its free and really cool). I was wearing high heels and my feet were KILLING, so I didn't have as much fun as Kelli did...
Warhol's Soup Can's
Jasper John's American Flag


Okay, well I will try to be better with my updates. I will also try to stay warm and enjoy the fall. I am off to watch the presidential debate.